
  1. 沉到漩涡之中是指沉溺在五种感官欲乐中。

    Sinking into a whirlpool means indulgence in five kinds of sensual pleasures .

  2. 十月之久,在母血中凝结,由男精与合梦的欲乐而形成。

    In the time of ten months I was compacted in blood , of the seed of man , and the pleasure of sleep concurring .

  3. 对任何感官欲乐的贪爱会导致不断地轮回,不会引导你到达涅盘大海。

    The attachment to any sensual pleasure leads you to repeated rebirth in the cycle of existence ; it does not lead you to Nibbana , the ocean .

  4. 安塞乐米塔尔的成立动机,来自于这位印度亿万富翁欲把安赛乐位于西欧的高科技钢铁产能与自己旗下的米塔尔钢铁业务联合在一起的构想。米塔尔钢铁在美国和东欧拥有大量业务。

    The deal to create ArcelorMittal was driven by the Indian billionaire 's idea about uniting his Mittal Steel business – which had a big presence in the US and eastern Europe – with Arcelor 's high-tech steel making plants in western Europe .