
  • 网络Oligochaetes;Oligochaeta;Ol-ochaeta
  1. 研究发现:南海子底栖大型无脊椎动物有6种,其中寡毛类有2种、摇蚊幼虫有4种;

    The results showed : 6 species of the benthic macroinvertebrates , including 2 species of Oligochaeta and 4 species of Chironomidae larvae , have been recorded .

  2. 密度为315.5个/平方米,水生昆虫占50.8%。寡毛类45.4%;

    The density of zoobenthos is 315 . 5 / m2 . in which aquatic insect is 50 . 8 % , and oligochaeta is 45 . 4 % ;

  3. 三种水栖寡毛类EST、LDH和MDH同工酶电泳的研究

    EST 、 LDH and MDH isozymes of three aquatic oligochaetes

  4. 河涌中的水栖寡毛类与沉积物中的重金属含量显著相关(P<0.01,P<0.05),可以作为Cu、Cr、Ni的良好指示生物。

    The concentrations of heavy metals in benthos ( aquatic oligochaetes ) is remarkably correlated with that in sediments ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ), so the former can be used as bio indicator of Ni , Cu and Cr.

  5. 共发现轮虫28种,甲壳类8种,还发现寡毛类、线虫、摇蚊幼虫、水螨等种类。

    Other species including oligochaeta , nematode , chironomus and water mites were also recorded .

  6. 现代湖泊中的造迹生物以底栖的寡毛类蠕虫、甲壳动物、软体动物的双壳类和腹足类、昆虫幼虫为主。

    Trace-making organisms in modern lacustrine environments are mainly benthic oligochaete annelids . Crustaceans , bivalves and gastropods , insect larvae .

  7. 考察了一种新型寡毛类蠕虫反应器(由游离型蠕虫生长区和附着型蠕虫生长区组成)处理排放剩余污泥的效果。

    A new worm-reactor , consisting of free-swimming and sessile worm growing sections , was developed to be habitat for worm stable growth .

  8. 现阶段国内外利用微型动物进行污泥减量的研究主要集中在寡毛类蠕虫如仙女虫、红斑顠体虫、颤蚓等体型较大的后生动物。

    Domestic sludge reduction research using micro-stage animals are mainly focused on oligochaetes worms , such as Naididae , Aeolosma hemprichii , Tubificidae and other large size metazoanes .

  9. 对比历史数据可知,洱海寡毛类和摇蚊科比例继续增加,表明湖泊有机污染进一步加重。

    Compared with historical data , the proportions of Oligochaete and Chironomid in Erhai Lake continued to increase , which implied that the organic pollution in the Lake was further intensified .

  10. 西湖和青山水库底栖动物群落主要由寡毛类和摇蚊幼虫组成,存在适应低溶氧、耐有机污染的种群。

    In these two sites , the benthic animal community were mainly composed of oligochaeta and chironmus larva , they were adaptive to low concentration DO and were resistive to organic pollution .

  11. 研究记录到底栖动物35种,包括腹足类9种,双壳类5种,多毛类6种,寡毛类2种,甲壳类11种,昆虫幼虫2种。

    Thirty-five species of macroinvertebrate including 9 species of gastropods , 5 of bivalves , 6 of polychaetes , 2 of oligochaetes , 11 of crustacean , and 2 species of insect larvae were recorded .