
  • 网络symmetrical airfoil;symmetric airfoil
  1. 对称翼型低速绕流流场特性的数值分析研究

    Numerical Simulation of the Low Wind Speed Flow Fields around the Symmetrical Airfoil

  2. 同时,选取儒可夫斯基对称翼型在低紊流风洞中进行低雷诺数翼型实验,通过实验手段分析低雷诺数翼型的气动特性。

    Meanwhile , an experimental study was performed to investigated the characteristics of the symmetrical airfoil in the low turbulent tunnel .

  3. 对称翼型转轮双向泵装置紊流数值模拟与性能预测

    Numerical Simulation and Performance Prediction of Reversible Pump with Symmetric Aerofoil

  4. 新型双头反向对称翼型性能的数值研究

    Value Research on Performance of New Double - head Reverse Symmetric Airfoil

  5. 对称翼型近场尾流及后缘边界层流动特性的试验研究

    Experimental investigation of trailing-edge and near wake flow of a symmetric airfoil

  6. 对采用这几种非对称翼型设计的风机的性能进行了研究及对比,得出了最优反接比例弦长的非对称翼型。

    Comparing with the performance of the asymmetric airfoils , the asymmetric airfoil with optimal chord length in reverse connection had been designed .

  7. 采用双向对称翼型设计轴流泵叶轮,配合平面S形布置的进出水流道组成双向抽水装置。

    A bidirectional pumping installation consists of a reversible axial flow impeller designed with symmetric airfoil shape and an ogee shape passageway in the horizontal .

  8. 本文计算了对称圆弧翼型和NACA65A006翼型。计算结果表明,自适应翼型比双目标优化的翼型有更好的气动特性。

    Numerical results of symmetric arc airfoil and NACA65A006 airfoil show that aerodynamic efficiency of adaptive airfoil is better than that of bi objective optimization airfoil .