
  1. 对于任何一个寻梦者而言,小米实在是太幸运了。

    To any dream-seeker , Remi is a lucky dog .

  2. 许多迈阿密寻梦者铤而走险,有人甚至成了亡灵。

    So many seekers risk , and some lose , their lives in pursuit of the Miami dream .

  3. 同样,来自亚洲的寻梦者们也从没放弃在这里对幸福的追求,尽管他们先辈的美国梦曾经成为梦魇。

    Like their peers , dreams chasers from Asia never cease to strive for the pursuit of happiness in this country despite the nightmarish experience of their predecessors in the past .