
  • 网络records
  1. 据史志记载,武强始于夏商时期,正式建制于两汉。

    Shi , according to records , the Xia and Shang Dynasties period began Wuqiang officially formed in the Han Dynasty .

  2. 该书史料的汇辑,融入了编纂者对政府档案文献、地方史志和政书典籍的广泛搜集之功,这为下一步具体组织材料、记载历史打下了良好的基础。

    The book historical repertoire , into the compilation of government documents , local records and certificates of books widely collected work , the next step for specific tissue material , recorded in history to lay a good foundation .

  3. 文献史料又可以分为史志类文本和文学类文本。

    Historical documents can be sorted into historical text and literature text .

  4. 宜万线牵引变电所无功补偿方案研究万斯同与地方史志

    Research of Traction Substation Reactive Compensation Plan in Yi - Wan Line

  5. 中国古代史志书目著录的沿革

    Evolution of Description in Catalogues of China History Books

  6. 台湾“大河小说”的史志意蕴

    On the Historical implications of Taiwan Ocean Fiction

  7. 史志质量与档案工作

    Quality of History and Annals and Archival Works

  8. 论元代全真道士史志经编创的小说《西游记》初稿

    On the draft of Journey to the West by a Taoist priest in the Yuan Dynasty

  9. 《文献通考·经籍考》&中国宋代重要的史志目录

    Wen Xian Tong Kao · Jing Ji Kao : An Important Chronicle of Dynasty Song in China

  10. 中华文献资源采金矿&正史史志系列简论

    Mining Gold from Chinese Literature Resources & A Study of Historical Annals of the Chinese Official History

  11. 新闻出版、广播电视、文学艺术、档案史志等事业加快发展。

    Press and publication , radio and television , literature and art , archives Shi and other undertakings to accelerate development .

  12. 雕刻的江南史志&对苏童小说的文化人类学考察

    The Sculpture of Historical Record of South Yangtze River Area & to Inspect SU Tong 's Novels from the View of Cultural Anthropology

  13. 另一间阅览室中,健谈的业余研究者们来自世界各地,为了探究地方史志、追寻年久遗失的祖籍在翻阅着人口调查和家族历史的记录。

    In another chatty amateur researchers from all over the world study census and family records in search of local history and their long-lost ancestors .

  14. 首先通过词文本以及相关史志类文本的甄别和整合,建立起一个基本的资料平台,方便下一步的研究。

    First , through the discrimination and integration of ci poetry text and relative historical text , establish an basical data platform , for the next study conveniently .

  15. 九十年代的报告文学领域出现了大量以历史为题材的史志性报告文学而且受到人们的广泛关注。

    " Historical record of reportage " with history as the subject matter ware appeared in the 1990s report literature field , and paid attention widely by the people .

  16. 建筑学涉及园林领域的研究,以往多利用史志类文本做考证方面的挖掘,对文学类文本在精神性研究性方面的探索则未给予足够重视。

    In the past , the study involved in the garden area is often based on historical text , and not giving enough attention to exploring the spirituality in literature text .

  17. 从《高僧传》看魏晋南北朝时期佛教徒人格的塑造清代甘青地区藏传佛教寺院高僧的史志创作

    Buddhist Personality Building during Wei Jin South and North Dynasty Based on the Biography of Eminent Monks ; The Historical Document Creation of Eminent Monks in Qing Dynasties in Gansu and Qinghai District

  18. 首先明确了地方志、地方史志、社会主义新方志、修志、首轮修志、第二轮修志等基本概念。

    First , clear the basic concepts such as the chorography , local Chronicles , socialist new local Chronicles , the revision , the first round of revision and the second round of revision .

  19. 本文主要研究材料为重庆档案馆收藏的原始司法档案,以及陪都时期的报刊、法令汇编、法学著作、地方史志、人物传记等。

    Materials of research are mainly lawsuit archives of Chongqing Archives , and press , statutes , juristic work , local chronicles compilation , personality profile and so on at the stage of provisional capital period .

  20. “中华家脉”的研究员人数很少,他们的工作方式好像侦探——通过地方史志机构找到祖村,探访年长居民、打探客户祖先离乡后整个家族的变迁。

    My China Roots 's small team of researchers act like detectives , identifying villages through local historical associations and interviewing elderly residents to determine how the family has fared since the client 's ancestor left home .

  21. 在周庄,历史和文化同自然完美地结合在一起。然而,若以历史文献和地方史志为依据,并结合实地考察,即可发现事实并非如此。

    In Zhouzhuang , history and culture are so well blended with nature . But the fact is not as stated above , which is demonstrated by historical documents and local historical books based on the historical studies .

  22. 清代甘青地区藏传佛教寺院高僧的史志创作还有位于大屿山的宝莲寺,该寺的天坛大佛是全球最大的室外青铜佛像。

    The Historical Document Creation of Eminent Monks in Qing Dynasties in Gansu and Qinghai District and Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island , home to the world 's largest outdoor bronze statue of Buddha , the Tian Tan Buddha .

  23. 据当地的史志记载,岐山臊子面起源于3000年前,“只吃面、不喝汤”是当地人约定俗成的饮食规矩。

    As soon as the guests come , they 'll get a bowl of noodles . Local chronicles say that Qishan saozi noodles originated 3000 years ago . According to the local custom , people only eat the noodles but don 't drink the soup .

  24. 史学方面,《解题》继承了全面系统的史学批评思想,并且提出了一些自己的史学思想,还论及了地方史志和金石学,反对当时金石学蓄古器物的风气。

    The history aspect , " Jieti " has inherited the comprehensive system history criticism thought , and proposed some own history thought , but also has concerned the place annals and the epigraphy , opposed at that time the epigraphy " gathered the ancient utensil " atmosphere .

  25. 在这样的学术背景下,本文借鉴吸收学术界已有相关成果,搜集了实录、档案、史志中的相关资料,对甘肃绿营兵的发展历程、布防情况、作用等作了一点力所能及的研究。

    In this academic context , this paper absorbed the relate academic results , and collected related information from the record , files , and history of description , and try my best to study the developed course , deploy feature and function of the Gansu Green Standard Army .