
shěn měi qínɡ cāo
  • esthetic sentiment
  1. 开发城市夜景照明可以美化人们生活、熏陶人们的审美情操、提高人民生活品质;

    The development of night scene illumination can beautify people 's living , influence people 's aesthetic perception , enhance the quality of the people ' lives .

  2. 语文美育有两个最基本的任务:一是审美情操的培养,即培养学生高尚的道德情操和健康的审美情趣,形成健康高尚的审美观;

    Chinese aesthetic education has two essential tasks : firstly , development of aesthetics & to make the students foster the noble morality and form the healthy aesthetic sense ;

  3. 因此,培养生命审美情操,追求生命审美境界,是引导当代大学生摆脱生命困境的重要途径。

    Therefore , developing the students ' aesthetic sentiments and reaching for a higher spiritual level is an important means for contemporary college students to lift themselves out of the dilemma .

  4. 介绍了既有益于培养学生语文素养,又有益于培养学生道德、审美情操的六步诵读法。

    The paper introduces " Six Steps ' Reciting ", this method can both increase students ' Chinese accomplishment , and also is beneficial to train students ' morality and taste sentiment .

  5. 舞蹈钢琴伴奏教师的任务不仅仅是演奏钢琴,更重要的是将适合舞蹈动作的音乐通过钢琴演奏表现出来,从而引导学生进入到音乐的意境中,培养学生的艺术审美情操。

    While the piano accompanist plays the piano , he or she finds the most suitable music for the dance moves , and leads the students to enter the artistic conception of the music , and finally cultivates the students ' aesthetic sentiment .

  6. 旅游地理课程的开设有助于学生将来更好的适应社会,同时能够培养学生的爱国情感,陶冶学生的审美情操,塑造健全的人格和高尚的道德情感,对学生的身心健康发展具有重要意义。

    The opening of tourism geography courses helps students adapt better to society , cultivates their patriotic emotion , cultivates their aesthetic sentiments , shapes a healthy personality and noble moral feelings , it is of great significance to the development of students ' physical and mental health .

  7. 中国武术是在几千年的中国传统文化的滋养和哺育中发展起来的,它形式多样,内容丰富,博大精深,具有强身健体、修身养性、艺术审美、陶冶情操、防身自卫和休闲娱乐等价值功能。

    Chinese traditional culture provides so much nutrition for the development of Wushu . It is various informative , abundant in content , of extensive knowledge and profound scholarship .

  8. 我们主张通过审美来陶冶学生情操,矫正学生的不良心理,引导他们树立正确的价值观和人生观。

    We hope to cultivate students ' quality , improve their bad psychological behavior and guide them to have right outlook and value by aesthetic education .

  9. 中学阶段是培养中学生健全人格很重要的阶段,教师在传授给学生必要的知识和技能的同时,也应关注当代中学生的审美情趣和高尚情操的提升。

    Senior school is an important stage to educate students ' sound character . Therefore , teachers should teach students necessary knowledge and technology , meanwhile , teachers should pay more attention to the promotion of students ' appreciation and quality .

  10. 学生通过学习古典诗词,不但能够培养自己的语言感知能力,领略诗词的丰富意蕴和艺术特色,促进语文素养的提高,而且还能获得审美体验,陶冶情操,提升自己的人文素养。

    By leaning poetry , students can develop the feeling of language perception , appreciate its content and art features , and improve the literature ability , and also can gain aesthetic experience , cultivate the taste and enhance cultural ability .

  11. 论述通过歌唱提高人的审美能力、陶冶情操、促进身心健康、启迪智慧、培养创造力、想象力等,对全面发展具有十分显著的作用。

    Singing can raise the person 's appreciation ability for beauty , shape the thoughts and feelings , promote the mind and body health , inspire the intelligence , develop the creative and imagine power , have an very notable effect to peoples ' overall development .

  12. 结合作者的数学教学,阐明了在数学教学中要加强美学的教育,从而提高学生的审美能力,培养学生高尚的审美情操。

    With math teaching experiences , the author attempts to state that the students ' aesthetic ability can be improved and their aesthetic sentiment can be cultivated by enhancing the aesthetic education in math teaching .

  13. 审美化教学不仅有助于学生吸取丰富的审美文化,而且更能提高学生高尚的审美情操,培养审美能力,使教学达到寓教于乐的审美境界。

    It can not only help students absorb the colorful aesthetic culture but also improve their highly aesthetic awareness and capability , which will make teaching funny and interesting .

  14. 通过了解北方少数民族服饰造型艺术独特的背景、特点、文化内涵和审美意识形态,充分认识到蕴藏在少数民族服饰中的民族历史、文化传统、价值取向、审美情操和精神追求等深层次的寓意。

    By learn the special background , feature , culture meaning and aesthetic approach of the northern minorities ' traditional dresses . We can recognize the nation history , traditional culture , concept of value , aesthetic approach and spiritual chase which contain in them .