
  • 网络After
  1. 我走了很长的路回到家后,双脚阵阵作痛。

    My feet were throbbing after the long walk home .

  2. 她在午夜回到家后和女儿交谈了一番。

    She gave her daughter a talking to after she got home after midnight .

  3. 他们到他家后,斯科比闲逛了一会儿,抽完了他的香烟。

    When they reached his house , Scobie idled a bit , finishing his cigarette

  4. 回到家后,我竭力地想把这台机器的精妙之处描述给丈夫听。

    When I returned home , I tried to convey the wonder of this machine to my husband

  5. 大卫回到家后,妈妈很想知道聚会开得怎样。

    When Dave came home , Mom wanted to know how it had gone .

  6. 但杰迪每一次回到家后,便会更加伤心。因为他知道,他永远不可能再把他的梦赎回来。

    But every time Jehdi returned home sadder , for he knew that he could never buy back his dream .

  7. 到律师家后,教皇顿时惊呆了!那是一栋有45个房间的大厦,有桑拿间、健身房、漂亮的图书馆以及宽敞明亮的房间。

    On arriving , the Pope is astounded1 to see a 45-room mansion2 , with built-in sauna and weight-room , a beautiful library , and spacious3 , airy rooms .

  8. 尽管我们都很爱自己的父母,但公平地讲,大多数人在离开家后都不会再搬回去和父母同住。

    As much as we love our parents , it 's probably fair to say most of us would prefer not to move back in once we 've left home .

  9. 他的父亲在外面遇见以漂亮著称的商咄,回到家后居然对邻居说:“我今天遇见商咄,他虽然漂亮,但和我儿子一比,就差远了。还是我的儿子长得好。”

    One day his father met Shang Duo who was noted1 fro being handsome on road . When he came back home , he said to his neighbor , " Today I met Shang Duo , he is handsome , but compared with my son , he is not as handsome as my son is . "

  10. 回到加利福尼亚圣地亚哥的家后,开了公司,名为“旅游马车”(TourCoupes)。

    On their return home to San Diego , California , they started a new company called Tour Coupes .

  11. 当我回到家后,我把这个问题发给了ScottAmbler,论坛的主持者。

    When I got back home , I posted a question to Scott Ambler , the presenter , on the discussion forum .

  12. 我每天晚上回到家后就把基站放在装有手机的公文包附近,连接设置完成后,手机就自动与VTech相连了。

    I set up the base station near where I drop my work bag after coming home each night .

  13. 用不了多久,我们当中就会有很多人出门带着PC的替代品当平板电脑使,回到家后就把它插上电源、接上键盘,这样它就变成了一台功能齐全的PC。

    Soon enough , many of us will be carrying the equivalent of a PC around with us to use as a tablet when we 're mobile , and then plugging it in at home , attaching it to a keyboard , and using it as a fully functional PC.

  14. 当多美·托尔(TomiTuel)的丈夫结束出差回到家后,多美给他煎了牛排、调了一杯香浓丝滑的鸡尾酒、烤了一块蛋糕,还在厨房餐桌上方的风扇上挂了许多聚会彩带。

    When Tomi Tuel 's husband comes home from a business trip , she grills him a steak and mixes up a Mudslide cocktail , bakes a cake and hangs party streamers from the fan over the kitchen table .

  15. 她下班回到家后洗了澡。

    She got washed after she got back home from work .

  16. 你从学校回到家后你会做什麽?

    What do you do when you get home from school ?

  17. 特普安说回到家后就吃了它们。

    Topjian said he will eat them when he gets home .

  18. 回到家后还要再做一点。

    I 'll do a bit more once I get home .

  19. 回到家后老耿把他的获物在屋顶上摊开晒干

    Back home , Geng spreads his catch on the roof to dry

  20. 回到家后,他把事件的经过一五一十地告诉了他的父母。

    Upon returning home , he told his parents the whole story .

  21. 我们回到家后被狠狠地训了一顿。

    We got such a telling-off when we got home .

  22. 他被吓坏了,回到家后,便一病不起。

    Frightened by that , he felt ill right after returning home .

  23. 回到家后,我哭了一场,怀疑自己是不是一个异类。

    I went home and cried , questioning whether I was an alien .

  24. 我回到家后,头脑中充满了新鲜的想法。

    As we were returning home , I was flooded with new ideas .

  25. 回到家后,我将扫描仪接在我的电脑上。

    After returning home , I will take the scanner on my computer .

  26. 回到家后,他就想立刻上床睡觉。

    After reaching home , he planned to go to bed right away .

  27. 她说她的孩子们离开家后,她的生活好像没有了目标。

    She said that her life seemed aimless after her children left home .

  28. 你回到家后可不可以打个电话给我?

    Can you call me when you get home ?

  29. 回到家后,她小心翼翼地把这些蛋放在灯光下。

    There she carefully placed the eggs in the heat of a lamp .

  30. 可等我们回到家后,就一直没收到毯子。

    So we finally get home , but we never got the rug .