
gōng nǚ
  • A palace maid;a maid of honor;maid of honour;a maid in an imperial palace;female court attendant
宫女 [gōng nǚ]
  • [a maid of honour;female court attendant] 在皇宫中服役的女子

宫女[gōng nǚ]
  1. 这宫女回说,她不会做这样的一席菜。

    The maid replied that she couldn 't prepare a dinner .

  2. 从此,死亡就像宫女一般对玛丽如影随形。

    From now on , death followed Mary like a lady-in-waiting .

  3. 你听见不止一个宫女在这样说。

    You hear more than a palace in the say so .

  4. 我和我的宫女也要这样禁食。

    I and my maids will fast as you do .

  5. 她和她的宫女也禁食和祷告三天。

    My maids and I will do the same for three days .

  6. 一个宫女就因私传东宫的事被杀了。

    A palace maid was killed for gossiping about the East Palace story .

  7. 聪明的宫女安慰她(原文作回答她),她也自言自语地说

    Her wise ladies answered her , yea , she returned answer to herself

  8. 当设宴的日期快到时,他即吩咐这宫女去预备一桌最丰盛的御用式酒席。

    As the day was approaching , he asked the maid to prepare a royal dinner .

  9. 王昌龄的妇女诗主要描写了三种女性:宫女、贵族妇女、民间女子。

    Wang Changling mainly wrote about three kinds of women : maids in the imperial palace ;

  10. 我向他们回来,每次我跟客户服务,宫女们的精彩!

    I sent them back and each time I talked to Customer Service , the ladies were wonderful !

  11. 天宫里一位好心的宫女赶快来到人间,把这个消息告诉了大家。

    A kind-hearted maid of the Heavenly Palace went down to the world hurriedly and told everybody about the news .

  12. 国王瓦尔得马尔和许多漂亮的宫女们在一直跳着舞。

    within was dance and song , and King Waldemar and the young , richly-attired maids of honor danced together .

  13. 但是随着宋代宫廷制度的演变和发展,宫女制度也逐渐产生变化。

    With the development of the court in Song Dynasty , the system of the ladies in court had been changed .

  14. 国王和皇后带领着一大群贵族、贵妇、侍臣、宫女及皇宫侍从。

    The king and queen led a great crowd of noblemen and noblewomen , courtiers , ladies-in-waiting , and palace attendants .

  15. 您还记得您遣送两千宫女回家吧?我过去的侍女已经有两个孩子了,尽享天伦之乐。

    Remember you released two thousand palace maids ? My old maid has two boys now , she is so happy .

  16. 有传闻说易卜拉欣一世仅仅因为心情不好就下令将280名宫女活活淹死。

    Ibrahim I is even said to have ordered all 280 members of his harem drowned just for the heck of it .

  17. 据说,元宵是因汉武帝时期的一位名叫元宵的宫女而得名。

    It is believed that Yuanxiao is named after a palace maid , Yuanxiao , of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty .

  18. “举世无双的美丽公主,”西蒙说道,“请高兴地命令您的端庄优雅的宫女们收下这些漂亮的绸缎和天鹅绒。”

    " Fairest of princesses ," said simon ," be pleased to order these gracious ladies to accept the silks and velvets . "

  19. 宫女如果犯错,不听话,根据宫规会被关进一个极小的笼子里。如果依然不听话甚至反抗,会被塞进麻袋直接扔进博斯普鲁斯海里,结局十分悲惨。

    Uncooperative girls could be locked in tiny cages or , if they continued to rebel , tied up in sacks and thrown into the Bosphorus .

  20. 这件事做得很聪明,因为所有的门上都有了十字,那个老宫女就找不到正确的地方了。

    This matter make outs intelligent , because place for top all having tenth words , that old maid-in-waiting can not finding rightly of all doors .

  21. 这是罗丹晚年的一个杰作,雕塑上的老妇曾是一个绮年玉貌,倾倒一世的宫女,现在是到了色衰貌减,不堪回首的暮年。

    This bronze was created by Rodin in his late years . " The Old Courtesan " was once an eminent beauty , a woman to die for .

  22. 原来宫女进宫后,一般都是见不到皇帝的,而是由画工画了像,送到皇帝那里去听候挑选。

    Odalisque palace of the original , are generally not see the emperor , but by the painter painted a portrait where have the discretion to select the emperor .

  23. 早晨,国王、王后、那个老宫女以及所有的官员很早就都来了,要去看看公主所到过的地方。

    Old maid-in-waiting and all officials of morning , king , king 's empress , that very and early all camed , and will see a place for arriving .

  24. 闭月你是王府的一位宫女,却只因生在乱世,便注定成为了战乱年代的牺牲品。

    You are the Palace closed on a palace , but only because was born in troubled times , it is doomed to become a victim of the war era .

  25. 事务大多由内务府总管,只有简单的侍奉工作由最底层的女官&宫女担任。

    Administrative affairs were mostly commanded by Ministry of Internal Order , only the simple services were performed by female officer lived in the bottom of the hierarchy - palace maid .

  26. 韩国宫女更衣游戏介绍:韩国皇宫里的宫女,虽然比不上咱们的宫女漂亮,但是也还不错啦。

    South Korea : South Korea odalisque changing the game on Palace Lane odalisque , although smaller than the odalisque our buttiful , but t Large crowds are drawn there every day .

  27. 莎比伪装成皇后,成为引诱敌人的诱饵,皇后则换上简单的宫女长袍,并使用她较不正式的名字佩米纳贝瑞。

    Sab é becomes a decoy , disguised as the Queen , while Amidala adopts a simple gown of a handmaiden , and goes by her less formal name of Padm é Naberrie .

  28. 因此第二天夜里有一个老宫女就得守在公主的床边,来看看这究竟是梦呢,还是什么别的东西。那个兵士非常想再一次看到这位可爱的公主。

    The soldier longed very much to see the princess once more , so he sent for the dog again in the night to fetch her , and to run with her as fast as ever he could .

  29. 因此第二天夜里有一个老宫女就得守在公主的床边,来看看这究竟是梦呢,还是甚么别的东西。

    So the next night one of the old ladies of the court was set to watch by the princess 's bed , to discover whether it really was a dream , or what else it might be .

  30. 元春坐八人抬绣风銮大轿,由宫女们呼拥进大观园,在园内转了一圈。

    Accompanied by a swarm of imperial maids , Yuanchun came back on a sedan chair which was draped with an embroidery of a phoenix and tiny gold bells . Eight men carried the sedan chair on their shoulders .