
  • 网络mutually opposing and constraining
  1. 图书馆计算机应用系统中的开放性与安全性是相互对立又相互制约的。

    Openness and security in library computer application systems are mutually contradictory and restrictive .

  2. 并根据主客体关系属性对立和相互制约的思想指出,在同性恋活动中,主客体关系得以建立的事实表明,其活动主体的属性与其客体必然是对立的。

    The relationship between a subject and object can only be established in such condition that both the subject and object have different nature from each other .

  3. 企业的顾客价值定位取决于企业提供超额价值的能力和各种客观因素,还受到NCV和π对立统一关系的制约。

    The ability to deliver satisfactory Customer Value by firm and varieties of factors should be taken into consideration during the Orientation of Customer Value by the firm , which is also on the control of the relationship of NCV and π .

  4. 普通话语音系统受对立统一规律的制约,处处体现出对称美。

    Restricted by the law of the unity of opposites , the phonetics system of Putonghua reflects the beauty of symmetry everywhere .