
mì jiàn
  • confidential;classified material;confidential paper;classified matter;a confidential paper or letter;classified material or matter
密件 [mì jiàn]
  • [a confidential paper or letter;classified material or matter] 需要保守秘密或在内部传阅的文件

密件[mì jiàn]
  1. 可是他的思绪被神秘的代号R密件缠住了,根本不想与妻子温存。

    He had been so obsessed with the mystery of the R Document that love was the last thing on his mind .

  2. 应聘者称自己无法提供写作样稿,因为所有的写作都给了中央情报局(CIA)而且它们都属于机密件。

    Candidate said she could not provide a writing sample because all of her writing had been for the CIA and it was classified .

  3. 填写收件人、抄送人及密件抄送人字段时提示姓名

    Suggest names while completing To , Cc , and Bcc fields

  4. 此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人。

    This email is Bcc to all on my list .

  5. 从坏里说,密件抄送是一种欺骗和不道德的行为。

    At worst , it 's deceitful or unethical .

  6. 即使从好里说,密件抄送功能也显得有点偷偷摸摸,而且存在一定风险。

    At best , the ' blind copy ' field is sneaky and risky .

  7. 可以在撰写的所有邮件中显示“密件抄送”框。

    You can display the BCC box in all new messages that you compose .

  8. 应该把文件放在上衣的下面口袋里,如果是密件,必须放在上面的口袋里。

    Papers go in lower coat pockets and if secret in upper coat pockets .

  9. 一封来自外交部长的密件。

    A secret communication from the foreign minister .

  10. 而且,收件人有时会选择“全部回复”,这样就会发现存在密件抄送方。

    Plus , blind recipients sometimes hit ' reply all , ' revealing the deception .

  11. 这电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人以分享您的感悟。

    This email is Bcc to all on my list for them to share your reflections .

  12. 此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人以便大家得以分享这个感应故事。

    This email is Bcc to all on my list so people share the inspiration story .

  13. 在“收件人”、“抄送”或“密件抄送”文本框中,键入收件人的电子邮件地址。

    Type the e-mail addresses of the recipients in the to , cc , or BCC boxes .

  14. 必须至少在收件人、抄送或密件抄送文本框中输入一个姓名。

    You must enter at least one name in the To , Cc , or Bcc box .

  15. 此翰墨档案附呈且此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人。

    The calligraphy file is attached , and this email is Bcc to all on my list .

  16. 因此将之附呈,并将此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人分享。

    So it is attached and this email Bcc to all on my list for all to share .

  17. 显示“密件抄送”字段

    Show the Blind-Carbon-Copy field

  18. 此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人,这样他们就都可以分享以下的问答。

    This email is Bcc to all on my list so they can all share the following q & a.

  19. 您不能更改收件人栏,也无法抄送或密件抄送给其他人员。

    You cannot alter the ' To : ' field , nor can you CC : or BCC : another person .

  20. 在“发送邮件时”下,清除“填写收件人、抄送人及密件抄送人字段时提示姓名”复选框。

    Under when sending a message , clear the suggest names while completing to , cc , and BCC fields check box .

  21. 此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人,以便那些不认识这位护法的人,得以看到长相的样子。

    This email is Bcc to all on my list so those who are not familiar with this protector may have a look of what he looks like .

  22. 如果无法验证收件人地址提供方式,则将收件人的电子邮件地址插入基本的“收件人”字段,而不插入扩展的“收件人”、“抄送”或“密件抄送”字段。

    If recipient addressing cannot be verified , the recipient e-mail address is inserted in the basic recipient field and not into an extended to , cc , or BCC field .

  23. 石头给人生命得以保留,得以延续的错觉。这电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人以令大家得以分享此感应的报告。

    Stone gives a false sense of continuity , a deceptive assurance of life . This email is Bcc to all on my email list so all can share the inspiration report .

  24. 这个问题以前已有某些人提起,所以我以密件回覆给我名单中所有的人,并且我们会将此篇上传到我们的网页。

    This is a question raised by some in the past , so I Bcc this reply to all on my list , and we will also post it on our websites .

  25. 三封标有密件亲启的信件送到了邮件收发室。不过你还是应该知道收发室在哪里,万一有什么问题可以联系。

    Three envelopes , all marked Private and Confidential , had come through the mailroom . but you might as well know where the post room is in case you ever have any queries .

  26. 在Onefinestay及LuxuryRetreats,租金谈妥后,房主只需决定是否接受随后的房屋招租。Onefinestay备好床单、毛巾以及化妆品、并使用飞机上的密件启封方式向客人标示哪些房间与区域禁止进入。

    At Onefinestay and LuxuryRetreats , after a rental price is agreed all the owner must do is decide whether to accept or reject subsequent bookings . Onefinestay ships in linen , towels and toiletries , and uses aircraft-style tamper tape seals to signal to guests which rooms or draws are off limits .