
  • 网络Palace Square;Place du Palais;Schlossplatz;Palace Plaza
  1. 忽然,宫殿广场上出现了一位俊美的男孩。

    Suddenly , a handsome boy appeared on the palace grounds .

  2. 寻找失落的城市中心&柏林宫殿广场

    Looking for the Losed City Center ── The Palace Square of Berlin

  3. 纳夫斯基大道的尽头就是圣彼得堡的精神生活的中心&宫殿广场,周围的建筑群和谐如一曲交响乐,引人入胜。

    At the end of Nevsky Prospekt lies Palace Square , a spellbinding symphony of structures and the spiritual center of St.

  4. 位于柏林市中心的宫殿广场,成为自两德统一以来的热门话题与至今尚未解决的难题。

    The Palace Square in the center of Berlin city has been the topical subject and an unsolved difficult problem since Germany unified .

  5. 我们现在站在宫殿的广场上。

    Now , we are standing on the grounds of the imperial palace .

  6. 演出前数小时,就有成群的乐迷涌向印度南部城市班加罗尔的“宫殿”广场。这次演出是该乐队“40首小调”巡回演出的一部分。

    Crowds of fans thronged the Palace Grounds in the southern Indian city of Bangalore hours before the show , part of the band 's " 40 Licks " tour .

  7. 古老而多姿的欧洲深深地吸引着我。它拥有那么多的国家,那么多种语言,那么多漂亮的城堡、宫殿、教堂、广场和雕塑。

    Europe , ancient and multi-faceted , attracted me deeply : there were so many countries , so many languages , so many beautiful castles , palaces , churches , squares and sculptures .