
  • 网络Poster;propaganda poster
  1. 惨案发生前一天,在巴黎街头走过詹姆斯•瓦特金斯(JamesWatkins)执导的关于一场大规模恐怖主义阴谋的新电影《巴士底日》(BastilleDay)的宣传海报时,我心想:但愿这不会成为预言。

    The previous day in Paris , passing a poster advertising James Watkins " new movie Bastille Day , about a massive terrorist plot , I had thought : Don 't let this be prescient .

  2. 一张公主们穿着便服的宣传海报一推出,就瞬间引爆网络。

    And when a promotional poster of the princesses wearing lounge wear was released , the internet almost broke .

  3. 所选视觉媒体包括广告牌、LED招牌,电子布告板和宣传海报。

    Video media are chosen for collection of data including billboards , LED signs , electronic bulletin boards and posters .

  4. 上海上市的房地产开发商保利房地产(集团)股份有限公司(PolyRealEstateGroup)最近在全市张贴保利?罗兰香谷(CharmingLand)的红色宣传海报,这是该公司在杭州郊区的住宅项目之一。

    Shanghai-listed property developer Poly Real Estate Group recently put up red promotion posters around the city for Charming Land , one of its housing projects in Hangzhou 's suburbs .

  5. 办公室标识有很多具体项目,包括各类办公室科室牌、企业VI标识、员工座位标牌、公司门牌、指示牌、宣传海报等。

    Office identifies many specific projects , including various office licensing department , enterprise VI logo , staff seating signs , company numbers , signs , posters and so on .

  6. 在莫斯科寻找证据并不难&在这个城市,电影《印第安纳琼斯:水晶骷髅王国》(IndianaJonesandtheKingdomoftheCrystalSkull)的宣传海报,覆盖了绘有扛镐工人的社会主义题材壁画。

    Supporting evidence is not hard to spot in Moscow , a city where posters advertising films such as Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull are plastered over socialist murals of workers carrying pickaxes .

  7. 国大党毫无顾忌的利用甘地家族这一品牌造势,在几乎所有宣传海报上,索尼娅和她的儿子拉胡尔都与总理曼莫汉辛格(MAnmohanSingh)并肩出现。

    The Congress party shamelessly campaigns on the family brand , with her and son Rahul alongside Manmohan Singh , the prime minister , on almost all its posters .

  8. 因影片《一个明星的诞生》而提名最佳女演员的嘎嘎,穿着AlexanderMcQueen黑色礼服,戴了一条亮闪闪的黄色钻石项链。这枚宝石奥黛丽赫本曾在《蒂凡尼早餐》宣传海报中佩戴过。

    The A Star Is Born Best Actress nominee teamed the dazzling yellow jewel , famously worn by Audrey Hepburn in her promotional shots for Breakfast At Tiffany 's , with a sculptural black gown by Alexander McQueen .

  9. 曾一度出现在全国大小报刊和宣传海报上。

    Once looked out from newspapers and posters all over china .

  10. 几处宣传海报损毁了这美丽风景,并且军歌也很少听到。

    Few propaganda posters mar the landscape , and martial music is rarely heard .

  11. 全国预防艾滋病宣传海报大学生志愿者实地调查预试验研究

    Study on Pre-test of National Investigation of AIDS Prevention Posters by College Student Volunteers

  12. 各阵营都张贴了宣传海报,但比起以往要少得多。

    The campaigns have put up posters , but fewer than in past contests .

  13. 上周末去浦东下错地铁站,一出来就看到这个本来只在宣传海报上看过的建筑。

    Accidentally ran into this building in construction when getting off an incorrect metro station .

  14. 这是一份为摇滚音乐会做的宣传海报。

    " LET 'S ROCK THE WORLD CONCERT " is a musical concert of local Guangzhou musicians .

  15. 宣传海报有新版本,和员工积极推动游戏的消费者。

    There are posters publicizing new releases , and employees to actively push the games to consumers .

  16. 朝鲜街道目前张贴着这样的宣传海报:工人们向空中挥拳,背景是一枚火箭正在升空。

    North Korean streets currently sport propaganda posters depicting workers punching the air as a rocket rips into the sky behind them .

  17. 店内的一面墙上贴着不少男孩团体的宣传海报,其中只有一张是SMAP,而且还是2012年的。

    A wall was covered with current promotional posters for multiple boy bands . There was just one for SMAP , from 2012 .

  18. 周日客场球迷的看台将会挂满讲述利物浦历史的宣传海报,其中包括他们去年获得冠军杯的盛况。

    The concourse at the away end of the stadium on Sunday will be decked out with posters commemorating liverpool 's history , including their recent European Cup success .

  19. 这位32岁的女歌手兼演员身上戴的是非常具有代表性的,有着141年历史长角阶梯切割的蒂凡尼钻石。奥黛丽赫本1961年佩戴这个钻石,为这家珠宝公司拍摄了宣传海报。

    The 32-year-old songstress wore the iconic , cushion-cut brilliant 141-year old Tiffany diamond that Audrey had worn for a publicity photo shoot for the jewelry company in 1961 .

  20. 除此之外,“环球影业”称,宣传海报并没有在学校附近出现,然而是投放在儿童很少出现的伦敦地铁里。

    Universal Pictures also said that the posters were not placed near schools and appeared in the London Underground system , which does not have a high proportion of children .

  21. 发展对策:1、通过校园网络、广播、宣传海报、校报等途径,加强对羽毛球运动的宣传,提高领导重视程度。

    Countermeasures : 1 . To strengthen the propaganda of badminton through campus network , broadcasting , posters and college newspapers to get more attention from the leaders . 2 .

  22. 就在禁烟令生效前夕,作为世界卫生组织无烟运动的一部分,北京地铁公司将控烟宣传海报张贴在地铁4号线上的所有列车。

    Just ahead of the regulation taking effect , Beijing MTR Corp put up tobacco control posters on all trains on Subway Line 4 as part of the smoke-free campaign by the WHO .

  23. 他们可能是想让自己更像宣传海报上穿着这条牛仔裤的模特那样有吸引力,但除了知道他人会更想穿这条牛仔裤之外,他们并不会得到其他收益。

    They may want to be more like the attractive model wearing them in the promotional picture , but they will gain no additional benefit except for the knowledge that others will desire those jeans more .

  24. 目的综合评价2004年全国统一制作的预防艾滋病宣传海报的发放张贴情况,为今后传播材料制作和使用提供科学依据。

    Objective To evaluate comprehensively the distribution and utilization of AIDS prevention posters developed by the State Council AIDS Working Committee in 2004 , and to provide scientific information for future IEC material design and distribution .

  25. 目的评估《全国预防艾滋病宣传海报发放张贴情况大学生志愿者实地调查方案》的可行性,为修订、完善调查方案和全面开展大学生志愿者实地调查工作提供依据。

    Objective To evaluate the feasibility of the project of National Investigation of AIDS Prevention Posters Conducted by College Student Volunteers so as to revise and perfect the project and provide scientific evidence for the project implementation .

  26. 2006年,福尔斯去西班牙巴塞罗那旅行时,注意到了这本小说,他被平装本的宣传海报迷住了,海报上是上千个粉色十字架竖立在墨西哥沙漠上。

    Mr. Falls became aware of the novel during a visit in 2006 to Barcelona , Spain , where he was intrigued by promotional posters for the paperback edition featuring hundreds of pink crosses in the Mexican desert .

  27. 坏消息是,我们不知道什么时候将会与这些“拳击对手”交手——没有宣传海报和电视促销广告,没有赛前新闻发布会和保证我们级别相当的体重测量,也没有出场费。

    The bad news is , we don 't really know when our bouts with these opponents occur - no posters and promotional TV commercials ; no pre-fight Press Conference and weigh in to make sure that we measure up to our opponent ; and there is no Pay Per View coverage .

  28. 另外还分发了实况报道、宣传手册和海报。

    Fact sheets , brochures and posters are also being distributed .

  29. 上个月,北京一家房地产开发商因派拉蒙电影公司及其两家联合公司未能兑现在其酒店举办电影首映式并让其地产出现在电影宣传片和海报中的承诺而提起诉讼。

    Last month , a Beijingproperty developer said it had filed a lawsuit alleging that Paramount and two of its Chinese associateshad failed to deliver on pledges to hold the movie premiere at its hotel andfeature images of its property in trailers and movie posters .

  30. 工作人员:我想你已经看到那些学校里的宣传单页和海报了吧。

    Employee : You 've seen the flyers and posters around campus , I assume .