
  • 网络aesthetic perception
  1. 论导游语言魅力与游客审美知觉的契合

    Agreement between Charm of Guides ' Language and Tourists ' Aesthetic Perception

  2. 审美知觉研究

    Study on Aesthetic Perception

  3. 论环境形态对现代美术审美知觉的介入

    On Intervention about the Environmental Shape to the Appreciative Sensation of Modern Fine Arts

  4. 艺术知觉是一种对事物的表现性知觉,是区别于普通知觉、科学知觉的审美知觉。

    Artistic perception is an expressive perception towards things , distinctive from common perception and scientific perception which belong to aesthetic perception .

  5. 他创造性地融合了现象学前辈的思想,将现象学的知觉理论推进到审美知觉的研究领域。

    He creatively combines the predecessors ' thoughts together , develops the perception theory of phenomenology into the aesthetic perception ' studying field .

  6. 此种融合之所以能得以发生,就在于审美知觉、审美情感、审美想象等多种心理因素的参与和互动。

    It relies on the participation and interaction of a variety of psychological factors such as aesthetic perception , aesthetic emotion and aesthetic imagination .

  7. 文学作品中的内容和形式的关系及艺术语言、艺术理想;文学接受中的审美知觉及审美功能等问题,进行了较为深入的探悉。

    Tong , about the contents and forms relations , the artistic language and artistic ideality in literature work , about esthetical consciousness and esthetical function in literature acceptance .

  8. 另外,作家自身的童年经验又决定了其独特的情感倾向,对作家独特的审美知觉方式有着深刻的影响。

    Moreover , the writer own childhood experience had decided he has the unique emotion tendency , and has the profound influence to the writer unique esthetic consciousness way .

  9. 即使拿媒介曾经具有的无比灵动的审美知觉来进行辩护也无济于事,主体已经消失在媒介话语的地平线上。

    It is useless even to argue for it by using the flexible aesthetic perception once possessed by the mass media because subject has disappeared in the discourse of the media .

  10. 而审美知觉中的依附性思考使审美欣赏的过程,不再是主体或客体各居一隅以图控制对方的过程,而成为互为主体不断交流深入的过程。

    The adherent reflection in the aesthetic perception makes the appreciation to be no longer the process that either subject or object aims at controlling the other one . It can be a deeply communicating course .

  11. 在此关系域中,审美知觉是审美超越的起点和前提;审美情感是审美超越的引擎和动力;审美想象是审美超越的翅膀。

    In this domain of relationship , the aesthetic perception is the starting point and prerequisite for aesthetic transcendence ; aesthetic emotion is the engine and power of aesthetic transcendence ; aesthetic imagination is the wings .

  12. 而电影片头作为将人的审美知觉引进一部电影的第一印象,具有其自身的特殊造型规律,它包含着多方面、多视角的综合知识,可能是历史方面的,或者是时尚方面的。

    Film titles , as will the introduction of a perceived aesthetic first impression of the film has its own special shape laws , it contains a multifaceted , multi-angle integrated knowledge , may be history , or is the fashion .

  13. 在不同环境之间的场的相互作用下,同构的体量样式被激活而产生审美知觉,于是这种心物同构便赋予视觉客体的审美意义和价值。

    Between under the different environment field mutual function , the isomorphism amount of space occupied style is activated produces the esthetic consciousness , therefore this kind of heart isomorphism then entrusts with the visual object the esthetic significance and the value .

  14. 无论是审美知觉的各要素、审美知觉的功能,还是审美知觉的特征,都指向一种主客体统一的特殊性,这与普通知觉总是企图驾驭对象的主客对立方式形成鲜明的对比。

    Usually people can get to the conclusion that the subject and object are united through the factors , functions and characteristics of the aesthetic perception . This is completely different from the common perception , in which the subject is opposite to the object .

  15. 作者对舞台设计的基本观念为:它是多层次的,异质的空间动作空间、交往空间、审美空间、知觉空间的综合。

    The author considers the basic concept of stage design as being a synthesis of multi-layered and inhomogeneous space - acting space , communicative space , aesthetic space and perceptive space .

  16. 在这一过程中,鉴赏者要调动审美感觉、知觉、注意、联想、想象、情感、理解、判断等心理因素,进而形成有机统一的、动态的审美心理机制。

    In this process , an appreciator must use all psychological factors such as aesthetic sensation , perception , attention , association , imagination , emotion , understanding and judgment and this can form an integrated and changeable psychological mechanism .

  17. 朗读再现可以唤起审美的欲望和知觉;

    The recitation helps arouse their aesthetic desire and consciousness ;

  18. 杜夫海纳认为审美对象是纯粹知觉对象。

    Mikel Dufrenne held that the aesthetic object is a pure object of perception .

  19. 本文从人的审美原点&视知觉出发展开论述,提出协调雕塑语言对于作品的重要性,并举例阐述协调中运用的方法和手段。

    This article discusses the departure from the aesthetic origin-visual perception , the proposed coordination of the importance of the language of sculpture works , for example , and described the coordination of the use of the methods and means .

  20. 由于白族服饰中的审美元素是源于自然的审美知觉与创造,所以与幼儿在审美方面有着契合点,白族服饰文化贴近幼儿审美和认知水平,能够促进幼儿的全面发展。

    Bai clothing is derived from the natural aesthetic perception and creativity , and child has a common with it . Bai dress culture is close to the aesthetic and cognitive level of young children , can promote the comprehensive development of young children .

  21. “审美属性”、“表现性”是审美知觉是否存在的两个关键性概念。

    " Aesthetic property " and " Expressiveness " are two essential definitions which decide whether aesthetic perception exists .

  22. 它是现象学研究方向过渡到审美经验的重要成果,比其前辈更重视以审美知觉和审美对象为主要内容的现象学理论构建。

    It 's an important outcome caused by the transition from the study of the phenomenal science to the aesthetical consciousness and the aesthetical object more than his predecessor .

  23. 在融合了相关理论和原理的基础上,提出了旅游城市地标的三度审美理论:一度审美,环境感受;二度审美,形式知觉;三度审美,象征理解。

    Based on the integration of relevant theories and principles , the theory of three levels aesthetic interpretation is proposed , which are as follows : the first level , environment feeling ; the second level , style perception ; the third level , symbol understanding .

  24. 要加强中小学音乐欣赏教学中的审美体验就要确保学生对音乐的审美体验,合理运用音乐的审美知觉规律,恰当运用音乐欣赏策略。

    Is necessary to strengthen the teaching of primary and secondary school music appreciation " aesthetic experience " is necessary to ensure that students of music , aesthetic experience , rational use of music , aesthetic perception of the law , appropriate strategy for the use of music appreciation .

  25. 本文以审美心理学为依据,从三个方面分析了英语夸张辞格生成的心理机制&审美求异心理、审美知觉的选择性,审美情感以及审美想象;

    Based on the aesthetic psychology , this article analyses the mechanism of English hyperbole from three aspects & seeking for the differences in the aesthetic psychology and choices in the aesthetic perception , the aesthetic emotion and imagination ;