
dǎo huǒ xiàn
  • fuse;train;tinder;blasting fuse;powder train;a small incident that touches a big one;common fuse
导火线 [dǎo huǒ xiàn]
  • (1) [fuse;a small incident that touches a big one]

  • (2) 封装于挠性的防水的绳或索内的连续的火药线,用于以点火或药燃的传递以使装药(如代那买特炸药)爆炸,借以引爆(爆炸物)的引信(线)

  • (3) 比喻直接引发冲突的事物

导火线[dǎo huǒ xiàn]
  1. 在《权利的游戏:冰与火之歌》第一季第六集中,Robert国王在打猎的时候被野猪所伤最后死亡他的死也是五大国开战的导火线。

    King Robert was killed by a wild boar while hunting in the sixth episode of Season 1 a loss that eventually led to the War of the Five Kings .

  2. 例如∶TNT、炸药或鱼雷,遇险信号、保险丝发火器,信号弹、导火线、某些类型烟花等。

    TNT , Dynamite or Torpedoes , Distress signals , Fuse igniters , Ammunition for hand weapons , for signals , Safety Fuses , certain types of Fireworks , etc.

  3. 告诉我,巴勃罗自己没有雷管和导火线吗?

    Tell me , did Pablo not have caps and fuse ?

  4. 他点着导火线,等待爆炸。

    He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion .

  5. 一件大的导火线将是超过教育支出。

    One big flash point will be over education spending .

  6. 进食后没有适当清洁牙齿,是蛀牙的导火线。

    Tooth decay begins when teeth are not cleaned properly after eating .

  7. 减少工资是工人罢工的导火线。

    The wage cut was the signal for the workers to strike .

  8. 人们看到点燃了的导火线在冒烟。

    They could see the smoke of the burning lint-stock .

  9. 导火线材料与导火线破裂方式出现的问题;

    Ignition wire materials and problems with the wire defects ;

  10. 直接诱发因素&自杀行为导火线。

    The direct factor - - the fuse of suicide .

  11. 萨巴阿农场一直都是这一地区引发战争的导火线。

    Sheba Farms has long been a flashpoint for conflict in the region .

  12. 这场口角看来是彻底破裂的导火线。

    The last of these rows seems to have been the last straw .

  13. 但是如果将导火线切成了四段

    but you split that blasting fuse four ways ,

  14. 我一直以为,一个导火线,是不是关闭或断路。

    I always thought that a fuse is either close or open circuit .

  15. 他点燃导火线,然后跑了。

    He lit the fuse and ran .

  16. 这些便是引发革命的导火线。

    These were the sparks of revolution .

  17. 点燃后闷烧的物质,用于点燃导火线(尤其是焰火)。

    Substance that smolders when ignited ; used to light fuses ( especially fireworks ) .

  18. 21点整,我们点燃导火线,离开这鬼地方

    At exactly 21:00 hours , we light those fuses and get the hell out .

  19. 我们估计出导火线烧完所用的时间。

    We worked out how long it would take for the fuse to burn up .

  20. 我一直在问自己,为什么电压下降至3伏特后导火线。

    I kept on asking myself , why the voltage drop to3 volts after the fuse .

  21. 沃尔玛突然变成美国举国上下,一场关于公正和资本主义辩论的导火线。

    Wal-Mart has suddenly become a lightning-rod for a new national debate about justice and capitalism .

  22. 他参加了法国和印度之战的导火线。

    He fought in the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War .

  23. 他拉出导火线,点燃它,并且跑到岩石后以求安全。

    He paid out the fuse , lit it , and ran behind the rock for safety .

  24. 当你知道它的导火线并作适当的活动代替,比较容易戒掉任何上瘾。

    Beating any addiction is easier when you know your triggers and can find appropriate replacement activities .

  25. 所以,显然,压力和过分活跃的思维就是不能有个好觉的导火线。

    Stress and an overactive mind are a sure fire way to stop a great nights sleep .

  26. 1979年北约双重决议是这次欧洲反核和平运动的导火线。

    In 1979 , the Twin Track Decision of NATO caused this European anti - nuclear peace movement .

  27. 新华社没有提及此次骚乱的导火线,相关信息也无法从独立渠道核实。

    Xinhua did not mention what triggered the unrest , and the information could not be independently verified .

  28. 而最后的导火线却是一个微不足道的恼人细节:烧奶酪的气味。

    The last straw , however , was a small , irritating detail : the smell of burnt cheese .

  29. 乌拉圭回合以加拿大投资法案为导火线,发起了与贸易投资措施议题的谈判。

    Taking FIRA case as the fuse , the Uruguay Round started the negotiation on trade related investment measures .

  30. 会的,这个剧本骇人听闻,想像一下,我们有可能成为使自己倒台的导火线。

    Yes , it 's a frightening scenario to think that we could be the cause of our own downfall .