
  • 网络Plant compounds;phytochemical
  1. 我们看到的红色素是一种植物化合物&番茄红素;一种很强的抗氧化剂。番茄红素大多是最集中在西红柿里。

    That red hue comes from a phytochemical called lycopene , a powerful antioxidant , which is most concentrated in tomatoes .

  2. 麦麸是小麦加工副产品,含有小麦中主要营养物质,其中多种营养物质如膳食纤维、烟酸、维生素E、硒、镁、植物化合物都有降血脂的功能。

    Wheat bran is the by-product of wheat , which contains many nutrients such as dietary fiber , niacin , vitamin E , selenium , magnesium and phytochemicals that can decrease serum lipids .

  3. 它们还拥有能降低胆固醇的植物化合物,木酚素和植物固醇。

    They also contain the cholesterol-lowering plant compounds lignans and phytosterols .

  4. 亚麻籽正作为一种关键性的植物化合物来源出现在功能食品中。

    Flaxseed is emerging as one of the key sources of phytochemicals in the functional food .

  5. 他们把白米与能被人体转化为维生素A的植物化合物组合起来。

    They combined white rice with plant compounds that the body can change into vitamin A.The rice contains beta-carotene and other carotenoids .

  6. 他们将白色大米与人体能够转化为维生素A的植物化合物结合。这种大米中含有β-葫萝卜素和其他类胡萝卜素。

    They d white rice with plant s that the body can change into vitamin A. The rice contains beta-carotene and other carotenoids .

  7. 通常仅仅通过描述一种植物化合物如何具有治疗性功效是不充分的,甚至表明这种化合物是什么也不够。

    Usually it is not sufficient simply to describe how a plant compound exerts a therapeutic effect , or even what this compound is .

  8. 研究人员集中研究营养素&植物化合物被认为对人们的眼睛、骨骼、心脏、大脑和免疫系统有益,同时还能有效降低心脏病、癌症和糖尿病的风险。

    The researchers focused on phytonutrients-plant compounds believed to boost the health of the eyes , bone , heart , brain and immune system , cutting the risk of heart disease , cancer and diabetes .

  9. 非嗜食植物次生化合物对节瓜蓟马种群的作用

    Effects of semichemicals of non-preferable plants on the populations of Thrips palmi

  10. 植物次生化合物在害虫防治中的作用

    The roles of plant secondary metabolites in insect pest control

  11. 两种地衣植物的化合物分析

    Analysis of compound in two lichen plant

  12. 另外,结合触角电位的数据资料,作者讨论了寄主植物挥发性化合物在该种蝗虫定位和选择寄主植物方面的作用。

    The EAG data are discussed with regard to the role of host plant volatiles in host plant orientation and selection by the grasshopper .

  13. 来源于动植物的化合物称为有机化合物。一种化合物,用作肥料和氮化合物的来源。

    Compounds derived from plants and animals became known as organic . a compound used as a fertilizer and as a source of nitrogen compounds .

  14. 而与空气气相中的多环芳烃关系较明显,证实了前人得到的气相化合物对植物体内化合物的分配起着主要贡献的研究结论。

    The results seem to prove that organic pollutants in gas phase are the primary contribution to the pollutant in plant seeds as the previous research conclusions .

  15. 植物次生化合物可降低动物的食物摄入量及消化率、蛋白质可利用率。某些次生化合物还影响植食性哺乳动物的正常繁殖活动。

    Plant secondary compounds could decrease the food intake , digestibility and protein availability , and some compounds could effect the normal reproductive performance of herbivorous mammals .

  16. 同时还介绍了主要植物源化合物梨酯的研究和田间应用概况,以期为我国苹果蠹蛾的防控研究和应用提供参考。

    The research progress and field application of plant source pear ester were also introduced , aimed to provide a reference for the prevention and control of C.pomonella in China .

  17. 这一现象使众多科研工作者将目光投向了化学预防剂,特别是广泛存在于食物中的植物源化合物,因为它们具有毒副作用相对低的特点,而且易被患者接受。

    This observation has engendered much research activity aimed at identifying cancer chemopreventive agents , especially naturally occurring compounds derived from the diet , which have the advantage of being relatively nontoxic .

  18. 植物挥发性化合物是联系植物、害虫和天敌间3层营养关系的关键信息因子,是害虫防治理论与实践的基础。

    Plant volatile is not only the key of the relationship among plant , herbivore and its natural enemy , but also the foundation for the theory and practice of pest manage .

  19. 糖基化往往改变植物分子化合物的生物活性、稳定性、水溶性、运输特性、亚细胞定位以及与受体的相互识别与特异性结合,另外还能降低或者除去内源外源物质的毒性。

    The transfer of a sugar onto an acceptor usually changes acceptor in its bioactivity , stability , transport properties , subcellular localization and its interaction with the receptor . It also can reduce or remove the toxicity of endogenous and exogenous substances .

  20. 长链烷基苯主要是细菌、藻类和高等植物类脂化合物中脂肪酸在粘土矿物催化下发生环化脱羧再芳构化或单环芳烃与脂肪酸烷基化反应形成的产物。

    Long chain alkyl benzenes is the product of cyclization-decarboxylation-aromatization of fatty acid , with the help of clay minerals catalytic effect , which comes from bacteria , seaseed and higher plant lipid ; or the reaction product of Monocylic aromatics and fatty acid alkyl group under the same conditions .

  21. 抗UV-B辐射植物黄酮类化合物研究进展

    The Advance of Plant Flavonoids of Anti - UV - B Radiation Research

  22. 陆地植物抗癌新化合物的研究进展

    Progress of the New Anticancer Compounds Isolated from the Land Plants

  23. 植物多酚类化合物在巨噬细胞中抗炎作用机制的研究

    Study of Mechanism of Anti-inflammatory in Macrophages by Plant Polyphenol

  24. 昆虫对植物挥发性信息化合物的影响与利用

    The effects and utilization of insect on plant semiochemical volatiles

  25. 抗植物病毒天然化合物研究进展

    Advances in Research on Natural Compounds as Antiviral Agents

  26. 微量元素硒与植物有机硒化合物

    Trace Element Selenium and Organic Selenium Compounds from Plants

  27. 植物多肽类化合物研究进展

    Recent progress in the research of plant peptide compounds

  28. 环境因子对植物释放挥发性化合物的影响

    The Effect of Environmental Factors on Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from Plants

  29. 植物黄酮类化合物具有抗氧化、抗疲劳和抗衰老等多种保健功效。

    · Plant flavonoids have antioxidant , anti-fatigue , anti-aging and other healthcare effects .

  30. 葡萄籽中含有葡萄籽油和植物多酚类化合物-原花青素。

    Grape seeds contain seed oil and procyanidins which are generally named plant poly-phenol .