
  1. 外套层另一种非清洁巴西棕榈蜡之上猛男密封蜡载脂蛋白60如果需要。

    Layer another coat of a non-cleaning carnauba wax on top of Menzerna Sealing Wax APO60 if desired .

  2. 在类似的完成,使用猛男密封蜡载脂蛋白60单独删除第一个迹象氧化和保护涂料。

    On like-new finishes , use Menzerna Sealing Wax APO60 alone to remove the first signs of oxidation and to protect the paint .

  3. 猛男密封蜡载脂蛋白60是完美的一步清洁蜡保持你完成恢复了同猛男擦亮剂或清洁和保护车辆,这只是轻度氧化。

    Menzerna Sealing Wax APO60 is the perfect one step cleaner wax to maintain a finish you 've restored with Menzerna polishes or to clean and protect a vehicle that is only mildly oxidized .