
shǐ guǎn
  • historiographers institute;national archives;bureau in charge of writing and preserving historical records
史馆 [shǐ guǎn]
  • [historiographers institute] 旧时主持编纂国史的机构

  • 余在史馆,闻翰林天台陶先生言博鸡者之事。-- 明. 高启《书博鸡者事》

史馆[shǐ guǎn]
  1. 浅析小型史馆建筑内部展示造型与多媒体表现

    Analysis of the Inner Exhibition Design and Multimedia Performance of Small History Museum

  2. 从史馆制度看唐代档案文献编纂

    Archival Documents Compilation of The Tang Dynasty From The Point of View of Historiographers ' Office System

  3. 康熙十八年至康熙二十四年,毛奇龄参与《明史》修纂,他在史馆草拟弘治、正德朝纪、传及诸杂传二百余篇。

    Kangxi's18 years to kangxi's24 years of Qing Dynasty , Mao Qiling participated in the work of compiling The Ming History .

  4. 历史皇家宫殿在一个新闻发布上说,这些藏品已被英国图书史馆认定为具有国家和世界级意义的文物。

    The collection has been recognized as being of national and international importance by Britain 's Museums , Libraries and Archives Council , Historic Royal Palaces said in a news release .