
  • 网络check mark;tick
  1. 绿色的对勾表示补丁已经成功地应用,已经在运行中的内核中生效了。

    A green check mark indicates that the named patch was applied successfully and is now live in your running kernel .

  2. 使用右上角的绿色对勾把第一个数据流操作符连接到第二个,这会建立有条件连接。

    Connect the first data flow operator to the second using the green check mark in the upper right corner to make a conditional connection .

  3. 然后我确定这是一个合法的蓝色对勾,然后转到Woj的Twitter页面,再次向下滚动。因为我不想被一个虚假账户欺骗。

    I then made sure it was a legit blue check , went over to Woj 's Twitter page & scrolled down again because I didn 't want to be duped by a fake account .

  4. 听,打对勾,整体对照。

    Please listen and tick the right words .

  5. 当方框中显示对勾符号时,说明您要使用该选项。

    When the checkmark appears in the box , it means you want this option .

  6. 老师在正确答案旁边划个对勾,在错的旁边划叉。

    The teacher puts a tick next to right answers and a cross next to wrong ones .

  7. 反模式通常都在左上角标记一个大红叉,而模式则用绿色的对勾标记。

    Anti-patterns are always marked with a big red cross in the upper left corner , whereas patterns are marked with a green check-off sign .

  8. 许多学生都有某种“护身符”,比如红色内衣(人们认为红衣服很吉利)、安踏牌的鞋子(对勾形的商标让人联想起正确答案),或者从学校大门外的商贩那里买到的“健脑”茶包。

    Most students have a talisman of some sort , whether it 's red underwear ( red clothing is believed to be lucky ) , shoes from a company called Anta ( their check-mark logo is reminiscent of a correct answer ) or a pouch of " brain rejuvenating " tea bought from vendors outside the school gates .