
  • 网络customer retention
  1. 文章运用当前较为成熟的市场营销知识提出了详细、具体的客户挽留策略,从而进行全面、有效的客户流失管控。

    Article the use of more sophisticated marketing knowledge the detailed and specific customer retention strategy in order to conduct a comprehensive , effective customer churn control .

  2. 在客户挽留团队中,则没有人对于不满意人数最少的部落客、愿意留存统计数据,且评量哪种客户挽留技术最佳。

    Nobody in the customer retention crew is going to be able to keep statistics and measure which customer retention techniques work best while pissing off the fewest bloggers .

  3. 电信业CRM中客户挽留流程分析与实践

    Analysis and Practice of Customer Detainment Process for CRM in Telecommunication Industry

  4. 移动流失客户挽留价值估算模型探讨

    The design of the detain-value model of mobile the lossing customers in communication

  5. 使用数据探索分析及决策树算法等数据挖掘方法开发通信行业“离网预警”模型,以协助通信公司采取合适的客户挽留措施,确保客户忠诚度,保持通信公司收入。

    Data mining techniques such as data exploring analysis and decision tree algorithm are adopted to develop a model of " warning against customers losing " for communication companies to take measures to keep the customers so as to maintain the usual income .

  6. 一个好的资费产品在吸引客户、挽留客户时起着重要的作用。

    A good tariff product to attract customers plays an important role .

  7. 同时,有效开展了客户维系挽留等工作,全面提高服务水平,提高了客户服务感知质量。

    In addition , the company has effectively begun its effort to maintain client relationships by comprehensively enhancing the quality of the service and the customer 's perception .

  8. 争取新客户、挽留老客户、保有和增加已有客户的价值,已经成为固话运营商当前的主要发展战略。

    Fight for the new customer , detain the old customer , keeping and increase the value of existing customer are becoming the main strategy of stationary telecommunication corporations .

  9. 中国电信CDMA业务中的客户维系与挽留问题研究

    Study CDMA Customers Maintain & Retain in China Telecom Business

  10. 某移动通信公司的客户维系与挽留研究

    Study of Maintaining of Mobile Phone Subscribers in China

  11. 分析市场潜力:制定客户挖掘及挽留体系。

    Analysis of market potential : the development , mining and retention system .

  12. 黑龙江联通公司客户维系与挽留措施分析

    The Analysis on Measures of Maintaining and Detaining the Customers in Heilongjiang Unicom Company F

  13. 目前的竞争形势和市场发展阶段已表明,不重视客户维系和挽留,单纯依靠发展客户,已经无法满足公司持续、健康、稳定发展的需要。

    The competition situation and market developing stage indicate that old business develop mode that simply focusing on increasing new customers instead of paying attention to retention of existing customers is no longer suitable for continual , healthy and steady development of telecom enterprises .

  14. 这些发现为网购企业制定客户关系改善计划和客户挽留营销策略提供了参考。

    These findings provide guidelines for e-commerce enterprises to generate strategies of improving customer relationships and retaining .

  15. 可以有效地培养客户的忠诚度,实现客户挽留和管理客户终身价值。

    Implementing of the customer relationship management can improve the core competition strength of the property management enterprises .

  16. 离网挽留流程的设计和实施,能够让移动电信运营商的客户关系管理在客户关怀挽留方面更有实效性和目标性。

    The designment and development of customer detainment policy make more effective and purposive in CRM of telecom providers .

  17. 中小型房地产企业核心竞争力的塑造和培育探析可以有效地培养客户的忠诚度,实现客户挽留和管理客户终身价值。

    The Study on Molding and Cultivating of the Core Competition of Meso-Small Sized Real Estate Enterprises Implementing of the customer relationship management can improve the core competition strength of the property management enterprises .

  18. 这对促进电信领域正确把握流失客户的特征,指导电信的客户挽留策略提供了参考。

    This is essential for promoting the field of telecommunications and correctly grasp the characteristics of the loss of clients , guiding Telecom customer retention strategy for a reference .

  19. 针对上述发现,本文建议移动公司重点关注影响客户离网的几个重要环节,实施业务管理、渠道监控、客户挽留等一系列措施,从而有效降低其客户离网率。

    Considering the above-mentioned facts , the paper proposes that the Mobile Company should mainly focus on several key points that influence customer defection and implement a series of measures to effectively reduce the customer defection rate , such as operation management , channel supervision , customer retention .

  20. 实施客户关系管理,对我国医药企业来说有重大作用:加强对客户资源的集中管理,增强对客户的挽留能力;

    The implementation of customer relationship management , the pharmaceutical enterprises play a major role : to strengthen the centralized management of client resources , and enhance the ability to retain customers ;

  21. 有关研究表明,挽留一个客户所需要的成本仅为争取一个新用户所需成本的1/5,面对上述问题,电信运营商对预流失客户进行有效地挽留就显得尤为重要。

    Relevant research indicates that the cost of retaining a customer is just a fifth of striving for a new user .

  22. 为了有效遏制日趋严重的客户流失,降低居高不下的营销成本,提高电信运营商的经济效益和存量市场的竞争力,保持电信业务持续、健康、有效的发展,建设客户维系与挽留系统非常具有现实意义。

    So Telecom Customers Retention System will decrease increasingly customers churning rate , save marketing cost , bring in profit and competitive ability for telecom companies and help mobile service 's healthy and steady development .