
hán shì
  • a scholar of little means;a poor scholar;poor people
寒士 [hán shì]
  • (1) [a poor scholar]∶出身低微的读书人

  • 大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。--唐. 杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》

  • (2) [poor people]∶贫困的人

寒士[hán shì]
  1. 他是一介寒士,除书以外,别无长物。

    He was a poor scholar , and possessed nothing but his books .

  2. 就思想人格的接受而言,历代文士塑造了孟浩然形象的两面:寒士和隐士。

    As for the acceptance of ideas and personalities , the intellects through the ages portray two aspects of Haoran : a poor scholar and a hermit .

  3. 诗人借诗中侠客的形象来寄托寒士的人格和生活理想。

    The image of the poet through the poem to sustenance Scholars knight personality and ideals in life .

  4. 其形象的塑造是动态的,在长期接受过程中,隐士形象慢慢战胜了寒士形象,最终成为人们对孟浩然比较一致的看法。

    The portray of him is dynamic and more people tend to consider him as a hermit in the process of acceptance .

  5. 他把自己的不遇与广大寒士的共同命运联系在一起,由此而产生了对知识分子群体命运的幻灭感;

    He connected his unlucky with the fate of the poor intellect , and then had a feeling that his hopes were dashed .

  6. 西晋南朝寒士的作品是该时期文学中的一朵奇葩,有其独特规律。

    The works of the poor scholars in Jin Dynasties ( Western Jin and Eastern Jin ) and Southern Dynasty had their own rules .

  7. 从寒士精神到隐逸情怀&晚唐五代学贾岛一派诗人思想境况的变迁

    From Spirit of Poor Poets to Secluded Feeling : on the Feeling Vicissitude of Poets Followed Jia Dao in the Late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties

  8. 第二节论述厉鹗内心深处孤感伤怀的宋人情结,包括孤情野趣,盛世的不和谐篇章和不求名而名不可磨灭的寒士追求。

    Section two discusses the inner depths of solitary sentimental Li E Song pregnant complex , including solitary feeling of rustic charm , Saatchi discord chapter and " not to name names and indelible ," the poor scholar pursuit .

  9. 魏晋时期的文人游侠诗,慷慨悲壮,抒情兴寄;南北朝时期的游侠诗更多上层社会的浮华色彩,而寒士咏侠又有其特殊之处。

    Chivalric period of the Wei , Jin poetry literati , generous tragic , lyric-pin ; period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties Chivalric poetry more social vanity top color , and poor scholars Yong Chivalric has its unique .

  10. 结语总结了九华四俊作为晚唐的一个寒士群体,其诗歌无论是在生平思想、诗歌内容还是艺术特色上,在晚唐文士中都有一定典型性,在文学史上具有独特的地位。

    As a poor scholar group in the late Tang Dynasty , the conclusion summarizes that their life stories , thoughts , the content and artistic feature of their poems are typical in the late Tang Dynasty , they have a unique position in the history of literature .