
  1. 两对牌,我有三张七点。

    Two pairs . I 've got three shy little sevens . A nervous straight .

  2. 三张连在一起的牌叫一副,有三副另加一对牌者为胜。

    Three together is called a license , there are three additional licenses for a pair of wins .

  3. 需要获取的信息主要包括各种花色的大牌、对牌、分数和张数等。

    The information which need to be known mainly contain color , pair , score and quantity of card .

  4. 另外,在某种程度上类似牌赌,所以人们对牌赌不应该花太多的精力以及款项。

    Furthermore , lotteries to some extent are similar to gambling , so people should not spend too much money and energy on them .

  5. 介绍了四冲程摩托车专用发动机油的特点、规格及应用,并对南海牌四冲程摩托车专用发动机油进行了12000km行车试验考察。

    The characteristics , main specification requirements and application of the specific engine oil for four-stroke motor was introduced , and in order to investigate " NANHAI " specific engine oil quality for four-stroke motor , 12000 km field test was carried .

  6. 这是我们升平人对升平牌质量的保障。

    This is the confidence given to you by Shengping Person .

  7. 没好牌了我想我有一对好牌

    I got nothing . I think I have a very good pair .

  8. 请问您对塔罗牌占卜有什么看法?

    What are your views on Tarot divination ?

  9. 接着根据不同的标准对定牌加工中的侵权类型进行分类。

    There are several different standards to classify the infringement type caused by OEM .

  10. 他们在对那些牌做什么?

    What is he doing with those cards ?

  11. 游客家庭结构不同,对解说牌系统满意度要求差异显著。

    Different family structure has different significant differences on the satisfaction about explanation boards system .

  12. 可能是一对李宁牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。

    Could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product .

  13. 对无牌室内设计师的可怕威胁

    The terrible threat of unlicensed interior designers

  14. 其次整理归纳出目前理论界与实务中对定牌加工是否构成侵权这一问题存在的三种不同做法,即构成商标侵权、不构成商标侵权和区别情况。

    Then the author concludes three different approaches in the problem whether OEM constitutes infringement from the theoretical and practical .

  15. 你是否也像我一样曾对广告牌上的法国名模爱米诺垂涎欲滴呢?

    Have you , like me , drooled over French model Noemi Lenoir 's perfect body on all those M & S billboards ?

  16. 指出整治工程在对界牌河段的河势控制、航道、港口作业条件及堤防条件的改善等方面已起到了良好的效果;

    Finally the paper points out that the renovating project has good effects on the control of the river regime , the working conditions of the channel and the port .

  17. 考虑混凝土材料非线性和横缝接触非线性,对沙牌拱坝进行结构分析,研究横缝下游宽度变化对拱坝工作性态的影响。

    Considering material nonlinear of concrete and contact nonlinear of transverse joints , the effect of transverse joints aperture on operation behavior of RCC arch dam is studied in this paper .

  18. 还有一些受访家长对告示牌则持有怀疑态度,一位孩子正处于基础教学阶段的家长声称这一举动“有点胡闹”。

    Some people when questioned were more hesitant about the signs , with one parent , whose child is in the foundation stage , calling the move " a bit daft . "

  19. 2002年,作者在访英期间留意收集了这五件铜牌饰的图片和线图资料,这是对这些牌饰的再发现,也是研究中国文明起源和早期发展的珍贵新资料。

    During his visiting UK in 2002 , the author collected their graphs and figures . They are precious new materials to the research of the origin and early development of Chinese civilization .

  20. 本文对北京牌8306型彩色电视机的开关电源进行了详细分析,并给出了电路设计方法。

    The switched power supply circuit in color TV set , Beijing brand model 8306 , are analysed in detail , and a design method of the circuit are given in this paper .

  21. 如果可能,在人们低头看牌的时候进行观察,根据牌手的距离,他们对发牌的反应来进行。

    If possible , you want to observe people as they look at their hole cards and , depending how far the hand is played , their reactions to any other cards dealt .

  22. 本研究主要考察智力障碍学生对指示牌、招牌、警示语、小区通知、招聘广告、药品说明书等生活中常见材料的阅读能力。

    The study mainly investigated the capability of students with mental retardation to read such common materials as signage , signboard , warnings , notification in community , recruiting advertisement , medication labels and so on .

  23. 试验在陕西省西宝高速公路的其中一段路程上进行,用眼动仪记录了受试驾驶员在行驶过程中对广告牌的凝视时间及视角等数据。

    The test was made on a section of the Xi ' bao highway in Shaan ' xi province , the instrument recorded the drivers ' gazing time , visual angles and other data to advertisements in highway during the test .

  24. 最后,在竞争优势基础上提出了差异化营销策略,介绍了实施差异化策略对绿灯牌的意义以及如何实施差异化策略来进一步增强绿灯牌的市场竞争力,保障其持续性健康发展。

    Finally , on the basis of the competitive advantage , it also submits the differentia marketing strategy and the profit of the strategy for Red Lantern band as well as the way how to enhance competitiveness and keep it healthy developing .

  25. 针对东海大桥桥面铺装设计要求,对“东海牌”SBS改性沥青掺配湖沥青,配置高性能复合改性沥青。

    Combined with the bridge surfacing design of Donghai Bridge , the paper studied and produced high-powered compound modified asphalt through mixing lake asphalt into SBS modified asphalt .

  26. 许多客户对你们海鸥牌的家用剪刀很感兴趣,期待您的报价(CNF上海)

    112.Many of customers are interested in your Seagull brand household scissors and we wish to have your CNF Shanghai quotations .

  27. 本文对JNJ江南牌超微型汽车玻璃钢车门的设计进行了介绍,并简要介绍了这种车门结构的优点。

    The design on the FRP door of JNJ super-mini automobile were introduced , the advantages of this door structure were mentioned .

  28. 发给了我一对9的牌来戏弄我。

    And he played me by giving me A9 pair .

  29. 当前的法律要求对从持牌经销商购入枪支的人进行背景调查。

    The current law requires background checks for people who buy guns from licensed dealers .

  30. 文中采用传统的四球机法,对工投牌高扭矩钻具螺纹脂的摩擦系数进行了测试。

    The paper measures the friction coefficient of Gongtou brand thread compounds for high torque drill tool .