
  1. 儿童少年在家中、幼儿园/学校和其他场所吃零食前不洗手的比例分别为30.3%,45.4%和63.1%;

    The proportions of the children who do not wash their hands before having snacks at family , kindergarten / school and other places were 30.3 % , 45.4 % and 63.1 % .

  2. 结果儿童少年在家里主要饮用的饮料有碳酸饮料(71.5%)、牛奶(67.9%)和白开水(61.3%),饮料主要由母亲来准备;

    Results Children and adolescents mainly drank carbonated drink ( 71.5 % ), milk ( 67.9 % ) and plain water ( 61.3 % ) at home , and their mother prepared drinks firstly .

  3. 在我大二的时候,我开始辅导一位高中的年轻姑娘她住在离大学10分钟路程的地方不久,她的表弟(堂弟)从少年拘留所回到家

    In my sophomore13 year , I started tutoring a young woman who was in high school who lived about 10 minutes away from the university . Soon , her cousin came home from a juvenile14 detention15 center .

  4. 少年因损坏了家中唯一的汽车而遭到严厉的惩罚他不想接受严厉的惩罚,或是使自己的声誉遭到破坏。

    The teenager was drawn and quartered for wrecking the family 's only car . He will want to avoid both severe punishment and a ruined reputation .