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xún cháng
  • ordinary;common;usual
寻常 [xún cháng]
  • [ordinary;usual;common] 普通,一般

  • 不寻常的来客

  • 岐王宅里寻常见。--唐. 杜牧《江南春绝句》

  • 寻常巷陌。--宋. 辛弃疾《永遇乐.京口北固亭怀古》

寻常[xún cháng]
  1. 在空间站,寻常的事情变得奇怪了。

    On the station , the ordinary becomes strange .

  2. 他好象不是寻常的乞丐。

    He seemed not an ordinary mendicant .

  3. 吉姆被同事们称为“不寻常”的人。

    Jim was described by his colleagues as ' unusual ' .

  4. 这种树这么早开花很不寻常。

    It 's unusual for the trees to flower so early .

  5. 从几方面看,这是不寻常的一天。

    It 's been quite a day , one way and another .

  6. 我正在找些稍不寻常的东西。

    I 'm looking for something a little more out of the ordinary .

  7. 这张照片是从不寻常的角度拍摄的。

    The photo was taken from an unusual angle .

  8. 她的声音里充满着一种不寻常的严肃语气。

    Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness .

  9. 一阵不寻常的嘈杂声引起了他的注意。

    An unusual noise arrested his attention .

  10. 她眼睛一亮,仿佛看见了什么不寻常的事情。

    Her gaze sharpened , as if she had seen something unusual

  11. 所有绿色和平组织人士表现出了超乎寻常的克制和大度。

    All the Greenpeace people behaved with impressive forbearance and dignity .

  12. 这个特殊分子的化学结构很不寻常。

    The chemical structure of this particular molecule is very unusual .

  13. 对于一天中的那个时间段而言,来往车辆少得有些不寻常。

    Traffic was unusually light for that time of day .

  14. 关于这对其他人意味着什么,他一无所知,这一点颇不寻常。

    He 's curiously innocent about what this means to other people .

  15. 鲍威尔升任高官的不寻常历程对数以百万计的人都是一个激励。

    Powell 's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions

  16. 医生们对此有过如此错误的认识真是很不寻常。

    It is quite remarkable that doctors have been so wrong about this .

  17. 那一排稀稀落落的观众没留意到任何不寻常之处。

    The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual .

  18. 开始发生各种不寻常的事。

    All kinds of remarkable things began to happen .

  19. 现在已经很清楚19世纪90年代是多么超乎寻常、成就斐然的10年了。

    It has now become clear how extraordinarily fecund a decade was the 1890s .

  20. 他在此的身份很不寻常。

    His position here is anomalous .

  21. 他来到华盛顿时,不是以寻常的外来政客的身份,而是作为一位名人。

    He had come to Washington , not as a common carpetbagger , but a man well known .

  22. 这位年轻的外科医生具有不寻常的才干。

    The young surgeon showed exceptional competence .

  23. 这是一种不寻常的迹象。

    This is an unusual sign .

  24. 出国对我来说是个不寻常的经历。

    To go abroad was quite an adventure for me .

  25. 他的房间好像显得不寻常的空旷。

    His room seemed empty in an unaccustomed way .

  26. 这样的天气在六月里是不寻常的。

    This kind of weather is exceptional for june .

  27. 玛丽亚今天准时到达,那是不寻常的事情。

    Maria arrived on time today . that 's one for the book !

  28. 他对她那不寻常的外表评价很好。

    He observed well on her unusual appearance .

  29. 他叙述了他那不寻常的经历,多少有点渲染。

    He recounted and adorned his adventure .

  30. 30岁就被任命为政府部长是很不寻常的事。

    It 's quite something to be made a government minister at the age of30 .