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  1. 史称“血腥之夏”

    It 's called " The Red Summer . "

  2. 这支起义队伍史称绿林军。

    This group of peasant insurgents is referred to as the Green Wood Army .

  3. 史称北宋。北宋经历了九位皇帝168年的统治。

    The Northern Song had nine emperors who ruled for a total of 168 years .

  4. 这种职位禅让的做法乃是氏族公社选举制的传统,史称“禅让时代”。

    Abdication is the traditional election system in the time of tribal commune , historically called the Age of Abdication .

  5. 史称“郧之战”。公元前594年,楚又败宋,楚庄王成为中原的霸主。

    In 594 B. C. , Chu defeated the state of Song and obtained the hegemonship over the Central Plain .

  6. 革新人士同时被贬,史称二王八司马。

    Innovators were banished at the same time and the event was called Two Wang and Eight Sima in the history .

  7. 战争的结局是斯巴达人在雅典建立了一个寡头政府,史称三十僭主。

    At the end of the war , the Spartans established in Athens an oligarchial government , known as the Thirty Tyrants .

  8. 古纳亚尔广告公司的华人首席执行官欧文•史称这是一次双赢的对话。

    Owen Shi , China CEO of Gruner + Jahr Advertising Co Ltd , says that it was a conversation of win-win situation .

  9. 中琉贸易的形式是多样的,有册封贸易,有朝贡贸易,还有私人贸易,并且出现了专门从事琉球贸易的福州商人,史称球商。

    There also appeared some Fuzhou merchants who specially engaged in the trade with Ryukyu . They were known in history as Ryukyu tradesmen .

  10. 这引起大地主的武装反抗,许多农民不明真象,也跟从反抗,这就是史称的“度田事件”。

    The large land owners began to resist the property assessment with armed forces . The deceived peasants also put up a violent resistance .

  11. 1795年,一部分农民起义反对抗清朝政府的统治,这次传统上的农民起义史称“白莲教”。

    In 1795 , a group of peasants rose against the Qing government . This traditional peasant uprising was called " White Lotus . "

  12. 在全国范围统一车轨,大车的两轮之间,皆宽6尺,史称“车同轨”,促进了交通运输业的发展。

    Since all the cartwheel ruts had the same width , the axle length was fixed to six chi to ease transportation throughout the country .

  13. (史称京旗移垦)由此开始了双城地方的土地开发高潮。

    It was called Beijing banner men Migration Reclamation in history . And then an upsurge of reclamation began in the land of Shuangcheng area .

  14. 为巩固统治,在实行郡县制的同时,刘邦又大封其子弟为“诸侯王”,史称“同姓王”。

    Hoping to perpetuate the supremacy of the imperial court , Liu Bang installed princes of royal blood to head fiefdoms , which co-existed with prefectures .

  15. 至此,中国在世界同时代的国家中已成为鼎盛帝国,史称“开元盛世”。

    So far , China reached the height of power and splendour among her contemporary empires . This period was " Kaiyuan Flourishing Age " in history .

  16. 意大利著名教育家蒙台梭利在儿童之家的实践基础上创立了她的教育法,史称蒙台梭利教育法。

    Italy famous educator Maria Montessori founded her education method that was called " the Montessori 's Education Method ", on the practice basis of Casa dei Bambini .

  17. 因为此事发生在怀帝永嘉五年(311),史称“永嘉之乱”。

    Because this incident took place in the 5th year of Yongjia ( 311 ) of Emperor Huai , it was known as " the Yongjia Disturbance . "

  18. 1878年,在新墨西哥领地的林肯县,发生了一次长达五个月的流血冲突,史称“林肯县战争”。在美国内战后的西部大开发中,发生了大量的牧区纠纷和流血冲突。

    The Lincoln County War , which took place in the New Mexican Territory in1878 , was a major range war in the western development phase of American history .

  19. 1596年,在当时属于波兰共和国的布列斯特召开了东正教和天主教会联合的宗教会议,史称布列斯特教会合并会议。

    One of the most important conferences in history of Christianism , Brest Church Union , was held in 1596 in Brest , which belonged to Poland at that time .

  20. 他所建立的政治思想及其哲学理论浑然一体,互为表里,系统严整,史称荆公新学。

    He established the theory of political thought and philosophy , an integral whole , each table , the system bearing , known as the new Jing Gong xin Xue .

  21. 1760&1840年间,史称双元革命的工业革命和欧美资产阶级世界革命,是生产力和世界交往双向互动的结果。

    In 18ths the double-member revolution ( die industrial revolution and the Occident bourgeois world revolution ) took place in western because of the bi-directional movement of productivity and communication .

  22. 宋仁宗庆历二年(公元1024)建陪都,史称“北京”,元、明、清为路、府、道所在地;

    Song Qingli Injong year ( AD1024 ) to build capital , known as " Beijing ", Yuan , Ming and Qing for the Road , House , Road location ;

  23. 1713年的今天,因为没有男性继承人,国王查理斯六世颁布国事诏书(史称1713国事诏书),以确保哈布斯堡的土地和奥地利的皇位能够被他的女儿玛莉亚·特丽萨继承。

    1713-With no living male heirs , Emperor Charles VI issues the Pragmatic Sanction to ensure that Habsburg lands and the Austrian throne would be inherited by his daughter , Maria Theresa .

  24. 他逐步摆脱了刘玄的控制,扩大自己的势力。公元25年,刘秀称帝,史称汉光武帝。

    He gradually detached himself from Liu Xuan and extended his own influence , so that in 25 , he proclaimed himself emperor and is known in history as Emperor Guang Wu .

  25. 这次会盟史称“葵丘之会”。葵丘之会规定各国和睦相处,互不侵犯。任何成员国受到外敌攻击,其他各国均应救援。

    The meeting decided that states creating a friendly alliance should never attack each other , and that they had to assist each other if one partner should be attacked by an enemy .

  26. 16世纪末,日本发动了侵略朝鲜的战争,史称壬辰倭乱。

    Japanese Invasion of 1592 vs the Spread of Korea 's Zhu Xi Philosophical School in Japan In the last years of 16th century , Japan launched a war of aggression at Chosen Dynasty .

  27. 次年,刘备也在成都称帝,刘备因身为汉室宗亲,故国号仍为汉,史称蜀国或蜀汉。

    In thevfollowing year , Liu Bei declared himself Emperor of Han being descendant of former Han , which historically known as the Kingdom of Shu or Shu Han , and made Chengdu his capital .

  28. 公元317年,镇守建康(今江苏南京)的晋宗室司马睿在江南重建晋室,史称东晋。

    In 317 , Sima Rui , a member of the Western Jin imperial family stationed in Jiankang ( now Nanjing in Jiangsu ) , restablished the Jin government , which became known as the Eastern Jin .

  29. 公元907年,后梁封他为大彭郡王。隐弟刘葵继位后,扩大了势力范围,于公元917年称帝,国号越,建都广州,次年改国号为汉,史称“南汉”。

    In 907 , he was granted as King of Dapeng and his brother , Liu Ying after succeed him , extended his territory and proclaimed to be emperor of Yue in 917 with Guangzhou as capital .

  30. 文景之治:文帝和景帝统治时期,进一步改善政策,减轻人民的负担,使社会经济由恢复而发展。史称“文景之治”。

    The Reign of Emperors Wendi and Jingdi : During the reign of Emperors Wendi and Jingdi , they improved policies further , which alleviated the people 's burdens and made economy evolve from restoration to development .