
  • 网络Log;Bode;log scale;log coordinate
  1. Arps基本的递减规律出发,提出了一种新的简单可靠的分析产量递减的方法.该方法在对数坐标中建立了累积产量与时间的线性关系。

    On the basis of Arps fundamental production decline law , a simple and reliable analysis method of production decline was presented , and the linear relationship between cumulative production rate and time in log coordinate system was developed .

  2. 浅谈数控车床坐标系及手动对刀方法对数值对数坐标图

    Discussion on the Coordinates in NC Lathe and Adjusting Tool Ways logit / log graph

  3. 从对数坐标图中求出该衰减系数或温度下降率α,得出α随P的变化规律。

    By plotting the data in logarithmic coordinates , the attenuation coefficient or temperature decreasing rate a is obtained .

  4. 研究表明,在双对数坐标上硬化曲线呈现多n行为。

    Multiple n behaviour was observed in the hardening curve when used double logarithmic coordinate axis .

  5. VB开发AutoCAD绘制半对数坐标网格

    Drawing Semi-Logarithmic Coordinate Grids by Developing AutoCAD Based on VB

  6. 双对数坐标系里的直线意味着相对起伏变量的标度不变性,即:在任何标d\硕士学住论文Q一少*r厂SumIS度上都没有什么特征使这个标度显得特别。

    In a figure with double logarithm coordinates , straight line means the scale invariance of relative fluctuations , i.e. no scale seems special .

  7. 于是摩尔又画了一张对数坐标图,这次他惊奇地发现,将一条坐标用10的N次方来计数之后,存储芯片的发展趋势呈一条几乎水平的直线。

    So Moore switched to logarithmic paper - that is , with one side in powers of ten - and , stunningly , the memory chips tracked along a straight , nearly horizontal line .

  8. 结果表明:腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展速率(da/dN)(CF)与(△K-△K(thCF))在双对数坐标上呈线性关系。

    It results in that the crack propagation rate , ( da / dN ) CF , has a linear relationship with (Δ K - Δ KthCF ) on double-Log plots .

  9. 在双对数坐标系下,只在一定的标度区间,拟会功率谱与频率的关系才能表示成S(f),亦即将会分形几何学定义。

    And only in a certain scaling area in dual logarithmic coordinate sys-tem , can the relation between fitted power spectrum and frequency be expressed as S ( f ), which coincides with the definition of fractal geometry .

  10. 用最小二乘法对MTF曲线(对数坐标下)进行二、三次项拟合,求得拟合参数。

    Least square regression method was used for MTF curve ( at logarithmic axis ) fitting with quadratic equation so as or cubic equation to obtain the desired parameters .

  11. 该方法可以使P-S-N曲线试验数据在双对数坐标系lgN-lg(S&So)中最大限度地呈现线性关系。

    To obtain a linear relationship between logN and log ( S-S0 ) from test data of P-S-N curve is presented in this paper .

  12. 按照Desai的挠动状态理论,双对数坐标下结构性土的压缩曲线可以简化为两段直线。

    Combined with the disturbed state concept proposed by Desai , the consolidation line of the structured soils could be divided into two linear parts in loglog plot .

  13. 本文论证了要使不同的毛管压力曲线转换成同一条J(Sw)曲线的条件,即这些毛管压力曲线必须在单对数坐标系(lgPc&Sw)上相互平行或重合。

    It is proved in this paper that the condition of merging different capillary pressure curves into the sigle J ( S_w ) curve is that these capillary pressure curves must be parallel or overlapped in the single-logarithmic coordinates ( lgP_c-S_w ) .

  14. 依据蒸汽吞吐稠油油藏注采特征曲线,当汽油比(SOR)大于1~2.5时,曲线在半对数坐标上出现直线段。

    In the injection-production curves of producing heavy oil , a straight line segment appears in semi-log coordinate system when SOR greater than 1 to 2.5 . And there is relation of slop of straight line with the reserve .

  15. Manson-Coffin方程实际是幂指函数模型在双对数坐标系下的一阶线性近似,这是幂指函数模型寿命预测精度较高的原因。

    In fact , Manson-Coffin equation is the first order Taylor expansion approximation of power-exponent function model in log-log scale coordinates system . It 's the reason for a better precision of power-exponent function model in LCF life prediction .

  16. 利用lg(Mx/M)与lgx的双对数坐标函数图中的线性回归,采用最小二成法对曲线进行拟合,得到了密级配废旧橡胶颗粒沥青混合料集料的粒径分布的分形型式。

    Using the lg ( Mx / M ) and the LGX bi-logarithm coordinates functions in the chart the linear regression method of the least 28 % , curve fitting , obtained the dense gradation asphalt mixture waste rubber particle size distribution of aggregates the fractal model .

  17. 同时实现极坐标变换和径向对数坐标变换的光学方法

    Optical method for completing simultaneously polar coordinate transfer and radial logarithmic transfer

  18. 在双对数坐标下,线缩率和时间几乎呈线性关系。

    Shrinkage-time curve is almost linear in logarithmic relationship .

  19. 用曲线图形表示系统的频率特性,可以绘制出极坐标图和对数坐标图。

    Nyquist chart and Bode chart are methods to express frequency characteristic with graph .

  20. 人们常常采用对数坐标分析粒子探测数据,因此相对误差比绝对误差更有意义。

    Logarithmic coordinate is often used to analyze data of the radiation in space .

  21. 论述了极指数栅格坐标和极对数坐标变换原理以及在测距方面的应用。

    This paper described the transformation theory of polar_log grid coordinate and its application to distance_measuring .

  22. 运用速率过程理论,研究了非饱和膨胀土的膨胀变形特征.根据速率过程理论,证明了膨胀土膨胀变形速率与时间在双对数坐标上呈直线相关;

    The swelling deformational character is studied by use of the rate process theory in this paper .

  23. 那是因为在对数坐标系上看起来甚为平缓的直线背后,还隐藏着一条大起大落的抛物线。

    That 's because behind the gently sloping straight line there still lies that dizzying parabolic curve .

  24. 在双对数坐标图上,用实测压力数据和理论无量纲压力曲线拟合,求出低渗透岩心的启动压力梯度。

    The TPG is solved by comparison testing pressure curve with theory curves in single log coordinate system .

  25. 压实度与碾压遍数在对数坐标下为一线性关系。

    The degrees of compaction keep linear relationship with the number of times of compaction under the logarithmic coordinates .

  26. 在双对数坐标上,刀具耐用度与切削速度、进给量、切削深度成线性关系。

    Expressed with dual logarithm coordinate , the tool durability has linear relation with cutting speed / feed / deep .

  27. 在双对数坐标下,商三区和胜二区岩石孔喉半径与渗透率存在线性关系;

    There is a liner relation between radius of the pore throat and permeability of the rock in log log coordinate .

  28. 严重段塞流具有严格的周期性,周期长度随气液相折算流速增大而减小,在对数坐标下呈线性关系。

    The length of period decreases with gas superficial velocity , liquid superficial velocity increasing , logarithmic coordinates in a linear relationship .

  29. 随着渗透率的增大,喉道分选性变差,并且平均喉道半径与渗透率在对数坐标系中具有较好的线性关系。

    The sorting coefficient increases with permeability , and the relationship between the average throat radius and permeability are linear in logarithmic coordinates .

  30. 适当地调整图谱的坐标形式,如采用对数坐标形式或采用两段不同的单位坐标值形式等,可显著改善指纹图谱的质量。

    Changing the form of coordinate axis could observably improve the quality of fingerprint , such as logarithmic coordinate axis or axis break .