
  1. 在当前的美育实践中,尤其要注意家庭美育中的亲职教育、学校美育中的艺术教育和社会美育中的人文环境创造。

    At present , attention should be paid to parents education , arts education and the creation of humane environments .

  2. 随着社区的大量涌现,社区美育将成为社会美育的新亮点。

    Along with society area massive appearances , society area esthetic education becomes the social esthetic education the new luminescent spot .

  3. 美育的教育途径,应是家庭美育、“团队”美育、学校美育以及广泛的社会美育的综合工程;相互之间需协调互补,共同推进。

    The approach to aesthetic education consists of family aesthetic education , team aesthetic education school aesthetic education and social aesthetic education working in coordination .

  4. 本文从知识经济社会对美育提出的新的要求,从思维美育是传统美育和科学美育发展的必然结果以及从素质教育的需要三个方面论证了实行思维美育的必要性。

    The article demonstrates the necessity of carrying out the thinking art education from three aspects : a new demand of knowledge economy society on the art education ; an inevitable development result of the traditional art education and science one and the requirement of quality education .

  5. 当代中国的社会变化与高校美育

    Changes in Current Chinese Society and Aesthetic Education in Universities

  6. 试论社会教育中音乐美育的作用

    A Trial Discussion on the Functions of the Musical Aesthetic Education in the Social Education