- 网络Enrichment zone;abundance zone

Predicting groundwater concentration zone in karst regions using geomorphic landscape information
On dividing of enrichment zone of coal bed gas in Hancheng Coal Area
Formation and distribution of natural gas enriching belts in eastern China oil bearing areas
Tectonic characteristics of MANITE depression in Eren basin and prediction of hydrocarbon enrichment zones
Syndepositional structural slope-break zone controls on lithologic reservoirs & A case from Paleogene Bohai Bay Basin
In JiZhong depression , Slope region is the most important prolific zone for oil and gas accumulation .
To determine and quantitatively calculate the single sand body ' boundary according to the seismic and log information .
The chemical flooding tests obviously show the process of oil enrichment resulting in the formation of an oil bank .
The main type of the facies of oil / gas pools is shelly bank with nonstratified and inhomogeneous characters .
Lowering the location of cohesive zone is an important measure to improve the smelting process and to protect it from scaffolding .
It is a typically ecological transition zone and eco-critical zone , and this area is also the aboundant zone of natural resources .
There is a secondary enrichment zone of glauberite in the western part of China to have developed a number of usable glauberite deposits .
Recent years , through some rich remain oil zones had drilling new wells , increased water injection well spots and perfected injection-production network ;
This paper describes the cause of the viscous froth produced in the flotation process of the secondary enrichment ore in a pyrite-type copper deposit .
At the middle stage , remaining oil is mostly distributed in network shape because of polymer viscous-elastic function which can make remaining oil converged .
3D coherence , nonlinear prediction and adsorption prediction led to the recognition of the abundant belts of oil and gas in the favourable reservoir area .
The southern China is a part of the hydrocarbon-enriched belt of the Tethyan region , where abundant hydrocarbon resources were supplied with the primary deposits .
The supergene infiltration in Neogene pened resulted in the formation of a secondary enrichment zone in the upper part of the ore body near the surface .
Vertically there are two hydrocarbon accumulation zones , and horizontally the hydrocarbon accumulation zones show ring-shaped feature . The major unconformities are important gas accumulation areas .
The key technology for prediction of prolific zone in the shallow gas reservoirs is bright spot identification of seismic response with " low frequency but strong amplitude ";
The southeast slope of Gasi and slope of Yuejin 4 are the prospecting domains and the slope background and broad belt are prolific zones for lithologic reservoir exploration .
When the coal bed flows from high pressure area to low pressure area , the enriched zone of coal bed becomes the concentrating center of gas and stress .
While the key technology for prediction of the prolific zone in the deep gas reservoirs is the comprehensive prediction technology through geology-seismic-logging integration and gas-bearing property detection technology .
Mineral deposit model of Jiaojia gold belt is distribution of the deposits along the " one tectonic belt , two mineralized enrichment zone and three mineralized alteration zone " .
After a study of the overpressure distribution , the petroleum migration and accumulation condition are analysed . There are well-developed source-reservoir-cap assemblage and favourable oil-gas migration and accumulation condition .
Identifying ductile shear zone , superimposition sectors of altered zone and pyrite-concentrated zone on old metamorphic rock series and mylonites in fault zones are important prospecting guides for gold deposits .
There 's no secondary copper sulfide enrichment zone . The secondary copper enrichment subzone locates in the oxidation zone and this is obviously different from supergene zones of typical sulfide deposits .
The methods show potential value for searching for " stratabound " mineral deposits in the deep " second ore-concentration belts " in eastern China and show broad prospects for their application .
The leaching loss rate of gold in oxidation zone , its surface indicative cut-off grade , indicative average grade and enrichment factor for two typical deposits were calculated by using the formula derived .
The Sichuan Basin , a large Paleozoic and Meso-cenozoic era marine and continental basin , is situated between Tethys tectonic domain and marginal Pacific tectonic domain , which control its formation and development .