
  • 网络density difference;Density contrast;PV-L
  1. D密/D疏和E(I)/E(C)是两种形式的相对密度差,比值直观的反映出分布格局强度的高、低。

    The D ( close ) / D ( sparse ) and the E ( I ) / E ( C ) are relative density difference . The ratio scale reflected height and low of the pattern intensity .

  2. 而降压法在保持Reynolds数不变的前提下同样可明显抑制自然对流的影响和密度差对流动与传热传质的影响,但对自然对流和传质过程的密度流的抑制效果有所不同。

    The depressurizing modeling can also reduce their effect with the same Reynolds number , however , their reductions of the nature flow and the density difference flow are different .

  3. 并测量各扫描期肿瘤和正常胰腺组织的CT值,计算出肿瘤-胰腺密度差。

    CT attenuation values of tumor and normal pancreas in all scanning phase were obtained and the tumor-pancreas contrast was calculated .

  4. 分别测量同一层面门静脉、肝脏的CT值,并计算各点门静脉与肝脏的密度差(P-L),描绘时间-密度曲线。

    CT values of the portal vein and liver were calculated at identical slice and the time density curves was drawn .

  5. 为进行石油岩芯驱替机理的深入研究,应用工业CT技术,提出了一种石油岩芯孔隙度及分布CT密度差测量法,并进行了实际测量。

    In order to study core displacement , a CT ( Computerized Tomography ) measuring way of density difference which expresses the porosity distribution of oil core is presented . The measurements in reality show that the results are satisfactory .

  6. 离心铸造AlFe合金凝固过程中的先析出相与合金液之间具有较大的密度差,在离心力场作用下,先析出相将沿径向由内向外迁移,致使初生相沿铸件径向呈梯度分布。

    During the solidification process of Al Fe alloy under centrifugal casting , the primary phase migrates along the radius because of the density difference between the primary phase and the liquid alloy . Therefore the distribution of the primary phase is in gradient along the radius of the casting .

  7. 该水泥浆体系失水量小于50mL,游离液为0,水泥浆的密度差甚微,稳定性能好,且稠化过渡时间短,防窜性能优良。

    The fluid loss of the slurry is less than 50 mL , the free water is 0 mL , the density difference is minor , the property is stable , the transit time is short and the anti-channeling ability is strong .

  8. 肺密度差与肺功能的相关性研究

    Study of relation between pulmonary density differences and ventilatory function of the lung

  9. 导出一个简明的粒子数密度差与温度的关系式。

    A concise relation between the population density difference and the temperature is derived .

  10. 矿井环境风流换热的小密度差近似方程

    Approximate Equation for Small Density Difference of Heat Exchange of Ambient Airflow in Mines

  11. 通过密度差、沉降分离等方法对原油进行脱水。

    Adopted are such methods as density difference and settlement separation to dehydrate such crude oil .

  12. 在一定的条件下,该密度差可导致流体产生自由对流。

    Under certain conditions , the vertical density difference may induce free convection of the fluids .

  13. 水力旋流器是一种离心分离装置,是利用不互溶介质间的密度差进行分离的。

    The hydrocyclone is a equipment of centrifugal separation . It can separate different medium using density difference .

  14. 具有小密度差的两层流体中运动点源的二阶内波解

    A Second-order Solution on Internal Waves Generated by a Moving Source in Two Layers Fluid with Small Density Difference

  15. 提出煮沸设备的简化流动模型,推导出麦汁煮沸过程中由于密度差等引起的对流循环速度的计算方法,并确定加热管中麦汁沸腾点的高度。

    A flowing model of wort kettle is proposed and the computation method of convectional circulation speed is derivated .

  16. 自然对流是由于流体内部的温度差或浓度差引起的密度差作用而产生的。

    Natural convection is caused by the function of the temperature difference or the concentration difference of the liquid .

  17. 在确定重力异常源时,不可能在构造与密度差之间作出抉择。

    It is often impossible to differentiate between structure and density contrast in determining the source of a gravity anomaly .

  18. 它们的差异由钻井液分散相中各组分的密度差所致。

    The relation and difference caused by density difference of drilling fluid solid phase between these two expressions are given .

  19. 本文研究了在初始密度差极小的情况下由双扩散效应引起的异重流的流动特性。

    A gravity current flow of double - diffusive effects has been investigated under the condition of very small density difference .

  20. 但当初始密度差△ρ趋于零时,双扩散效应使异重流流动依然发生。

    However , a distinguishable flow can be induced due to the double diffusive effect when the initial density difference approaches zero .

  21. 利用锅炉下降管中的水与上升管中汽水混合物之间的密度差进行循环,且水相与蒸汽相在汽包中分离的一种电站锅炉。

    A boiler in which circulation is created by convection and in which a drum separates the water phase from steam phase .

  22. 分析了系统压力、含汽率、汽液两相密度差引起的不稳定性的机理;并比较了不同系统压力、欠热度、阻力、几何构型等参数对质量含汽率和空泡份额的影响。

    Meanwhile trend of flow instability with system pressure , quality and density difference between liquid and vapor is discussed in detail .

  23. 另外的条件要求两种流体可以掺混起来,并要求两种流体的密度差是温度差。

    Further qualifications require that the two fluids be miscible and that the density difference be a function of differences in temperature .

  24. 结果表明,在竖直管道顺序输送过程中密度差对层流边界层的影响会表现的比较明显且大于粘度差的影响。

    The computation results showed that the effect of density to laminar bottom in erect pipeline is distinct and bigger than viscosity difference .

  25. 分析了钻井液零滞留临界静切力与密度差、水泥浆动切力、井眼与套管尺寸组合的关系。

    On basis of the analysis , a method is put forward to calculate the gel strength for cementing without drilling fluid retention .

  26. 分析认为混合稀土的加入减少了合金液的氧化,反应形成了含稀土氯化物和氧化物的夹杂与镁合金液具有较大的密度差,有利于夹杂的沉降去除。

    The mixture rare earths additions decrease the AZ91D melt oxidation and that the heavier inclusions including RECl_x and RE_xO_y are easier to sink .

  27. 密度差使得低盐度液体与深处高盐度卤水在空间上分离。

    The spatial separation of low-salinity liquid associated with the high-sulfidation ore with the underlying higher-salinity liquid at depth is attributed to their density contrast .

  28. 研究了运动点源在无粘、不可压且具有小密度差的两层有限深流体中生成的高阶波动。

    Higher order waves generated by a moving source in a two-layer inviscid , incompressible fluid of finite depth with small density difference were studied .

  29. 是否发生浮力流只取决于油、气与水的密度差,浮力流是二次运移最基本的流动模式。

    Buoyant ascent , caused only by the difference between the densities of hydrocarbons and water , is the basic mode of the secondary migration .

  30. 气藏压力的降低主要与盆地抬升降温、天然气散失和气水密度差等因素有关。

    The depressurization of gas pool would have mainly resulted from basin uplift , temperature lowering , gas dispersion and density contrast of gas and water .