
duì kǒu zhī yuán
  • Counterpart support;mutual assistance exchanged by two units with the same responsibilities
  1. 多渠道筹措教育经费,如政府拨款、地方自筹、寻找对口支援等。

    Try every means to raise funds for local education .

  2. 学生受益是对口支援最根本的落脚点。

    It is the fundamental purpose to benefit the students .

  3. 远程网络教学是对口支援最实惠的发展面。

    It is the most substantial way to develop distant network teaching ;

  4. 运用木桶定律指导对口支援工作

    Using law of cask to direct work of mouth-to-mouth support

  5. 这就是我们的对口支援政策。

    This is our policy of mouth-to – mouth support .

  6. 从四个方面看对口支援发展趋势

    On Developing Tendency of Counterpart Assistance from Four Sides

  7. 这个对口支援就是个长期的关系了。

    The counterpart aid relationship is a long-term one .

  8. 北京市对口支援社区卫生服务政策的短中期效果评价

    Short and Mid-term Effect of Partner Policy for Community Health Service in Beijing

  9. 东西部高校对口支援政策执行分析

    An Analysis of Policy Implementation on East-west University " Counterpart Aid " Plan

  10. 对口支援和经济技术协作法律对策研究

    Study on Legal System of Coordinated Support and Economical Technological Cooperation to Minority Areas

  11. 对口支援,一项具有中国特色的政策。

    Targeted aid , a Chinese policy .

  12. 城乡对口支援医院双向转诊的路径探讨及实证研究

    Approach and Empirical Research on the Path of Two-way Referral between Urban and Rural Hospitals

  13. 2001年教育部启动了“对口支援西部地区高等学校计划”。

    In2001 , the Ministry of Education started the program of " the counterpart support " .

  14. 区域梯度教育结构与对口支援西部高校的反梯度

    Regional Gradient in the Educational Structure and Anti-gradient of the Partner Assistance on the Western Colleges

  15. 因为实施教育对口支援的各个地区的具体情况不可能一样,甚至差别很大。

    The reason is that the specific conditions in different regions implementing educational counterpart assistance are various .

  16. 三是借助社会,建立健全高校对口支援政策评估体系。

    The third is to establish and improve the evaluation system of those policies with the community .

  17. 目的研究受援医院在对口支援中的成功做法,提高对口支援的效果。

    Objective To study the successful practice of recipient hospital in directional support and to improve support effect .

  18. 基于蚁群算法解决对口支援的赈灾物资指派问题的研究

    Ant colony algorithm applied to the assignment problem of relief materials dispatch under China 's partner assistance policy

  19. 示范院校建立对口支援长效机制的探索开展对口支援培养西部高校师资的探索与实践

    Exploration on Establishing Long-term Counterpart Support Mechanism in Model Colleges Exploration into Teachers Training in West China by Pairing-Assistance

  20. 实践中,江西省直部门对口支援散杂居民族地区的显著成绩也证实了这种内在逻辑联系。

    In practice , the internal logic connection is confirmed by the remarkable achievements of counterpart aid in Jiangxi province .

  21. 政策监控与政策评估是我国高校对口支援政策制定和执行的有效保障。

    It is policy monitoring and policy evaluation that supports policy formulation and implementation of counterpart assistance of Chinese universities .

  22. 在合作形式上有企业战略联盟、企业集团和对口支援等不同形式。

    The types of enterprise cooperation include : strategic alliance of enterprises , enterprise groups , mutual support , and so on .

  23. 第二部分是对口支援概念、类型、历史沿革以及新一轮对口支援的特点。

    The second part is the characteristics of targeted aid concept , types , history and a new round of targeted aid .

  24. 2001年启动的我国高校对口支援政策是一个基于问题导向的政策制定模型。

    The Chinese policy of offering targeted assistance to colleges and universities was launched in2001 in order to solve some specific problems .

  25. 面对这样惨烈的灾难,在中央政府的统一部署下,开展了大规模的对口支援工作。

    With the heavy disaster , under the uniform deployment of The Central Government , large scale of corresponding reconstruction is carried out .

  26. 在这一地区开展对口支援工作面临着许多前所未有的复杂问题,机遇与挑战并存。

    The counterpart support work to be carried out in the region will be faced with many complex issues of unprecedented opportunities and challenges .

  27. 在帮助贫困地区发展教育方面,我国经过不断探索,创造出一种行之有效的对口支援形式。

    As for helping the impoverished areas to develop education , our nation creates an effective form named " Counterpart Aid " through insistent investigations .

  28. 军队100所医院对西部贫困地区105所县医院进行了对口支援。

    In addition , 100 PLA hospitals have made arrangements with 105 lo-cal county hospitals in the poor areas of the western region to provide assistance .

  29. 采取对口支援等多种形式,加大对革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区扶持力度。

    We should increase support for old revolutionary base areas , ethnic minority areas , border areas and poor areas through pairing assistance and other means .

  30. 这两个机制下面又包含若干子机制,通过这些子机制的耦合作用使得对口支援能够高效、良性、可持续的运行。

    These two mechanisms below contain a number of sub-mechanisms by the coupling of these sub-mechanisms makes counterpart support to efficiently , benign , sustainable operation .