首页 / 词典 / good

  • answer;reply;treat;cope with
  • mutually;face to face;divide into halves
  • opposite;opposing;right;correct
  • antithetical couplet;couplet
  • pair;couple
  • 答,答话,回答:~答如流。无言以~。

  • 朝着:~酒当歌。

  • 处于相反方向的:~面。

  • 跟,和:~他商量一下。

  • 互相,彼此相向地:~立。~流。~接。~称(chèn)。~峙。

  • 说明事物的关系:~于。~这事有意见。

  • 看待,应付:~待。

  • 照着样检查:核~。校(jiào )~。

  • 投合,适合,使相合:~应(yìng )。~劲。

  • 正确,正常,表肯定的答语:神色不~。

  • 双,成双的:配~。~偶。~仗(律诗、骈文等按照字音的平仄和字义做成对偶的语句)。

  • 平分,一半:~开。

  • 搀和(多指液体):~水。

  • 量词,双:一~鹦鹉。


(回答) answer; reply:

  • 无言以对

    have nothing to say in reply


(对待; 对付) treat; cope with; counter:

  • 刀对刀, 枪对枪

    sword against sword and spear against spear;

  • 对事不对人

    concern oneself with facts and not with individuals;

  • 广州队对大连队

    the Guangzhou team versus the Dalian team;

  • 她对我很好。

    She treats me well.


(朝; 向; 面对) be trained on; be directed at; face:

  • 把枪口对准敌人

    train one's gun on the enemy;

  • 她的话不是对着你的。

    What she said was not directed at you.

  • 这房子对着大街。

    The house faces the street.


(使两个东西配合或接触) bring (two things) into contact; fit one into the other:

  • 对暗号

    exchange code words;

  • 对个火儿。

    Give me a light, please.

  • 这个榫头对不上。

    This tenon won't fit.


(投合; 适合) suit; agree; get along:

  • 对心眼儿

    suit one down to the ground;

  • 糖醋鱼很对他的胃口。

    Sour-sweet fish agreed very well with him.


(把两个东西放在一起互相比较, 看是否相符合) compare; check; identify:

  • 对笔迹

    identify the handwriting;

  • 对号码

    check numbers


(调整使合于一定标准) set; adjust:

  • 对表

    set one's watch; synchronize watches;

  • 对好望远镜的距离

    adjust the focus of a telescope;

  • 如果照相机焦点不对准, 照片就会模糊。

    If the camera is not brought into focus, the photo will be blurred.


(搀和) mix; add:

  • 茶太浓了, 给我对点儿水。

    Add some water to the tea; it's too strong for me.

  • 牛奶里对水了。

    The milk has been adulterated with water.


(二者相对; 彼此相向) mutually; face to face:

  • 对饮

    (two people) have a drink together;

  • 对坐

    sit facing each other


(平均分成两份)divide into halves:

  • 对股劈

    go halves;split fifty-fifty


(对面的; 敌对的) opposite; opposing:

  • 对岸

    the opposite bank; the other side of the river


(相合; 正确; 正常)right; correct:

  • 对, 就这么办。

    All right, just go ahead.

  • 是他的不对。

    It's his fault.

  • 他今天神色不对。

    He doesn't look himself today.

  • 我这样说对吗?

    Am I correct in saying this?


(对偶的词句; 对联) antithetical couplet; couplet:

  • 喜对

    wedding couplet


(双) pair; couple:

  • 一对夫妇

    a married couple;

  • 一对花瓶

    a pair of vases;

  • 一对选手

    a couple of players



  • 他对别人求全责备, 对自身的缺点却视而不见。

    He demands perfection in others, but cannot see faults in himself.

  • 水对鱼的关系正如空气对人的关系一样。

    Water is to fish what air is to man.

  • 他对我笑了笑。

    He smiled at me.

  • 他对形势的分析很透彻。

    He made a very thorough analysis on the situation.

  1. 她深爱帕迪,但他对她却并不好。

    She adored Paddy but he didn 't treat her well

  2. 他们对宠物像对自己的孩子一样好——有时候比对孩子更好。

    They treat their pets as their children --- sometimes even better .

  3. 不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。

    An unhappy home environment can affect a child 's behaviour .

  4. 他们对食物的质量感到又惊又喜。

    They were agreeably surprised by the quality of the food .

  5. 他的著作被视为是对这场战争的辩护。

    His book was seen as an apologia for the war .

  6. 美国对空袭很快作出了反应。

    The US delivered an early riposte to the air attack .

  7. 莉萨经过一番良心上的斗争,终于对警方说了。

    Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police .

  8. 萨拉对他们的缺乏兴趣的情况越来越不能忍耐了。

    Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest .

  9. 观众给我提的意见反过来对我的作品起到了促进作用。

    What the audience tells me feeds back into my work .

  10. 这些改革对地方政府最有利。

    These reforms were in the best interests of local government .

  11. 这些结果是对政府教育政策明显的批评。

    The results are a clear comment on government education policy .

  12. 政府将在今年晚些时候对形势重新加以研究。

    The government will review the situation later in the year .

  13. 政府已承诺对这次灾难进行全面调查。

    The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster .

  14. 政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。

    The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom .

  15. 额外补助对大多数单身母亲来说都是赖以生存的生命线。

    The extra payments are a lifeline for most single mothers .

  16. 新道路开发可能对这些古老的林地造成破坏。

    These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments .

  17. 法庭准许他对判决提出上诉。

    The court granted him leave to appeal against the sentence .

  18. 选民在会上提出了对卫生保健状况的担忧。

    In the meeting , voters raised concerns about health care .

  19. 我对他们那腐朽的生活方式开始感到厌恶。

    I started to feel a revulsion against their decadent lifestyle .

  20. 没必要对他们这么不客气。

    There 's no need to be so unfriendly towards them .

  21. 对喜欢剧烈运动者,我们有冲浪和潜水运动。

    For the more energetic , we offer windsurfing and diving .

  22. 我们需要对这一政策产生的效果作出评价。

    We need to evaluate how well the policy is working .

  23. 警方的报告免除了对刘易斯贪污的所有指控。

    The police report exonerated Lewis from all charges of corruption .

  24. 警方对那起攻击的凶残感到震惊。

    The police were shocked by the ferocity of the attack .

  25. 人们对儿童保育问题议论纷纷。

    There had been much debate on the issue of childcare .

  26. 这明显是福特对守门员犯规。

    It was a clear foul by Ford on the goalkeeper .

  27. 他对自己和那位女演员的关系直言不讳。

    He was very frank about his relationship with the actress .

  28. 在那首诗里他对乡村遭到的破坏流露出悲哀。

    In the poem he laments the destruction of the countryside .

  29. 他的评论被误解为对这个项目的批评。

    His comments were misinterpreted as a criticism of the project .

  30. 她对自己的大学时代充满了怀念之情。

    She is filled with nostalgia for her own college days .