
kè hù
  • custom;customer;client;connection;client base;punter;tenant-farmer family;settlers from other places
客户 [kè hù]
  • (1) [tenant-farmer family]∶唐宋以前指流亡他乡或以租佃为生的人家(跟住户相对)

  • (2) [customer]∶顾客,客商

  • (3) [settlers from other places]∶旧指外地迁来的住户

客户[kè hù]
  1. B方案:一个活动的客户化编码

    Plan B : Custom coding of an activity

  2. 客户关系管理(CRM)足客户呼叫中心的进一步商业化。

    Custom relationship management ( CRM ) makes custom 's call center more commercial .

  3. 这家代理机构失去了几家最重要的老客户。

    The agency has lost several of its most important accounts .

  4. 她懂得与客户建立密切和谐的关系的重要性。

    She understood the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients .

  5. 他从送信员一步一步晋升为客户经理。

    He worked his way up from messenger boy to account executive .

  6. 我们对客户要确保服务的连贯性。

    We need to ensure the consistency of service to our customers .

  7. 与客户的关系是这个工作的重要部分。

    Customer relations is an important element of the job .

  8. 我们和客户协商起草了一份合同。

    A contract is prepared in negotiation with our clients .

  9. 这家公司成千上万地花费在大摆酒宴款待潜在的客户上。

    The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients .

  10. 我们需要吸引更广泛的客户。

    We need to appeal to a wider customer base .

  11. 我们为客户提供免费送货上门的服务。

    We offer customers a free home delivery service .

  12. 我们确保客户买到最好的产品。

    We make sure our clients get the best that money can buy .

  13. 我现在有个客户。

    I have a client with me right now .

  14. 我用电话和客户打交道,很少和他们见面。

    I deal with customers on the phone and rarely meet them face-to-face .

  15. 他与一位客户在里茨饭店共进了午餐。

    He lunched with a client at the Ritz .

  16. 银行提高手续费,损害了客户的利益。

    The banks are socking customers with higher charges .

  17. 他们制订了严格的客户服务标准。

    They set high standards of customer service .

  18. 要吸引大客户,我们就得拿出更好的创意。

    We need to produce better creative if we want to attract big clients .

  19. 你们有一位名叫彼得斯的客户吗?

    Do you have a client named Peters ?

  20. 我们给所有潜在的客户都发了信息包。

    We send all potential clients an infopack .

  21. 这家公司将向欧洲客户提供技术支持。

    The company will support customers in Europe .

  22. 此公司与客户关系极好。

    The firm has excellent customer relations .

  23. 请拨打我们的客户服务热线咨询。

    Call our customer careline for advice .

  24. 创业时过分依赖某一个客户是有风险的。

    Heavy reliance on one client is risky when you are building up a business .

  25. 良好的客户关系需要做到礼貌、专业,并提供有效的回复。

    Good customer relations require courtesy , professionalism and effective response .

  26. 客户被告知保险单到期时的价值。

    Customers are told what their policies will be worth on maturity

  27. 英国旅游公司正鼓动客户到更远的地方去旅游。

    British tour companies are nudging clients to travel further afield .

  28. 该公司已在国内外找到60个潜在客户。

    The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad

  29. 查阅他的客户名单是个相当费劲的活儿。

    Going through his list of customers is a massive job .

  30. 公司要求客户预付一大笔费用。

    The company required clients to pay substantial fees in advance .