
  • 网络clearing account;settlement of an account
  1. 确定基金专用席位后,基金托管人应当向资金交收部办理开立资金清算帐户手续。

    After confirming the exclusive funds seats , the finds custodian shall handle the procedures for establishing the capital clearing account at the capital delivery and receiving department .

  2. 结清未清算的银行交易清算帐户,结算帐户

    Settlement of outstanding bank transactions clearing account

  3. 接受/出因员工清算个人帐户而产生的现金或支票。

    Collects / disburses cash or checks from employees for settlement of personal accounts .

  4. 这是包含净清算的产权所有帐户的总和。

    This is the sum of all accounts that contain a net liquidating equity .