
  • 网络Convective Instability
  1. 在时空模式下,流动随着Marangoni数的增大,流动有可能从对流不稳定过渡到绝对不稳定,这一结论尚待实验验证。

    For the spatio-temporal mode , with Marangoni number increasing , the flow instability changes from the convective instability to absolute instability . This result needs to be verified by experiments .

  2. 气旋锢囚期对流不稳定最弱。

    The weakest convective instability is at the occluded stages of cyclone .

  3. 锋区900hPa以下是一个大气弱对流不稳定区,向上气层变为潮湿中性直至400hPa,等θse线基本上呈垂直分布;

    The stability conditions of the front zone turn into the moist neutral above 900 hPa from the weak convective unstable under 900 hPa ;

  4. 另外,NCS中对流不稳定的冷锋区出现垂直运动过分发展的现象,而FPS中不存在这个问题。

    Besides , NCS experienced the dramatic development of vertical velocity in the moist static unstable frontal zone , whereas such problem did not appear in FPS .

  5. 一次对流不稳定条件下飞机积冰的天气动力诊断分析

    Dynamic Diagnosis on Aircraft Icing Under a Convective Instability Meteorological Condition

  6. 条件性对称不稳定以及对流不稳定对此次暴雨过程也起了关键的作用。

    Conditional symmetry instability and convective instability play important role on the rainstorm .

  7. 一种抑制热对流不稳定方法

    New way to suppress the instability of thermal convection

  8. 湿位涡的正压项和斜压项,反映大气层的对流不稳定、对称不稳定和斜压不稳定状况。

    The MPV barotropic and baroclinic reflected convection instability , symmetry instability and baroclinic instability of the atmosphere .

  9. 对流不稳定与斜压大气的结合有利于北传的重力惯性波不稳定发展。

    The baroclinic atmosphere with convective instability is advantageous to the development of instability of northward inertial gravity waves .

  10. 对流层中低层MPV1<0850hPa上MPV2>0,综合反映了暴雨区对流不稳定和斜压不稳定的发展;

    MPV1 < 0 and MPV2 > 0 in the low troposphere reflect the development of convective and baroclinic instability .

  11. 产生冬季暴雨的物理条件与充沛的水汽、强烈的对流不稳定和辐合上升运动密切相关。

    The physical conditions of rainstorm creating is related with plentiful vapor and instable strongly air convection and convergence upward movement .

  12. 湿位涡斜压部分可清楚地反映湿斜压性对对流不稳定系统所起的作用。

    The baroclinic part of wet potential vorticity can reflect clearly the role of wet baroclinity in the convectively instable systems .

  13. 暴雨区中上升运动和水汽辐合均大于周围区域,中低层为对流不稳定层结;

    The most intensive moisture convergence , the strongest ascending movement and the most instable convection stratification all occurred in the rainfall center .

  14. 此次降雨的不稳定层结有南高北低现象,同时有对称不稳定和对流不稳定存在;

    In this rain process , the instability stratification in South is higher than that in North , and there are symmetry instability and convection instability simultaneously .

  15. 偏北、偏西和偏南的低层气流在浙江地区汇合诱发了大气的对流不稳定,从而新生出中尺度对流云团。

    The convergence of low-level air from the north , west and south of the Zhejiang area induces convective instability near Zhejiang to produce a mesoscale cloud cluster .

  16. 高空急流提供动力不稳定条件,低空急流是暴雪区水汽的提供者和对流不稳定能量释放的触发者;

    The upper-level jet created the dynamic instability condition and the low-level jet played the vapour provider of the snowstorm and the trigger of convective instability energy release .

  17. 横槽切变线,高层冷空气,低层暖空气,地面剧烈增温,都有利于促进对流不稳定;

    Transversal trough , shear line , high-altitude cold air , low-altitude warm air , and severe warming on the ground surface were conducive to the promotion of convective instability .

  18. 具体表现为其误差大值区通常出现在对流不稳定区,并且随着水平风场向其下游扩散。

    The results show that , the development and evolution of initial perturbation errors have a close relationship with the regions of the convective instability and the horizontal wind fields .

  19. 第一类暴雨与对称不稳定有关,第二类暴雨与对流不稳定有关,这两类暴雨雨量较大;

    The first kind of rainstorm is related to symmetry instability ( SI ), the second to convective stability ( CI ), and there was heavier rainfall in these two kinds of rainstorm .

  20. 对流不稳定和条件对称不稳定的建立以及对流有效位能的集中释放是此次特大暴雨产生和持续发展的重要条件。

    The establishment of convective instability and conditional symmetry instability , and the centralized release of convective available potential energy ( CAPE ) are important conditions of the occurrence and development in this rainstorm .

  21. 水汽通量的强辐合以及对流不稳定条件的存在可能为中尺度对流系统的发生发展提供了有利的热力背景。

    And ( 3 ) strong convergence of water vapor flux and the conditional convective instability in the lower troposphere probably provided the suitable thermodynamic environment for the generation and development of the mesoscale convective system .

  22. 冰雹产生在中低层对流不稳定、高能舌和低层暖平流、高层冷平流以及低层辐合、高层辐散的上升运动区。

    Hail shooting located in the area with convective instability , high energy tongue at the middle low level , warm advection and convergence in low level and cold advection and divergence at the high level , and ascending motion .

  23. 通过分析探空、地面加密自动站和闪电定位等资料进一步指出,地面中尺度辐合线、对流不稳定和地形抬升的共同作用,加剧了赣西南局地降雨的强度。

    After analyzing more data of sounding , dense surface automatic Meteorological stations and lightening location , we find that common effects of surface mesoscale convergence line , convective instability and terrain uplifting make the intensity of rainfall increased in west-south of Jiangxi province .

  24. 模拟结果分析表明:此次积层混合云的水汽辐合主要是由西南暖湿气流提供,且西南暖湿气流区域的大气层结始终处于对流不稳定状态,而均匀上升气流场中的波动导致了对流云镶嵌其中。

    The simulation results shows that , moisture convergence is mainly caused by warm-moist airflow from southwest , and the atmospheric stratification of warm-moist airflow area keeps in an unsteady state all the time , while the dramatic fluctuations of updraft lead to embedded convective clouds .

  25. 高层大气辐散,中低层强辐合,垂直运动强烈,低层有充足的水汽供应,低层对流不稳定能量释放是低涡及暴雨维持和发展的动力机制。

    The high-level atmosphere divergence and the low-level atmosphere convergence , the strong vertical motion , the low-level plenty vapor source and the releasing of the convective unstable energy are of the dynamical mechnism of the vortex and of the maintaining and growing of the rain .

  26. 1992年Andrew飓风眼壁区倾斜上升运动发展的可能机制&非线性对流对称不稳定

    A Possible Developing Mechanism of the Slantwise Updraft in the Eyewall of the 1992 Hurricane Andrew - Nonlinear Convective and Symmetrical Instability

  27. Benard热对流扰动不稳定激发的空间耗散结构解

    The spacial dissipative structure solutions excited by unstable disturbance of Benard thermal convection

  28. 天山北麓地面至700hPa的水平风、上升运动为沙尘暴发生的驱动力,气温回升和近地层干燥丰富了沙尘物质,天山北麓地面至850hPa对流性不稳定是沙尘暴发生的局地热力不稳定条件。

    The horizontal wind and ascending motion from ground surface to 700 hPa was the driving force of this sandstorm , the convective instability from ground surface to 850 hPa was its thermal instability condition , and temperature uprising and arid ground surface offered abundant dust substance .

  29. 深层对流和不稳定能量的释放可促使降雨的发生。

    The deep convection and the release of unstable energy can act as a trigger .

  30. 由正压位涡分析得出,气旋爆发性发展的启动因子之一为低层存在强对流性不稳定。

    One of factors which activize the explosive development of cyclone exists strong convective instability in lower layers from the analysis of the barotropic potential vorticity .