
  • 网络take shelter;refuge;Run for Cover;seek refuge
  1. 他们被迫寻求庇护,以躲避战争。

    They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting .

  2. 到泰国寻求庇护的人日益增多,这开始引起了西方援助机构的不安。

    The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies

  3. 在对难民到使馆寻求庇护一事产生严重分歧后,西班牙召回了其大使。

    Spain has recalled its Ambassador after a row over refugees seeking asylum at the embassy

  4. 有只鹿受到了猎犬的追捕,拼命地逃进一个洞里寻求庇护。他希望这是一个安全的地方,可以躲避猎犬。

    A stag was chased by the hounds , and took refuge in a cave , where he hoped to be safe from his pursuers .

  5. 根据追踪航空事件的网站航空安全网络(AviationSafetyNetwork)的数据,曾有九架民航飞机被寻求庇护的飞行员劫持。

    Nine passenger planes have been hijacked by pilots seeking asylum , according to the Aviation Safety Network , a website that tracks air incidents .

  6. 一位移民事务顾问DavidJones说,寻求庇护案件可能会被照顾到,但是接下来把你的家人也带来的诉求可能没人管。

    Asylum-seeking may be covered but bringing over your family later may not be , says David Jones , a consultant on migrant issues .

  7. 联合国难民机构发言人RonRedmond表示,大部分难民寻求庇护。

    U.N. refugee spokesman , Ron Redmond , says the vast majority applied for asylum .

  8. 而UNHCR,即联合国难民署提供各种援助并且签发给这些寻求庇护的人们难民卡片。

    And the United Nations refugee agency , UNHCR , provides various aid and issues the asylum seekers cards identifying them as refugees .

  9. 埃塞俄比亚航空(EthiopianAirlines)一架客机周一被企图寻求庇护的副驾驶劫持,此事表明,尽管反恐努力持续多年,全球航空业仍然面临着一个安全不确定因素,那就是内部威胁。

    The hijacking Monday of an Ethiopian Airlines jetliner by a co-pilot seeking asylum illustrates a security wild card still facing global aviation despite years of efforts to combat terrorism : the inside threat .

  10. 据相关部门称,埃塞俄比亚航空(EthiopianAirlines)一架由该国首都亚的斯亚贝巴飞往罗马的客机周一被副驾驶员劫持并在日内瓦迫降。劫机者的目的是前往瑞士寻求庇护。

    An Ethiopian Airlines jet en route from Addis Ababa , Ethiopia , to Rome was forced to land in Geneva on Monday after the co-pilot apparently took control of the aircraft in an attempt to seek asylum in Switzerland , authorities said .

  11. 如果我当时不是在美国寻求庇护的话。

    If I hadn 't been granted asylum here in america .

  12. 艾德:是的,你应该在另一个国家寻求庇护。

    Ed : Yes , you should seek asylum in another country .

  13. 英国殖民到查尔斯堡寻求庇护。

    The English settlers had sought refuge at Fort charles .

  14. 你不是寻求庇护而是逃避恐惧。

    You run not towards sanctuary but from your fears .

  15. 孤身儿童寻求庇护的处理政策和程序准则;

    Guidelines on policies and procedures in dealing with unaccompanied children seeking asylum ;

  16. 连非犹太人的寄居者,也可以跑到逃城寻求庇护。

    Even strangers who were not Jews , could run to them for safety .

  17. 弗劳尔斯对寻求庇护者很热情,而这些人在英国城市往往遭受偏见。

    He welcomed asylum seekers , often the victims of prejudice in urban Britain .

  18. 难民们曾越过边境寻求庇护。

    The refugees were just looking for some kind of haven over the border .

  19. 在一个被遗弃的城堡的影子,一群狼寻求庇护。

    In the shadow of an abandoned castle , a wolf pack seeks shelter .

  20. 有报道称斯诺登仍然在莫斯科机场过境处寻求庇护。

    Snowden is reportedly still in the Moscow airport transit area , seeking asylum .

  21. 战争迫使成千上万的居民逃到邻国土耳其寻求庇护。

    The fighting has forced thousands to flee and seek shelter in neighboring Turkey .

  22. 关于孤身未成年人寻求庇护的指导方针;

    Guidelines on unaccompanied minors seeking asylum ;

  23. 然而厄瓜多尔却挺身而出,维护了了我寻求庇护的权利。

    Ecuador however , rose to stand and defend the human right to seek asylum .

  24. 25名寻求庇护朝鲜人抵汉城

    Twenty-five North Koreans seeking asylum arrived Seoul

  25. 胡萨尔一词可溯源于向匈牙利寻求庇护的塞尔维亚贵族。

    The first Hussars are thought to have been Serbian nobles seeking refuge in Hungary .

  26. 向我们的敌人寻求庇护。

    To seek refuge with our enemy .

  27. 李还抱怨了那些到驻华使馆寻求庇护的朝鲜人。

    Li also complained about North Koreans who have sought refuge in foreign embassies in China .

  28. 难民们在泰国寻求庇护。

    Refugees sought sanctuary in thailand .

  29. 机组人员劫持飞机以寻求庇护的情况非常罕见。

    A hijacking by a flight crew for the purpose of seeking asylum is highly unusual .

  30. 今年二月,一群斯里兰卡寻求庇护者在海上被截获,其中72名获得澳洲难民身份。

    Sri Lankan asylum-seekers intercepted at sea in February will be granted refugee status by Australia .