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  1. 青槐夹驰道,宫馆何玲珑?

    Far green locust-trees line broad roads toward clustered palaces and mansions ;

  2. 加上眉宇间的晶亮玲珑;青槐夹驰道,宫馆何玲珑?

    With these , the crystal of his brow , Far green locust-trees line Broad roads Toward clustered palaces and mansions ;

  3. 青槐夹驰道,宫馆何玲珑?碧绿透明的玲珑瓷和淡雅青翠的青花瓷互相衬托,相映生辉。被誉为“人间瑰宝”。

    Far green locust-trees line Broad roads Toward clustered palaces and mansions ; The green and transparent varieties of blue and white ware and the blue and white porcelain are known as gems of human arts .

  4. 拿破仑的墓葬就设在这里。theMuséed'Orsay奥赛博物馆奥赛宫美术馆原来是奥赛火车站,1900年为万国博览会在巴黎举行而建。奥赛火车站也是巴黎最早实现电气化的火车站。

    Spectacularly housed in a former railway station built in 1900 , the Mus é e d'Orsay was reinaugurated in its present form in 1986 .

  5. 当天我们没有看到卢浮宫美术馆里的无数艺术瑰宝。

    We got no sight of the countless treasures of art in the Louvre galleries that day .

  6. 年到头总有游客来观赏伟大的圣马可广场和大教堂、执政官宫、美术馆,当然还有卓绝的运河网,它们反映了这个前城邦国家的丰富多彩的历史。

    Visitors at any time of year come to marvel at the great saint mark 's square and cathedral , the doge 's palace , the art galleries and , of course , the extraordinary network of canals which reflect the rich history of the former city state .

  7. 巴黎卢浮宫巨大的艺术馆吸引着成千上万的人们。

    The massive art galleries in the palace of the Louvre in Paris attract thousands of people .

  8. 其作品被广泛的展览于国家美术馆,文化宫,美国大使馆等。

    His works have been widely exhibited in the National Art Museum , the Cultural Palace , and the American Embassy in Beijing .