
  • 网络Audit failure
  1. 由于它们的主要目标是在协议过程中有效地指导从业者,并且减少审计失败,因此GlobalCRMProcess和剧本必须是完全可追溯且一致的。

    Since their primary goal is to guide practitioners effectively during engagements and reduce audit failure , the Global CRM Process and playbooks must be entirely traceable and consistent .

  2. 在分析CPA行业审计失败原因的基础上,探讨了CPA行业提高社会公信力的途径。

    On the basics of analysing the reasons of audit failure in CPA industry . The aim is discussing the ways of improving the level of social credit in CPA industry .

  3. 最后对审计失败的经济后果进行了分析。

    Chapter 2 : Analysis of the reason for audit failure .

  4. 安达信的审计失败也成定论。

    Anderson 's audit failure is judged by court later .

  5. 审计失败的影响已经远远超出了会计审计界的范围,引起了世界各国社会公众的广泛关注。

    The effect of audit failure gets attention of the whole public .

  6. 我国审计失败的成因与对策探讨

    Research on failure of auditing and our solution

  7. 管理层舞弊、审计失败与现代风险导向审计

    Management Fraud , Audit Failure and Modern Risk-Oriented

  8. 安达信审计失败对注册会计师行业的影响

    Andersen Audit Failure Effect on Chinese CPA Industry

  9. 审计失败的危害有哪些?

    What is the harm of audit failure ?

  10. 上市公司审计失败的民事法律责任研究

    A Research on the Civil Liability Caused by the Audit Failure of Listed Company

  11. 审计失败产生的原因是多方面的。

    There are many causes of audit failure .

  12. 舞弊审计失败的原因分析

    The Analysis of Reasons for Fraud Auditing Failure

  13. 试论审计失败成因及对策

    Causes of Audit Failure and The Countermeasures

  14. 近年来,世界各国相继出现不少影响巨大的财务舞弊案和审计失败案。

    In recent years , many financial scandals and auditing failures have broken out worldwide .

  15. 另一种观点则将审计失败归因于行业制度缺陷和外部执业环境。

    Another view attributes it to the fault of vocation system and external practice environment .

  16. 偏颇倾向:审计失败之因

    Bias : One Cause of Audit Failure

  17. 审计师的独立性受损是导政审计失败的一个重要根源。

    The loss of the auditor 's independence is the cause of the audit failure .

  18. 审计失败的博弈分析

    Games Analysis on Distortion of Audit

  19. 如何防范审计失败?

    How to prevent audit failure ?

  20. 什么是审计失败?

    What is audit failure ?

  21. 在美国等发达国家中,对审计失败的研究已趋于成熟,我国相关探讨起步较晚,但也取得了一定成果。

    Although the study is late beginning in China , we have obtained a lot of achievements .

  22. 论审计失败及其防范

    On Prevention of Audit Failure

  23. 其次,对会计师事务所审计失败产生的后果以及审计风险产生的原因进行分析。

    Secondly , analyze the consequences of CPA 's failure as well as what causes auditing risk .

  24. 然后从注册会计师行业整体的角度来分析导致审计失败的因素。

    Then the factors causing audit defeat are analyzed according to the whole profession of certified public accountant .

  25. 上市公司财务舞弊案的频繁发生,导致一系列的审计失败案。

    The financial fraud case of listed companies occur frequently and lead to the failure of auditing case .

  26. 审计失败研究

    Research on Auditing Defeat

  27. 文章第三部分探讨了我国审计失败的现状和产生的原因。

    In the third part , current situation of audit failure in China and related reasons have been explained .

  28. 近些年来,审计失败案例多次出现,这不仅给会计师事务所和企业带来重大损失,对社会同样也造成危害。

    Recently , audit failures occur frequently , it causes huge losses to accounting firms , business and society .

  29. 在中国证券市场发展的过程中,上市公司财务舞弊及审计失败问题一直倍受关注。

    In the evolution of Chinese security market , the fraudulent accounting and the audit failure have always been concern .

  30. 审计失败的案例接连不断地出现,使注册会计师行业出现了严重的信任危机。

    There have been many cases of auditing failure recently , which makes the auditing profession get into great crisis of confidence .