
  • 网络host;Host plant;hostplant
  1. 目前对五倍子蚜的分类主要是依据形态学特征、虫瘿形态以及第一寄主植物的不同来进行的研究,基于DNA序列的分子系统发育研究还比较少见。

    The current classification system of Rhus gall aphids is mainly depends on morphology of aphids and galls , and their host plants .

  2. 不同寄主植物上烟蚜DNA多态性的RAPD-PCR分析

    On the RAPD-PCR analysis of DNA polymorphism of green peach aphid from different host plants

  3. 印度木薯花叶病毒DNA在寄主植物中可能存在的形式

    Specific Nucleic Acids in Host Plant Infected by Indian Cassava Mosaic Geminivirus

  4. 芜菁花叶病毒外壳蛋白在寄主植物叶绿体中的积累及其对光系统II活性的影响

    Accumulation of Coat Protein of Turnip mosaic virus in Host Chloro-plasts and Its Effect on PS II Activity

  5. 芜菁花叶病毒对寄主植物叶片PSⅡ功能的影响

    Effects of Turnip mosaic virus infection on the functions of PSII in host plant leaves

  6. 五倍子蚜与寄主植物DNA序列系统发育关系及其协同进化膜翅目线粒体基因组的特征与进化及其在系统发育研究中的应用

    Molecular Phylogeny and Coevolution of Chinese Gallnut Aphid and Its Host-plant Inferred from DNA Sequences Characterization and Evolution of Hymenopteran Mitochondrial Genomes and Their Phylogenetic Utility

  7. 丰富的寄主植物以及本身具有的多食性特性有助于B型、Q型等生物型在世界各地的广泛入侵。

    Multitudinous host plants and the inherent polyphagous characteristics enhance the wide invasion of B and Q biotypes in different counties .

  8. 我国灰葡萄孢(BotrYtiscinerea)的新寄主植物

    New Host Plant of Botrytis cinerea in China

  9. 在革兰氏阴性细菌中,存在一类决定病原菌的致病性,以及在抗性或非寄主植物上引起过敏性反应的基因,即hrp基因。

    In gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria , there are hrp genes that cause pathogenicity and hypersensitive response on resistant or non host plant .

  10. 浙江省梨孢属(PyriculariaSacc.)真菌的寄主植物

    Host plants of Pyricularia sacc . in Zhejiang

  11. 综述了近年来甜菜夜蛾Spodopteraexigua(H櫣bner)、寄主植物和寄生蜂互作关系方面的研究进展。

    The interactions of host plants , the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua ( H ü bner ), and its natural enemies was summarized .

  12. Harpin是由革兰氏阴性植物病原细菌产生的性质和功能相似的一类蛋白质,影响病原菌在寄主植物上的致病性和非寄主植物上的过敏反应(HR)。

    Harpin proteins produced by gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria generally affect virulence to host plants and the hypersensitive reaction ( HR ) of nonhost plants .

  13. CTV侵染后能够诱导寄主植物表现茎陷点、苗黄、衰退等明显症状。

    The infection of CTV could cause distinct symptoms like stem pitting , seedling yellow and tristeza on its host .

  14. 很多证据表明,昆虫细胞色素P450酶系介导的代谢抗性是大多数昆虫产生抗性和对寄主植物适应性的主要机制。

    A lot of evidences indicated that insect cytochrome P450 monooxygenase mediated resistance is the main mechanism of the development of insecticide resistance and adaptability to host plants .

  15. 当病原菌产生的AHL达到一定量浓度时,可激活病菌的致病基因表达,使寄主植物感病并表现相应病症。

    They can activate the expression of pathogenic genes and induce diseases when AHL reach a threshold concentration .

  16. 对棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera(Hübner)的同类相残进行行为学观测,以分析体重在胜负中作用,以及不同寄主植物情况下,同类相残导致的数量变化。

    The cannibalistic behavior of cotton bollworm , Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ), was observed , and the effect of body weight and host plant on cannibalism was studied .

  17. hrp基因存在于4类革兰氏阴性植物病原细菌中,决定病原细菌对寄主植物致病性和诱导非寄主及抗病植物过敏性反应。

    The hrp genes exist in 4 kinds of Gram-negative plant pathogenic bacteria and are responsible for the pathogenicity of bacteria . They can induce hypersensitive response on non-host and resistant plants .

  18. 位于革兰氏阴性植物病原细菌染色体上的hrp基因簇决定其在非寄主植物上的过敏反应和在寄主植物上的致病性。

    The hrp ( hypersensitive response and pathogenicity ) gene clusters in Gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria determine hypersensitive response ( HR ) in nonhost plants and pathogenicity in host plants of the bacteria .

  19. 以绿豆作为实验植物,通过含水量不同的三个等级进行砂培,研究了VA菌根对寄主植物的生长和水分利用的影响。

    Mungbean as experimental plant was investigaed by means of sand culture containing three levels of water to determine the influence of VA mycorrhiza on the host plant growth and its water use .

  20. 玉米小斑病(Southernblightofcorn)是当前国内外玉米生产区普遍流行的一种真菌性病害,在致病过程中能产生对其寄主植物具有致病活性的代谢产物,即致病毒素。

    Southern blight of corn was a king of universal fungal plant disease at the present . During infecting corn seedings , the pathogen of Bipolaris maydis race C could produce an active metabolic production , namely pathogenic toxin ( HMC-Toxin ) .

  21. 寄主植物对葱蝇Deliaantiqua(Meigen)生长发育的影响及治理药剂的研究

    Effect of Different Host Plants on Development of Delia antiqua ( Meigen ) and Chemical Control

  22. 采用PDA、OMA及苜蓿煎汁+Czapek培养基,对22种在自然寄主植物上缺少乙型分生孢子的拟茎点霉(Phomopsis)进行了培养。

    Twenty two species of Phomopsis that lacked β - conidia on the natural host plants were cultured on PDA , OMA and alfalfa extract plus Czapek respectively .

  23. 目前我国被发现或被利用于优良紫胶虫种4号胶虫(Kerrialacca)的优良寄主植物种类较少,制约了我国优质紫胶的发展。

    The shortage of host tree species for Kerria lacca has restricted the development of shellac in our country presently .

  24. 目前许多研究表明,ERF类转录因子在植物受病原物侵染后,通过调控寄主植物基因的表达参与植物防卫反应。

    A large body of evidence suggests that plant ERF transcription factors are involved in plant defense including transcriptional regulation of plant host genes in response to pathogen infection .

  25. 该突变体8004ΔR对寄主植物的致病力比野生型菌株显著降低,而在非寄主植物辣椒ECW-10R上仍能引起过敏反应。

    The mutant 8004 Δ R was attenuated in virulence on host plant Chinese radish but retained its ability to cause the hypersensitive response in non host plant pepper ECW-10R .

  26. 证明瓜类细菌性果斑病菌hrp基因作为Ⅲ型分泌系统关键组份影响病原细菌对寄主植物的致病性和对非寄主及抗病植物的过敏性反应。

    Overall , these results indicate that the hrp genes of Bacterial Fruit Blotch of Melon as a key component of type III secretion system affected pathogenicity on host plants and disease resistance on non-host and resistant plants .

  27. 双生病毒(geminiviruses)是一类单链DNA病毒,其复制方式有别于植物RNA病毒,他们是利用寄主植物的DNA复制酶复制,理论上其忠实性远高于RNA病毒。

    The genomes of viruses in family Geminiviridae are single stranded DNA , and their replication strategies are distinctly different from that of RNA viruses . The geminiviruses use the replication machinery of the host and hence have been presumed to have a high fidelity of replication .

  28. 研究人员利用RAPD-PCR、微卫星等分子遗传标记确认寄主植物和温度是造成蚜虫种群遗传分化的重要因素。

    It had been proved by RAPD-PCR , SSR or other molecular markers that those phenomena were the integrated results of the host plants , temperature , species and clones of aphids .

  29. Harpin蛋白是由植物病原菌hrp基因编码的非特异性蛋白激发子,能够激发非寄主植物的过敏性细胞坏死,诱导植物抗病。

    Harpin protein is nonspecific protein elicitor coded by hrp genes of plant pathogen , and it can elicit hypersensitive cell death ( HCD ) in nonhost plants and induce resistance to pathogens in many plants .

  30. 水稻条斑病细菌(Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzicola,Xooc)决定在非寄主植物上激发过敏反应(hypersensitiveresponse)和在寄主水稻上具致病性(pathogenicity)的hrp基因簇是诱导表达的。

    The hrp genes of Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzicola ( Xooc ), which is the causal agent of bacterial leaf streak in rice , possesses the ability to elicit hypersensitive response on nonhost plants and the pathogenicity in host rice .