
  1. 在对系统进行设计时,不仅实现了英式拍卖、荷兰式拍卖以及首价密封式拍卖三种拍卖方式,使得拍卖发布方可以选择最适合自己的拍卖方式,进一步增加了可用性。

    In the system design , not only to achieve the English auction , Holland auction and the first price sealed auction three auction , the auction publishers can choose the most suitable for their own auction , further increased the availability of .

  2. 对群签名在电子拍卖中的应用进行了研究,设计了一个基于群签名的密封式电子拍卖方案。

    A new electronic auction protocol based on group signature was given .

  3. 多拍卖物的无收据密封式电子拍卖协议

    Receipt - Free Multiple Items Auction Protocol

  4. 文章利用伪随机数产生理论和比特承诺机制的优点,给出了一个实现随机标价的密封式电子拍卖方案。

    This paper gives a secure randomly sealed-bids auction scheme using Pseudo-Randomness generator and Bit commitment .

  5. 无收据的密封式电子拍卖协议

    Receipt-free Sealed-bid Auction Scheme

  6. 利用一个基于分层身份思想和双线性映射的群签名,提出了一个新的安全高效的密封式电子拍卖方案。

    With the help of a group signature based on Hierarchical Identity-Based Signature ( HIBS ) and bilinear map , a new secure and efficient sealed-bid electronic auction scheme was presented .

  7. 结果表明,在密封式第一价格拍卖情况下,目标公司为实现收益最大化,反收购方公布的最低价格应严格高于其私人价值,收购方的报价严格低于其私人价值。

    The results show that in the condition of the first-price sealed auction , for maximum gain , asking lowest price should strictly be higher than its private price , and bidding price should be strictly lower than its private price .

  8. 还可以将新方案修改成一个密封式的安全电子拍卖方案,并使之满足相对隐私性。

    At last , a sealed-bid auction scheme is proposed , which is transformed from the public one and satisfies the property of relative bid privacy .