
ɡōnɡ jǐnɡ ɡuǎn
  • cervical canal
  1. 结论生殖道及妊娠组织的UU,CT感染并不增加早期妊娠丢失,宫颈管UU,CT的存在不是导致宫内胚胎感染的决定因素。

    Conclusion Female genital tract and pregnant tissue infected by UU and CT dose not increase early pregnant lose . Detection of UU and CT in cervical canal is not the decisive factor causing embryo infection in utero .

  2. 目的探讨宫颈管中不典型腺体细胞(AGCUS)的临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the clinical meaning of atypical glandular cell of undetermined significance ( AGCUS ) in cervical canal .

  3. 结果686例接受供精人工授精(AID)患者共行1309个人工授精周期,均采用宫颈管内人工授精(ICI),周期临床妊娠率16.88%(221/1309)。

    Results : We gave 686 patients AID treatment by intracervical insemination ( ICI ) for 1309 cycles . The clinical pregnancy rate per cycle was 16.88 % ( 221 / 1309 ) .

  4. 方法对308例单纯Uu感染所致的非淋菌性宫颈炎患者的宫颈管分泌物进行支原体培养及药物敏感试验。

    Methods The Uu culture and drug sensitivity test were done on cervix secreta in 308 patients with non-gonococcal cervicitis of simple ureaplasma urealyticum ( Uu ) infection .

  5. 结论采用双次宫颈管内供精人工授精(ICI)方法简单,妊娠率满意,供精体外受精(IVF-D)妊娠率高,但多胎率高于AID。

    Conclusion : Two times insemination treatment in AID cycles by ICI was simple and pregnancy rate was satisfactory . There was a higher pregnancy rate and higher multiple pregnancy rate in IVF-D cycles than that in AID cycles .

  6. 方法:采集妇科感染性疾病患者和正常女性(各172例)的宫颈管分泌物,接种于SP4培养基作分离培养。

    Methods : The cervical secretions were collected from 172 patients and 172 healthy controls , and the samples were inoculated into modified SP-4 culture medium for isolating .

  7. 宫颈管内置瓶塞7年致不孕一例

    One case of barrenness from placed bottle cork in cervical tract

  8. 宫腔镜电切术治疗宫颈管炎性病变的临床研究

    Clinical study on treatment of inflammatory endocervical lesion by hysteroscopic electrosection

  9. 结论:微波对宫颈管囊肿的治疗有很好的疗效,具有重要的临床应用价值。

    Conclusion Microwave is an useful method in in treating cervical cyst .

  10. 方法:应用超声检查对微波治疗120例宫颈管囊肿前后的效果进行对比分析。

    Methods A total of 120 patients with cervical cyst received microwave .

  11. 宫颈管不典型腺体细胞临床意义探讨

    Study on the clinical significance of atypical glandular cells in cervical canal

  12. 临产孕妇的宫颈管细菌学检查

    Bacteriological Examination for Cervical Canal of Pregnancy in Active Stage

  13. 以一次性宫腔针行宫颈管宫腔麻醉人工流产无痛技术的应用

    Application of Discarded Uterus Needle Anesthesia during Artificial abortion of No-pain Suction

  14. 宫颈管支原体培养药敏的临床研究

    Culture and drug sensitivity of mycoplasmas from cervical canal

  15. 个别病例宫颈管粘膜小癌灶诊刮时被刮除等。

    In individual cases , microcarcinoma focus of cervical canals mucosa were erased .

  16. 宫腔镜治疗宫颈管内良性病变的应用

    Operative hysteroscopy for benign lesions of cervical canal

  17. 巧用微波治疗子宫颈糜烂及宫颈管炎

    Treatment to Cervical Erosion And Endocervicitis by Microwave

  18. 宫腔镜下宫颈管赘生物电切术的护理配合

    Nursing coordination in patients with vegetation of lower cervical canals undergoing electroblation under hysteroscope

  19. 宫颈管样切割器筋膜内子宫切除术的临床应用

    Clinical application of endocervical tube-like cutter on hysterectomy

  20. 结果证实是患了子宫内膜癌,而且已经侵犯宫颈管。

    The results proved to be had , endometrial cancer has been infringed cervical tube .

  21. 宫颈管细胞学检查在诊断子宫内膜癌中的价值

    Endocervical Cytology in Diagnosis of Endometrial Carcinoma

  22. 2034例子宫颈管分泌物的解脲支原体及人型支原体感染的耐药性分析

    Analysis of Antibiotics Resistance of Ureaplasma Urealyticum and Mycoplasma Hominis Infections in 2034 Endocervical Secretions

  23. 宫颈管支原体、衣原体感染局部微波治疗效果分析

    Analysis on the therapeutic effect of local microwave on cervix tube mycoplasma and chlamydia infection

  24. 10例行宫颈管刮取术,4例阳性。

    Of 10 endocervical curettage ( ECC ) specimens , 4 cases had abnormal pathology .

  25. 微波治疗宫颈管囊肿120例超声分析

    Application of Ultrasonography in Review Microwave for the Treatment of 120 Cases with Cervical Cyst

  26. 钳刮术后宫颈管胎骨残留9年1例

    Remnant of Fetal Bone in the Cervix for 9 years After Curettage & A Case Report

  27. 多因素分析表明,临床分期和宫颈管肌层浸润深度是淋巴结转移最主要的高危因素。

    Multivariate analysis showed that clinical stage and invasive depth of cervical canal were the major risk factors .

  28. 为了解塞条引产的安全性,在放置塞条前后取宫颈管粘液作厌氧菌培养。

    Before and after insertion of the tent , cervical mucus samples were collected and cultured for anaerobes .

  29. 目的:评价光电阴道镜及宫颈管刮片对子宫颈癌前病变的筛查价值。

    Objective : To describe the value of photoelectricity colposcope and endocervical scraping smear on screening cervical precancerous change .

  30. 目的探讨宫腔电切镜治疗宫颈管内良性占位病变的效果及手术技巧。

    Objective To investigate the effects and surgical techniques of hysteroscopy in the management of benign lesions of cervical canal .