
  • 网络oxygen enriched combustion;oxy-fuel;oxy-fuel combustion;oxycombustion;lean-burn
  1. 在氧浓度24%时,掺入10%的CO2实现高EGR下的富氧燃烧,爆发压力和温度大幅下降,缸内的燃烧准备期被明显延长。

    Separately mixing oxygen and carbon dioxide to 24 % and 10 % in intake air , to achieve the oxygen enriched combustion under high percentage EGR rate in cylinder , the maximum cylinder pressure and maximum combustion temperature is decreased significantly and the ignition delay has been extended obviously .

  2. 富氧燃烧技术是一种最具有前途的碳捕捉技术之一,可同时实现燃煤过程中CO2和NO的减排。

    As one of the most promising technologies , oxy-fuel combustion technology can achieve CO2 and NO simultaneous reduction during coal combustion .

  3. O2/CO2燃烧技术又称为富氧燃烧技术,它是针对CO2减排控制温室效应提出的新型燃烧方式。

    Oxy-fuel combustion is a new technology which aimed at the control of CO2 emission .

  4. 循环流化床富氧燃烧下CaO碳酸化实验研究

    Research on the carbonation of CaO in oxy-fuel fired circulating fluidized bed

  5. 污泥与煤在CFB内的富氧燃烧试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Oxygen-enriched Combustion of Sewage Sludge and Coal in CFB

  6. 然而,由于稀燃的富氧燃烧,使得NOx排放降低较小。

    However , NOx emissions are reduced a little because of rich oxygen combustion .

  7. 本文对富氧燃烧下CaO同时碳酸化硫化特性进行了实验研究。

    In this paper , the simultaneously carbonation and desulfurization of CaO under oxy-fuel fired was investigated .

  8. 计算表明应用aspenplus模拟煤的富氧燃烧是可行的。

    This shows that using ASPEN PLUS software to simulate coal combustion in a rich oxygen atmosphere is a feasible approach .

  9. 总的来说,富氧燃烧技术的应用是可行的,在与其他CO2减排技术的对比中,经济性是相对比较明显的,存在的优势也是比较大的。

    Generally speaking , oxy-fuel combustion technology is feasible , it is more economic than the other CO2 emission reduction technology . Compared with other technology , it has more advantages .

  10. 为了实现这一目标,内燃机研究人员研发出了很多非常有价值的技术,其中柴油机的富氧燃烧技术(OEC,OxygenEnrichedCombustion)受到了国内外内燃机研究人员的关注。

    In order to achieve this goal , researchers developed lots of very valuable technologies . The technology of oxygen-enriched combustion technology is concerned by both domestic and foreign researchers .

  11. 归纳出CFB锅炉尺寸、流动以及传热特性随着氧气浓度的增加的变化规律并进行了富氧燃烧下的炉型概念性设计。

    Concluded the evolution of the CFB boiler size , flowing situation and heat transfer character with the increasing of oxygen concentration , and made a notional designation .

  12. 构建了包含PAH和NOx生成反应机理的正庚烷氧化反应详细模型,应用该模型对富氧燃烧柴油机的燃烧路径进行研究。

    The combustion path was researched by a detailed n-heptane oxidation reaction combined model which was constructed in this paper including PAH and NOx reaction mechanism .

  13. 富氧燃烧技术不仅能使分离收集CO2和处理SO2容易进行,还能减少NOx排放,是一种能够综合控制燃煤污染物排放的新型洁净燃烧技术。混铁炉富氧燃烧仪控系统的设计与实施

    CO2 Separation and SO2 treatment become easier , NOx emission is reduced in oxygen-enriched combustion technology . Design and Implement of Instrument and Control System for Oxygen-enriched Combustion in Metal Mixer

  14. 流化床富氧燃烧技术可以更有效地收集CO2,还能减少NOx排放,是一种很有潜力的综合控制燃烧污染物排放的新型洁净燃烧技术。

    Oxygen-enriched CFB not only enable more efficient to capture CO2 , but also has a lower NOx emission , which is a potential new type clean combustion technology that can overall control pollutants emission .

  15. 本研究的目的是揭示富氧燃烧过程中的氮氧化物生成机理,针对富氧火焰特性探讨NOx抑制机制机理。

    The present study is aimed at revealing the NO_x formation mechanism in an oxygen-rich combustion process . NO_x suppression mechanism is also investigated with the oxygen-rich flame characteristics being taken account of .

  16. 在该柴油机上分别进行了不同浓度富氧燃烧、富氧燃烧协同不同比例EGR和水乳化油的试验研究。

    The experimental researchs of different concentration oxygen-enriched combustion , oxygen-enriched combustion with different rate of EGR and different proportion of water emulsified fuel were developed on the diesel engine .

  17. 富氧燃烧条件下,高浓度的CO2(g)以及碳颗粒温度的降低在一定程度上会抑制痕量元素的蒸发,同时CO2(g)也会抑制痕量元素向气相次氧化物及单质的转化。

    While under Oxygen-combustion atmosphere , the high CO2 ( g ) concentration and decrease of char temperature would restrain the vaporization of trace element to a certain extent , meanwhile the translation of trace element to simple substance qr suboxide would also be restrained .

  18. 基于因素敏感性经济分析得出当气体利用率在30%以上时,油田注汽锅炉采用富氧燃烧多联产工艺捕集CO2是可行的,且年用气量较大时可得到很好的经济效益。

    In the economy calculation , Oxy-fuel combustion poly-generation of steam injection boiler was feasible when gas utilization rate is30 % or more according to analysis of sensitivity factors . It could get better economic benefits when the gas had a better utilization .

  19. 提出了两种富氧燃烧路径控制策略和相应的实施技术措施,为解决富氧燃烧柴油机NOx排放恶化的难题提供了一定的理论指导。

    In addition , this paper put forward two kinds of oxygen-enriched combustion path control strategy and corresponding technical measures to resolve the NOx deterioration problem , which will provide certain theoretical guidance for the clean combustion of diesel engine .

  20. 然而,基于胺和碳酸铵反应的CCS并不是唯一的方法。其他两种叫做气化和富氧燃烧的技术,用纯氧气而不是空气烧煤,这样产生的废气在掩埋之前几乎不用处理。

    Amine - and ammonium-carbonate-based CCS are not , however , the only ways to do things . Two other techniques , called gasification and oxy-combustion , work by reacting coal with pure oxygen rather than air , and thus produce exhausts that require little treatment before burial .

  21. 富氧燃烧在氧化铝工业中应用前景分析

    Prospect analysis of applying oxygen enriched air combustion in alumina industry

  22. 循环流化床锅炉富氧燃烧技术应用的研究

    Study of the Application of Oxygen-enriched Combustion Technology in CFB Boiler

  23. 液化气锅炉富氧燃烧的数值模拟及实验研究

    Numerical simulation and experimental study of oxygen-enriched combustion of LPG boiler

  24. 煤富氧燃烧对节能与环境的影响分析

    Effects Analyses of Coal Oxygen-rich Combustion to Energy Saving and Environment

  25. 用线算图分析富氧燃烧锅炉的热力状态

    Analysing the thermal state of boilers with oxygen-enriched blast by graphics

  26. 柴油机富氧燃烧排放特性的试验研究

    Study on emission characteristics of rich oxygen combustion for diesel engines

  27. 富氧燃烧下循环流化床锅炉稀相区传热模型研究

    Heat Transfer Model Study on CFB Dilution Region under Oxy-fuel combustion

  28. 玻璃熔窑富氧燃烧的几个关键问题

    Some critical questions of oxygen - firing in glass furnace

  29. 电站锅炉采用富氧燃烧技术的研究分析

    Research and Analysis Towards Utility Boiler Using Oxygen Enrichment Technology for Combustion

  30. 热风炉富氧燃烧技术的开发与应用

    Development of Oxygen-enriched Combustion Technology in Hot Blast Stove and Its Application