
shì nèi shè jì
  • interior design
  1. 在室内设计方面,没有人能比得上他。

    No one can touch him when it comes to interior design .

  2. 彼得·贝克的浴室是高档室内设计的集大成之作。

    Peter Baker 's bathroom is a brilliant pastiche of expensive interior design .

  3. 要是没有大量的彩色图片,一本关于室内设计的书还有什么用途呢?

    What is the use of a book about interior design without a plenitude of pictures in color ?

  4. 这样,在从事多年的室内设计和古董经营后,他把二者结合了起来。

    Thus it came about that , after many years as an interior designer and antiques dealer , he combined both businesses .

  5. 优雅的室内设计突显了独特的空间感

    Elegant interior design accentuating the unique feeling of space .

  6. 然而,热门专业第四名却有点意思:包括时装设计、室内设计和网页/平面设计在内的设计相关专业相当受欢迎。

    However , things get interesting when it comes to the fourth place : Design-related majors including fashion design , interior design and Web / graphic design are quite popular .

  7. 现代室内设计(interiordesign)与中国传统文化元素之间的关系是近年来室内设计领域关注的重要问题。

    The relationship between the modern interior design and traditional culture elements is the important issue in the field of interior design in recent years .

  8. 流动的温暖,伊比利亚的激情&西班牙马德里新巴拉哈斯机场航站楼T4建筑及室内设计

    The Architecture and Interior Design of Madrid Airport in Spain

  9. 全包室内设计及装修工程〔公共工程类别〕

    Turnkey interior design and fitting-out works [ public works category ]

  10. 理性空间&东方新城住宅室内设计

    Rational Interior Room Designed for the Residence of Oriental New City

  11. 传统室内设计手法在现代居室中的借鉴和运用

    The Application of Traditional Skills of Interior Design in Modern Rooms

  12. 色彩心理效应与室内设计

    The Psychological Effect Towards Colour and its use in Intreior Designs

  13. 中国传统风水文化在现代家居室内设计中的应用

    Inspiration for Modern Home Interior Design from Chinese Traditional Feng Shui Culture

  14. 空间的重组&乐成国际学校室内设计

    Recomposing Space : Interior Design for Beijing City International School

  15. 可持续发展与室内设计&兼谈绿色室内环境的营造

    Sustained development and interior design on protection of interior environment

  16. 室内设计中的绿色软环境&现代环保织物在室内设计中的应用

    Green Soft Environment in Interior Design & Application of Modern Environment-friendly Textile

  17. 大空间建筑室内设计中的声学处理

    Acoustic treatment in interior design of building with large space

  18. 室内设计艺术是技术与艺术的统一体。

    Interior design is the unity of technology and art .

  19. 室内设计课程比较适合用活动式教学的方式进行。

    The curriculum of interior design fits with the activities .

  20. 未来小户型住宅室内设计中的弹性设想

    Elastic Imagination of Small Residence Interior Space in the Future

  21. 中国传统风水元素在室内设计中的合理引用

    Reasonable Introduction of Chinese Fengshui Elements into Indoors Decoration Designing

  22. 室内设计中再现传统形式、传统结合现代等应用方法;

    Reproduce traditional form , tradition combine modern style in indoor design ;

  23. 时代的需要&加强建筑学专业中的室内设计教育

    The Importance of Strengthening Interior Design Teaching in Architectural Department

  24. 用音乐诠释人文教育空间福建师范大学文博附属中学室内设计

    Design of High School Attached to of FuJian Normal University

  25. 和室内设计:别墅,商店,酒店,园林。

    Decorations and Interior Design : Villas , Shops , Hotels , Gardens .

  26. 现代室内设计目的及材料与照明

    Basic Concept of Contemporary Indoor Design and Use Of Materials together with Lighting

  27. 创建中国当代风格的室内设计

    Establishing Interior Design hi the Style of Contemporary China

  28. 室内设计与技术问题及其实践教学

    Interior Design & Technical Problems and Its Teaching Practice

  29. 营造心空间&家居室内设计中光环境的营造

    Creation of a Space forMind & making a Light Environment in Interior Design

  30. 室内设计与建筑设计审美的同异性论诗画融合的美学依据

    The Same and of Difference is Esthetic Judgement between Interior Design Architectural Design