
  1. 在哈耶克的宪政模式中,包括了宪法的基本原则、权力的总体架构以及宪法权力分支机构等等。

    This system includes the basic principles of the Constitution , the power frame as a whole and the individual organizations of constitutional power .

  2. 该科技公司称其同意奥伦斯坦法官的裁定,倘若准予该请求,将会“彻底破坏宪法的基本原则”。

    The technology firm said it agreed with Judge Orenstein 's ruling that granting the request would " thoroughly undermine fundamental principles of the constitution . "

  3. 他说,缅甸军队领导人起草的宪法草案的基本原则是,允许军队保持对议会的主要控制权,并保留关键的政府职位。

    The politician says the basic principles of the constitution drafted by the military leaders allow for the military to retain control of much of the parliament and key posts in the government .

  4. 正当程序作为宪法的一项基本原则,已得到世界各国的普遍认可。

    Due process has been generally accepted as a basic constitutional principle by various countries of the world .

  5. 法律面前人人平等是我国宪法明确规定的基本原则之一,也是社会主义法治理念的核心内涵之一。

    It is one of the fundamental principles stipulated explicitly in constitution that everyone is equal before law , which is also one of the core connotations of the concept that socialist nations should be ruled by law .

  6. 确定阿布哈兹在格鲁吉亚新国家宪法内政治地位的基本原则

    Basic Principles for Determining the Political Status of Abkhazia within the New State Constitution of Georgia

  7. 这表明,宪法保护财产权的基本原则不是单向度的,而是既有排斥干预的基本精神,又有许可有限干预的合理因素。

    Therefore , in defining property right , the Constitution exercises the principle of excluding intervention , but somehow it permits limited reasonable intervention .

  8. 根据声明,反对《宪法》所确定的基本原则、危害国家安全、荣誉和利益、煽动民族仇恨、散布谣言、色情或诽谤信息的违规跟帖和转帖等将是重点整治对象。

    Comments and reposts that violate basic principles of the Constitution ; jeopardize state security , honor and interests ; incite ethnic hatred ; or spread rumors , pornography or slander , among other violations , will be key targets of the campaign , according to the statement .

  9. 财产神圣原则应作广义理解,不仅是资本主义国家宪法的原则,而且也应是社会主义国家宪法的基本原则。

    The principle of sacred right of property should be explained in a broad sense . That is to say , it is not only basic principle of capitalist constitutions , but also of socialistic countries .