
  1. 农村的富农经济,也是容许其存在的。

    A rich peasant economy will be allowed in the rural areas .

  2. 富农经济在全国农村经济中并不占有重要的地位。

    The rich peasant economy did not occupy an important place in China 's rural economy .

  3. 富农经济、经营地主经济和农垦公司是东北农业资本主义经营的主要形式。

    Rich peasant economy , managing landlord economy and farming company are the forms of these operations .

  4. 从中我们可以看到富农经济是乡村经济中的重要方面,其在乡村中的作用和影响也是很重要的。

    Form it we can see the rich peasant economy is an important aspect of the rural economy , which influences much on villages in our country .

  5. 第一次提出要区别对待新旧富农经济,鼓励新富农经济的发展。

    Requiring dealing with the economy of new and old rich peasants ' in different ways , and encouraging developing the economy of new rich peasants ' .

  6. 中国近代富农与富农经济简论

    Comment on China Modern Rich Peasants and Rich Peasant Economy

  7. 理论界对富农问题的研究已经持续了很多年,涉及富农划分标准、富农经济的性质以及不同时期富农政策的反思等。

    Theoretical circles of rich peasants research has been going on for many years , involving rich peasants criteria for the classification of the nature of rich peasant economy , as well as different periods of time to reflect on policies , such as rich peasants .