
léi nuò
  • renault;Reynolds
雷诺[léi nuò]
  1. 对不同的热负荷情况,讨论了几何参数一定的换热器N随流动雷诺数变化情况。

    N versus Reynolds number Re were investigated with different heat duty .

  2. 低雷诺数下突扩管流的CFD数值计算

    CFD Numerical Calculation of Sudden-expansion Pipe Flow of Low Reynolds Number

  3. 超级酷哥让∙雷诺演出这部影片。

    The movie stars the uber-cool Jean Reno .

  4. 听了那句话,雷诺失去了冷静。

    At that , Reno lost her cool composure .

  5. 在旅途中,雷诺开启了他的自然作家生涯。

    During the journey , Raynor began a career as a nature writer .

  6. 雷诺浑身酸痛,想洗个澡。

    Raynor ached all over and desired a bath .

  7. 雷诺·温和她的丈夫莫思由于投资失败而无家可归。

    Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment .

  8. 离开家的时候,雷诺和莫丝的银行里只有320英镑。

    When leaving home , Raynor and Moth had just £ 320 in the bank .

  9. 中等Reynolds数线性剪切泡状流的液相雷诺应力

    Liquid Reynolds stress in linear shear bubbly flow with intermediate Reynolds numbers

  10. 本文基于理论分析和对标准K-ε两方程湍流模型数值模拟结果的分析,在标准K-ε两方程模型的雷诺应力表达式中加入高阶非线性项;

    In this paper , based on theoretical and numerical analyses , a new nonlinear K ε two equation turbulence model is developed .

  11. 采用直接求解雷诺平均N-S方程和标准k-ε紊流方程组的方法,模拟了方箱式双向进水流道内的流动。

    The flow in a two-way suction box is computed by means of three dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using the standard k - ε model .

  12. ε高雷诺数模型对三维流场进行分析,速压耦合使用SIMPLE算法。

    ε high Reynolds turbulent model was used to finish these jobs , and the SIMPLE based method for coupling the velocity and pressure fields is employed which facilities and the momentum equations .

  13. 在相同雷诺数和精度要求下,W循环所需的外迭代次数较V循环少。

    Secondly , the W-cycle multigrid method takes less steps of iterative procedure than the V-cycle version for the same Reynolds and accuracy request .

  14. 定常Stokes问题反映在小雷诺数情况下,不可压缩粘性流体的稳定(即定常)流动。

    Steady flow of incompressible viscous fluid is expressed by stationary Stokes equation at small Reynolds number .

  15. 这是由于W循环对误差的长波分量衰减得较为彻底,因而相同雷诺数下W循环所用工作单位数少于V循环所用的工作单位数;

    W-cycle takes less work units than the V-cycle because of the complete elimination of the long wave error components in the process of W-cycle .

  16. 在以色列,雷诺-日产与美国公司BetterPlace进行着合作。后者负债建设覆盖以色列全国的电动汽车充电网络,其中包括驾车者可前去更换掉空电池的电池更换站。

    In Israel , the two carmakers are joining forces with Better Place , a US company building a nationwide recharging network for electric cars , including battery-swap stations where motorists can exchange their depleted batteries .

  17. 对于圆柱棒型规则多孔填料床,可用水力雷诺数、液相韦伯数、Bond数和无量纲流动参数来关联其气液两相流动阻力实验数据;

    A correlation of flow friction factor is obtained from the experimental data by using Reynolds number , Weber number , Bond number , and the dimensionless flow parameter .

  18. 1999年,法国雷诺公司(Renault)买下了日产的部分股权并重组了日产。

    At that time French automaker Renault bought a stake and reorganized the company .

  19. 经量纲分析和圆管紊流理论分析表明流道内部流动的雷诺数Re对流道摩阻系数λ影响很小,可以忽略不计;

    The results of dimension analysis and turbulent pipe flow theory showed that the Reynolds number Re had low effect on the flow path friction coefficient λ, which could be ignored .

  20. 根据计算得出的数据,拟合出了本文所研究的通道的入口雷诺数Re与平均努塞尔数Nu和入口雷诺数Re与摩擦系数f之间的关系式。

    Based on the computational results , the correlation between the Nusselt number , friction factor and Reynolds number are also given .

  21. 通过数值求解雷诺平均NS方程,研究了二维翼型的大迎角粘性绕流,并分析了翼型的近场旋涡分离流动特性。

    Turbulent flows over an airfoil at high angles of attack are investigated numerically by solving the Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations .

  22. 文中还提出了关于涡轮流量计临界雷诺数Re(c1)的新概念。

    A new concept about the critical Reynolds number of turbine flowmeters is also proposed in this paper .

  23. 虹吸式出水流道三维流动模拟的控制方程为雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程,并以紊流模型使方程组闭合。

    Control equations include Reynolds Navier-Stokes equation and turbulent model . The computation of near-wall flow has been conducted by wall-function .

  24. 从油水分离旋流器流场分析的基本理论出发,采用LRR雷诺应力湍流模型,应用SIMPLE算法,对其内部流场进行了数值模拟。

    The internal flow field of hydrocyclone is simulated using LRR Reynolds stress model , applying SIMPLE arithmetic and basing on basic theory of hydrocyclone .

  25. 目的:探讨雷诺现象(RP)患者甲襞区域血流量和微循环的变化。

    Objective : To probe the change of local blood flow volume and nailfold microcirculation of Raynaud 's phenomenon ( RP ) patients .

  26. 对近壁区主流速度、雷诺应力的计算,MAKE模型比SKE模型、AKE模型有进一步的改善.证明MAKE模型预测有曲率影响的湍流流动行之有效。

    The MAKE model is better than the other two models in predicting the main flow velocity of wall and Reynolds stress in the curvature duct .

  27. 高雷诺数流动的控制方程体系和扩散抛物化Navier-Stokes方程组的意义和用途

    Significance and use of basic equation system governing high Reynolds ( re ) number flows and diffusion-parabolized navier-stokes ( dpns ) equations

  28. 高雷诺数下平面Poiseuille流稳定性渐近分析

    Asymptotic Analysis of Stability Problem of Plane Poiseuille Flow for High Reynolds Number

  29. 不可压缩粘性流体动力学方程组的Navier-Stokes方程在粘性很大,即雷诺数很小的情况下,可线性化为Stokes方程。

    Stokes equation is the linearization of Navier-Stokes equation , which is the governing equation of incompressible viscous flow , with small Reynolds number .

  30. 分离涡模型(DES,detachededdysimulation)兼有雷诺时均湍流模型计算量较小和大涡模拟计算精度高的优点。

    The detached eddy simulations or DES is a hybrid turbulence modeling method which combines the efficiency of RANS turbulence model and the accuracy of large eddy simulation into one framework .