
  • 网络Greek History;A History of Greece;Hellenica;Hellenica Oxyrhynchia
  1. 约翰一直在钻研古代希腊史。

    John has been diving into the history of ancient Greece .

  2. 看看我之前的帖子,我已经说了我有古典学副科学位并学习了早期希腊史。

    Read my previous posts . I already said I have a minor in Classic Studies and even took the beginner Greek .

  3. 在由唐纳德·卡根教授的著名课程古希腊史中,他每次演讲之后学生都报以掌声以感谢他那富有激情的雄辩。

    In the famous course on ancient Greek history taught by Donald Kagan , students would applaud at the end of each lecture to acknowledge Kagan 's impassioned eloquence .

  4. 温克尔曼把风格史的方法和艺术直觉、想象力等感性因素引入古希腊艺术史研究中,开启了造型美学研究的现代性之门。

    Winkelmann leaded the method of style history and art intuition , imagination into the ancient Greek art history study , opening the modelling of aesthetic study the door of modernity .

  5. 所以,欧里庇德斯,作为诗人来说,首先是他自己的自觉认识的回声,而正是这点使他在希腊艺术史占居这样显著地位。

    As a poet , then , Euripides was principally concerned with rendering his conscious perceptions , and it is this which gives him his position of importance in the history of Greek drama .

  6. 纵观古希腊军事史,重装步兵体制在古希腊世界的战争中发挥了核心作用,其产生、发展和衰落的过程,也与古希腊文明整体的兴衰历程相吻合。

    According to the history of ancient Greece military , the system of heavy infantry played a central role in wars between ancient Greece countries . Also , its emergence , development and decline consist with the course of the rise and fall of the ancient Greece civilization .

  7. 希腊的现代史是一段波折不断的历史。

    Greece has had a chequered history in the modern era .

  8. 宪法意义上宽容理念的早期萌芽&建立在古希腊政治哲学史上的考察

    The Infancy of the Idea of Tolerance in the Sense of Constitution

  9. 会饮为研究古希腊社会生活史提供了参考和借鉴。

    Symposium for the study of ancient Greek social life provides a reference and learn from .

  10. 这次和解是希腊宗教崇拜史上最重要的关键;

    That act of pacification represents the most important event in the history of Greek ritual ;

  11. 他是一个私立贵族男校的老师,教古希腊罗马文明史。

    He is a teacher taught ancient Greek and Roma history in a private aristocracy school only for boys .

  12. 伊壁鸠鲁作为晚期希腊化哲学史上影响巨大的哲学家,他和他的伊壁鸠鲁派所提出的快乐主义和无神论的思想一直被人们提倡。

    Epicurus was one of the most influential philosophers in late ancient Greece . His hedonism and atheism have been promoting by lots of people .

  13. 回顾国内对古代希腊政治思想史的研究,往往取材于古代希腊哲学与政治思想方面的经典作品,这当然是非常重要的;

    If we have a look about today 's researches on Greek political thoughts , we find many scholars based their conclusions on philosophical and political works .

  14. 柏罗丁的神秘主义伦理学说在希腊伦理学发展史上有着重要的地位,因为它是晚期希腊道德思想的一种归结,也是一种出路。

    Plotinus ' ethics of mysticism occupies an important position in the history of Greek ethics , it is a conclusion and outlet of late Greek moral thoughts .

  15. 在这意义上,我们可以判别希腊民族语言史上的两个主潮,视乎他们的语言是模仿现象和想象的境界,抑或是模仿音乐的境界。

    In this sense we may distinguish two main currents in the history of Greek verse , according as language is used to imitate the world of appearance or that of music .

  16. 这种学说在古希腊哲学发展史上,并不是作为爱利亚学派思想先驱而存在的一种过渡性理论,而是在赫拉克利特之前、继毕达哥拉斯之后又一新兴的思想体系。

    In the development of the ancient Greek philosophy history , Not that this theory is a transition thought as Elea school , but that is a rising thought system after Pythagoras and before Herakleitos .

  17. 当然,这里论述的将不仅仅是宽泛上的历史情境,而是深入到生活的具体情境中去探讨,力图展示一个更为清晰的古希腊罗马雕刻史。

    Of course , this paper will not only broad history context , but further to the life of the specific situation to explore , to show a clear history of ancient Greece and Rome sculpture .

  18. 从自组织观看古希腊城邦的分立史

    On the Divided History of Ancient Greece Cities from the Viewpoint of Self-organization

  19. 它的出土是希腊化文明研究史上的重大突破。

    Its excavation brings a distinct breakthrough to the research of Hellenistic civilization .

  20. 上古埃及和希腊是世界古代史上的两个主要国家,都具有独特的地理环境。

    Ancient Egypt and Greece were two main countries in the world ancient history , and they both possessed superior geographical conditions .

  21. 古希腊世界的海盗活动,贯穿古希腊文明史的各个阶段,几乎遍及整个地中海世界。

    Piracy goes through the whole history of ancient Greece , and can be found all over the Mediterranean world .

  22. 古希腊女诗人萨福站在欧洲抒情诗的源头,以其卓越的艺术成就推动了希腊文化史上的变革。

    Standing on the river source of European lyrics , ancient Greek female poet Sappho propeled reform of Greek culture with her prominent artistic achievement .