首页 / 词典 / good

  • desire;longing;wish
  • wish;want;desire;about to
  • 想得到某种东西或想达到某种目的的要求:~念。~望。~火。食~。情~。禁~。纵~。

  • 想要,希望:~盖弥彰。~罢不能。~速不达。

  • 需要:胆~大而心~细。

  • 将要:摇摇~坠。山雨~来风满楼。

  • 婉顺的样子。


(欲望) desire; longing; wish:

  • 名利欲

    desire for fame and wealth;

  • 求知欲

    thirst for knowledge;

  • 食欲

    a desire for food; appetite


(想要; 希望) wish; want; desire:

  • 畅所欲言

    pour out all that one wishes to say; speak one's mind freely;

  • 从心所欲

    do as one pleases; follow what the heart desires;

  • 为所欲为

    do whatever one likes; act willfully;

  • 己所不欲,勿施于人。

    Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.


(将要) about to; just going to; on the point of:

  • 摇摇欲坠

    on the verge of collapse; crumbling; tottering;

  • 东方欲晓。

    Dawn is breaking.

  • 山雨欲来风满楼。

    The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountain.

  1. 控制器兄弟是两位喜欢用控制器并且控制欲极强的DJ。

    Controller Brothers are two DJs who enjoy using controllers & desire for control .

  2. 亚里士多德不是称人类为理性的动物吗,具有,Logos,的生物,并暗示所有的人类,都有求知欲,且想要陶冶他的身心,并过自由的生活。

    Doesn 't Aristotle call man the rational animal , the being with logos , suggesting that all human beings have a desire for knowledge and the desire to cultivate their minds and live as free persons .

  3. 如欲取消,请至少提前24小时告知。

    We need at least 24 hours ' notice of cancellation .

  4. 他这个孩子求知欲很强,总是爱提问。

    He is such a curious boy , always asking questions .

  5. “欲速则不达”是人们熟知的似非而是的隽语。

    ' More haste , less speed ' is a well-known paradox .

  6. 在领导选举中,他欲与首相一决高下。

    He intends to oppose the prime minister in the leadership election .

  7. 50名雄心勃勃的年轻人亟欲跻身英格兰队。

    50 young hopefuls are trying for a place in the England team .

  8. 他有着极其强烈的求生欲。

    He had an unquenchable thirst for life .

  9. 欲知规定饮食的详情,请按这个地址给我们写信。

    For further information on the diet , write to us at this address .

  10. 欲知详情,请拨打此电话号码。

    For more information , call this number .

  11. 欲购从速,勿失良机。

    Buy now before it 's too late .

  12. 欲知详情,请拨打这个电话号码。

    For further details call this number .

  13. 欲知详情,请来信或电话联系。

    Please write or telephone for details .

  14. 有些警告一定得说,如:工欲善其事,必先利其器。

    Some cautions must be mentioned ─ for example good tools are essential to do the job well .

  15. 欲知详情,请访问我们的网站www.cobuild.collins.co.uk。

    For details visit our website at www.cobuild.collins.co.uk .

  16. 他本欲作一番挣扎,却已力不从心。

    He would have struggled but his strength had melted .

  17. 他母亲控制欲很强,过去他常常一天给她打好几次电话。

    He used to ring his possessive mother several times a day .

  18. 欲知详情,请使用所附表格联系我们。

    For further information , please contact us on the attached form .

  19. 当送葬队走到墓地时,他们更加悲恸欲绝。

    Their grief turned to hysteria when the funeral procession arrived at the cemetery

  20. 欲知离自己最近的演出的详情,请查询当地文娱预告杂志。

    For details of the nearest performance look in the local listings magazines .

  21. 丹尼很爱吃醋,对我的占有欲很强。

    Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me

  22. 他是一个可靠的无欲无求的军官,唯命是从。

    He was a reliable , unambitious officer who did as he was told .

  23. 我学过一点写作方面的技巧,秘诀就是欲说还休。

    I learned something about writing . The secret is to say less than you need .

  24. 我头痛欲裂。

    I developed an appalling headache .

  25. 标书5月份递交,本欲10月份才予以公布。

    The bids were submitted in May and were meant to have been kept under wraps until October

  26. 欲吃果仁者,必先破其壳。

    He that would eat the kernel must first crack the nut .

  27. 我们公司急欲开辟新的市场。

    Our company is eager to expand into new markets .

  28. 管理层亟欲避免另一场罢工。

    The management is anxious to avoid another strike .

  29. 她有强烈的求知欲。

    She has a strong hunger for knowledge .

  30. 她发现他这个人非常傲慢,而且控制欲极强。

    She found him arrogant and domineering .