
dǎo qì ɡuǎn
  • Trachea;gas cylinder
  1. 在同一水平面,离导气管距离越远,CH4体积分数越高。

    In the same horizontal plane , the distance from airway was bigger , the concentration of CH4 was higher .

  2. 电厂蒸汽导气管室温磷化工艺及其效果

    Room Temperature Phosphatizing Process for Steam Tubes in Thermal Power Plant

  3. 增压系统导气管内气流流动状态对喘振的影响

    The Influence of Air Flow State Inside Pressure System Airway on Surge

  4. 导气管-枪机后座自动原理在自动武器中的应用

    The Application of Gas Tube & Blowback Automatic Action in the Automatic Weapons

  5. 分析了某柴油机增压系统导气管内气流流动状态,初步探讨了其对喘振的影响。

    The air low state of pressure system airway is analyzed and the influence on surge is approached .

  6. 学生用材料:广口瓶、导气管、石灰水、火柴、集气瓶、水槽和小组实验记录表。

    Experiment materials : jar , windpipe , limewater , flume and the experiment record chart for each group .

  7. 使用时,打开排风机,臭气通过吸孔、通道、导气管排放掉。

    When in use , the exhaust blower is opened and stench can be discharged through the sucking hole , the passage and the gas outlet .

  8. 导气管摩擦风阻越小,钻孔瓦斯流量越大、测得的瓦斯涌出初速度越大。

    When the airway resistance is smaller , the gas flow quantity is bigger , and the initial velocity of gas emission from borehole is bigger too .

  9. 对大气二氧化硫连续自动采样过程中的导气管吸附、样品的放置时间、吸收液的放置时间、采样高度等方面进行了试验。

    The test result shows absorption of air pipe with automatic monitoring sampling is main reasons causing lower value than that of the five days sampling method do .

  10. 在哮喘患者热量和细胞测量之间,这种新颖的相互关系表明:这两个非侵入性的指标对潜在的慢性导气管炎症程度是敏感的。

    This novel correlation between thermal and cellular measurements in asthma suggests that both of these noninvasive indices are sensitive to the degree of underlying chronic airway inflammation .

  11. 为此,采取了加砌保护砖、控制风温、限制风量、改进导气管等方法,保证了炉缸处于良好的工作状态。

    In order to keep the hearth in good working state , some measures are adopted such as added building protective brick , controlling air temperature , limiting wind quantity and improving windpipe etc.

  12. 一种帘式气囊用导气管,其由内至外依次为橡胶管层、胶层和织物层。

    The utility model relates to a curtain type airway tube for an air chamber , sequentially comprising a rubber tube layer , a glue layer and a fabric layer from inside to outside .

  13. 本文设计了带导气管结构的锆系烟火药闪光灯,研究和分析了锆系烟火药闪光灯的极限装药量、压力变化和闪光持续时间。

    A Zirconium ( Zr ) type pyrotechnics flashlamp with an air hose was devised in this dissertation . The limit of charge mass , pressure history and flashing duration of it were also investigated .

  14. 利用自制的高熔点物料气相浓度调控仪,研究了均四甲苯溶液的温度、导气管管口距离均四甲苯液面的高度、空气进气温度和进料量等对均四甲苯气相浓度的影响。

    The influence of the temperature of durene solution , the height from airway nozzle to liquid level , the temperature and feed rate of air on the vapor phase concentration of durene were studied with the self-made adjustor .

  15. 建立了瓦斯在煤层运移、向测量室涌出、测量室瓦斯压力变化、瓦斯沿导气管流出的数学模型式。

    The mathematical model of gas flow in the coal seam , gas flow into the measuring chamber , gas pressure change in the measuring chamber , and gas flow out of the chamber through the airway is established .

  16. 钻孔瓦斯涌出初速度是预测煤与瓦斯突出的关键指标之一,其大小与煤层瓦斯赋存、钻孔测量室的位置和体积、导气管的阻力特性有关。

    Initial velocity of gas emission from borehole is one of the most important indexes for the coal and gas outburst prediction . It is related to the gas storage , the position and volume of the measuring chamber , and the airway resistance .

  17. 方法40只C57BL/6小鼠,PTCA导丝经气管逆行至口腔,引导气管插管。

    Methods Fourty C57BL / 6 mice were included in this experiment . A wire of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ( PTCA ) was retrogradely inserted into the trachea and pushed into the oral cavity .

  18. 半导体元件[管芯]用气管导管为导芯更换气管切开套管

    Semiconductor element Application of Endotracheal Tube for Replacing Tracheotomy Casing

  19. 加衬套于,加轴套于用一个轴套或套管来装饰或排列用气管导管为导芯更换气管切开套管

    To furnish or line with a bushing . Application of Endotracheal Tube for Replacing Tracheotomy Casing

  20. 用气管导管为导芯更换气管切开套管导向钻进非开挖铺管的导向强度研究

    Application of Endotracheal Tube for Replacing Tracheotomy Casing Classification of Build-up Intensity in Trenchless Technology for Pipe Laying

  21. 气管套囊内注入利多卡因减轻气管拔管后的咳嗽反应用气管导管为导芯更换气管切开套管

    Fill of tracheal tuble cuff with lidocaine attenuates coughing response after extubation Application of Endotracheal Tube for Replacing Tracheotomy Casing