
  • 网络Affluenza
  1. “富裕病”是拥有或追求财富所带来的负面的心理或行为影响,比如不负责任的行为和自我怀疑及负罪感。

    It is the negative psychological or behavioral effects of having or pursuing wealth , as irresponsible acts and feelings of self-doubt or guilt5 .

  2. 加拿大最新的研究显示,该国富翁都患上了“富裕病”,担心子孙后代变得游手好闲、好逸恶劳。

    Canada 's wealthiest citizens fear that their children will become lazy and squander the money they 've earned , according to a study released this week .

  3. 一份研究发现,医师认为富裕的病患比贫穷的病患具有吸引力。

    A study found GPs perceived affluent patients as more attractive than patients from deprived backgrounds .

  4. 这些趋势有助于解释为什么曾经与富裕相关的慢性病现在对贫穷和弱势群体造成最沉重的负担。

    These trends help explain why chronic diseases , once associated with affluence , now impose their heaviest burden on poor and disadvantaged populations .