
  • 网络Hebrew law
  1. 第三章总结了希伯来法的法律渊源;

    Chapter 3 witnesses the origin of Hebrew Law ;

  2. 希伯来法是以一神教神权政治为社会基础的古犹太人的法律。

    Hebrew Law is a law of ancient Jews on the social basis of Judaism .

  3. 希伯来法的基本法律制度可以划分为公法与私法两大部分。

    The basic legal system of the Hebrew law can be divided into public and private law .

  4. 希伯来法对民法的基本精神及某些法律部门、法律制度的形成有重大推动作用。

    Thus Hebrew law has significantly propelled the constitution of the civil law spirit , some legal organizations and legal system .

  5. 第六、七章分别介绍了希伯来法两个重要的法律制度:刑事制度和婚姻家庭制度。

    The other two principal legal systems could be found in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 and they are criminal law and domestic law .

  6. 作者认为是客观条件和历史发展成就了希伯来法,而不是相反。

    The Hebrew Law , as per the perspectives of the author , is subject to objective conditions and historic development while not on the contrary .

  7. 希伯来法与犹太人的宗教、历史、文化紧密融合,是古代东方法律文化的集大成者。

    The Hebrew Law , with the Jewish religion , history , and culture closely integrated , was the ancient master of the East in the legal culture .

  8. 在导言中,作者介绍了研究希伯来法的难点和希伯来法的特征,有助于人们理解后面正文的内容。

    In the Introduction , the author presents the characteristics of Hebrew Law and the difficulties encountered in research , which could be helpful in understanding the contents of the dissertation .

  9. 法律与宗教的辩证关系已成为众多学者所关心的研究话题。作为宗教与法律紧密结合的希伯来法更是倍受学者们的关注。

    The dialectical relationship between them has become a research topic of interest for many scholars , who pay much attention to the Hebrew law in which law and religion are closely integrated .

  10. 作为西方文明和英美法的主要源头,希伯来法具有很高的研究价值,但建国以来国内尚无关于希伯来法的专著。

    Hebrew Law , as the source of western civilization and Oceanic law , takes on a very high researching value . However , there have not been monographs on it since 1949 in China .