
  • 网络Customer credit ratings
  1. 然后对比常用多指标综合评价方法的优缺点和适用范围,确定采用神经网络模型中的模糊Hamming网络作为客户信用评级的主要工具。

    Then by contrasting the advantages and disadvantages of the commonly used multi-indexes evaluation methods , adopts the fuzzy hamming network as the primary tool for credit rating .

  2. 论建立客户信用评级体系的可行性

    Discussion about the feasibility of setting up a client 's credit grading system

  3. 我国农村信用社客户信用评级系统研究

    Study on the Client Credit Grading System for Rural Credit Cooperatives in China

  4. 从工商企业角度,研究赊销客户信用评级的方法与应用问题。

    This thesis mainly studies the methods and application of credit rating for customers by credit sale from the aspect of business .

  5. 客户信用评级工作是这种以价值为中心的经营理念的具体体现,其重要作用不可忽视。

    Customer credit rating is the concrete embodiment of such a value-centered administration concept . And its important role can not be ignored .

  6. 为此,本文在尽快建立和完善我国商业银行客户信用评级指标体系,以及对客户信用评级结果的检验方面作出了积极的探索和创新。

    This dissertation does some positive probes and innovations on the establishment and development of customer credit rating index system for civil commercial banks .

  7. 第二章介绍大连农行现行房地产客户信用评级体系,指出存在的缺陷。

    The existent credit rating system of real estate clients in the Agricultural Bank of China Dalian Branch and its defects are introduced in the second chapter .

  8. 同时论文还提出了房地产开发企业和中小民营企业客户信用评级指标体系框架。

    At the end of the thesis , a credit ranking system for real estate companies and small and mid-sized private enterprises is brought forward at the same time .

  9. 与其它业务异常运行风险管理系统解决方案不同,本解决方案在应对流程灵活变化、满足客户信用评级、多维统计分析等方面有自身的特点。

    Abnormal operation of the risk management system with other business solutions , this solution is flexible in response to flow changes , to meet customers ' credit rating , multi-dimensional statistical analysis has its own characteristics .

  10. 首先通过总结销售人员经验,并借鉴银行等专业机构资信评级所采用的评价指标,建立适合工商企业应用的客户信用评级指标体系;

    Through summarizing the experiences of the salesman and experts , and drawing lessons from the professional organizations such as banks which have established indexes system for credit rating , the thesis builds its own indexes system of credit rating for tally trade which is intentionally built up for enterprises ;

  11. 重点介绍了如何运用Logistic回归模型对客户进行信用评级以及通过设置过滤器来检测用电异常的方法。

    This paper introduces the design principle and realization techniques of the system , and lays emphasis on how to apply Logistic regression model to credit rating and the approach on detecting electro-abnormity through the filters .

  12. 最终得到了ZX银行针对兰州工业小企业客户的信用评级指标体系改进方案,并对该信用评级指标体系的改进方案进行了案例应用,并检验其可行性。

    Eventually get a credit rating index system for of Lanzhou Polytechnic small enterprise customers , banks ZX improvement program , and the case of application of the credit rating index system improvement program , and to test its feasibility .

  13. 商业银行客户内部信用评级研究

    Study on Commercial Bank Customers Interior Credit Rating

  14. 将信用评级的基本框架,运用到案例中,对借款客户进行信用评级分析。

    Finally , using the basic theories and method graded to cany on real example analysis to the borrowed money customer .

  15. 我国商业银行目前主要的评价体系是对客户的信用评级和采用贷款风险度的量化技术,定性分析仍占主导地位;

    Credit Grading and Loan Risk Degree are the main evaluation systems used in our commercial banks , which is dominated by qualitative analysis .

  16. 在诸论部分简要的论述了我国市场经济环境下的信用状况,实现银行客户内部信用评级的意义。

    In the introduction , it discusses our country market credit condition , realizes the significance and characteristic of banks customer interior credit rating .

  17. 本文正是在此思路下以商业银行企业客户为信用评级对象,采用实证分析和规范分析相结合的方法,在借鉴西方国家商业银行客户信用评级体系的基础上设计了综合平衡记分模型。

    In this guidance the overall balance score model is designed for credit rating of the business clients in a way of combining the demonstration analysis and the specification analysis .

  18. 对商业银行来说,对客户信用风险的评级成为银行客户关系管理和业务开展的一个必不可少的环节。

    It is absolutely necessary for the commercial banks to make credit rating in the aspect of client relationship management and business development .

  19. 第四部分从对客户细分的角度对客户进行信用评级,并综合分析客户贡献度,以此对客户进行差别化定价;

    The fourth part is to rate clients'credibility by classifying clients as well as comprehensively analyzing their contribution , in order to implement price discrimination .

  20. 在客户信用评分模型中,运用Logistic回归可以将复杂的非线性问题转化为线性问题,选择影响客户信用情况的因素对客户信用进行评级。

    In credit management system , use Logistic regression to make complicated problem easier . And choose factors which effects client 's credit level to appraise client 's credit position .